17 year old Adam just felt like he woke up from a 3 day sleep. The last thing he remembered was walking to the convenience store to get some snacks.

While he was walking , he was on his phone reading the latest chapter of Attack on Titan and didn't notice the white van coming his way.

The only thing he recalled was two bright headlights and then suddenly his body was hurting all over.

'Ugh what happened, am I in a hospital?" Adam thought.

He attempted to sit up but couldn't help but notice how different his body felt. He felt lighter and smaller. Just as he was about to question his surroundings , he felt intense pain in his head.

"AHHHggh!" Adam screamed out as he gritted his teeth.

When the screaming stopped , Adam just sat there dazed. He couldn't believe it at all. He just experienced a rush of memories , memories of Eren Yeager!

He didn't know what to feel or think right now.

Should he be worried how his parents might act if they learned that their son has passed away? He could only hope they lived the rest of their lives in peace.

Or should he be excited that he gets to live inside one of his favorite anime? But then again , who would want to live in this world?

He did have his future knowledge from watching the anime and reading the manga to his advantage.

From Eren's memories , the fall of wall Maria happened not too long ago. Grisha injected him with the Titan formula , turning him into a Pure Titan and gaining the Attack Titan as well as the Founding Titan.

'Eren in the original wasn't able to remember until season 3 when Rod Reiss and Historia both touched him. Maybe it's because of my future knowledge?' Adam questioned, but he didn't think too much about it. He had to find ways to get stronger . Stronger than the other Titan shifters , stronger than Mikasa and stronger than humanity's strongest soldier, Levi Ackerman.

But before he could form out a plan, he heard a soft voice.

"Eren it's ok" Looking to his right, Adam came face to face with a girl with long black hair and deep black eyes. She had on a white dress and a pink long sweater with a red scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Mikasa?" Eren said as he began to get up off the floor. From his memories , he seemed to be at the refugee camp. It was at this point where Keith Shadis found Eren in the middle of the forest passed out and brought him back here.

As he started to look around , he saw a familiar girl with blonde hair in line receiving bread.

'Annie....so that means Reiner and Bertholt are here too. I need to think of what to do with those three. I could attempt to get them on the Eldians side , but they'd never agree to that. Annie would do anything to get back to her father and Reiner is dead set on finishing his mission, but he ended up getting too attached, resulting in him having a split personality. Maybe I could use that to my advantage?'

Before he could continue thinking about what to do , he heard someone shout his and Mikasa's name.

"Eren, Mikasa!" Armin shouted while jogging over to them. He seemed to be carrying 3 loafs of bread.

"Armin" Eren replied.

"Glad I found you. Grandpa got extra from telling the officers he had kids" Armin said.

Mikasa thanked him after she took one.

"Thank you" Eren said. He didn't want to be the asshole the original Eren was in canon. He didn't want to be the brash blockhead that got his squad mates killed and he definitely did not plan on treating Mikasa like an asshole.

He always got irritated watching Eren treat Mikasa like that even when she was just trying to look after him.

He couldn't understand Eren at all. He practically had his own girlfriend that would do anything for him. He knew Mikasa in the anime had feelings for the original Eren. Everyone else suspected as well. But like the typical Japanese protagonist, he was too dense to realize her true motives of always following him around. He's definitely going to treat her right.

The three of them started walking off into an open area with shade. Eren didn't even bother responding to the obviously pissed off officer. As they sat down an ate, he started thinking on what to do until the military training arc started.

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