Eren just stood there, eyes wide from shock at what he was seeing. Mikasa in front of him, with nothing on, completely n.a.k.e.d.

'Holy shit....'

Eren came out out of his thoughts when he saw Mikasa waving her hand in front of his face.

"Eren!" Mikasa called out to him as she noticed he was just standing there looking at her without saying a word.

"What happened Eren, did you get a new power?" Mikasa asked, remembering the time when he read her mind, but when it happened today, he seemed to be in pain.

She looked at Eren with confusion when she noticed that he backed away from her and turned around. 'What's going on?'

Eren took a moment and attempted to try and turn this ability off. It would simply be too distracting to talk to her right now.

'How am I supposed to explain this to her' Eren thought, imagining Mikasa's reaction for when she learns what he saw.

"Eren what are you doing?" Mikasa asked. She started walking towards him, but stopped when Eren said

"Stay there Mika, just give me a second" Eren said as he willed his ability to turn off. He noticed energy from his eyes disappear which was weird to him. Focusing energy in his eyes usually enhanced his vision.

'What would happen if I combine that with my new ability' Eren thought. He'd have to try and attempt that later.

He was broken out of his thoughts once he heard Mikasa call out to him again. So Eren turned around and noticed she had her clothes on again.

"It seems like I really did gain another ability" Eren said.

"What is it? What can it do Eren?" Mikasa asked. Eren sighed and began to explain.

Mikasa was blushing the entire time he was explaining what his new skill was. She had asked Eren not to use it around her because she herself felt like she wasn't ready for that kind of stuff.

Even if they were intimate with each other, they never went as far as taking each other's clothes off. Mikasa has never seen Eren n.a.k.e.d, maybe shirtless when they were younger, but that was all.

Eren himself has never seen Mikasa n.a.k.e.d either, well until now. He didn't plan on getting to that stage with their relationship this soon, so he respected her wishes.

Eren didn't want to make Mikasa feel uncomfortable while she was around him. Yes, he could've just kept it to himself, but he had no reason to.

So for the next half an hour, Eren talked to Mikasa while she was cuddled up to his side. He enjoyed moments like these, but he had to bring her back to her cabin.

After dropping Mikasa off, Eren walked back to his cabin and even passed by Historia and Ymir again. He didn't stay for too long and simply told them a goodnight.

Eren actually had plans for Ymir after thinking about it last night and the majority of the day. He wasn't so sure about it yet, but he decided that later during the training camp, he'd try to get Ymir on his side. He thought that it was better than have her going with Reiner and Bertholdt, if that ever happens again.

Knowing Ymir's character, he knows that it was highly unlikely that she'd ever even agree to help him, but he could try. It never hurt to.

It might be unwise to expose himself to Ymir when the odds were uncertain, but even if he failed to convince her, he knows she wouldn't tell anyone about him. After all, she wouldn't want anybody knowing about her either.

Eren decided to stop thinking about it for now and went back to his cabin.

And like this, 4 months passed. Nothing important really happened during these 4 months except for Eren training his abilities more.

During the first 2 months, with his mind reading, he's gotten to the point where he doesn't have to use eye contact with someone to be able to use it. Now that he's gotten to that point, he's been trying to see if he can actually look through a persons memory. He's had no success at all, but he's still trying to do it with Mikasa's help.

While training, he actually thought of chakra in the anime "Naruto", and wondered if he could walk on trees and water. Maybe that would never happen, but he wouldn't know if he didn't try it.

Eren has also been helping Mikasa train since he agreed to help her more. Now she was able to defeat Annie in spars and of course Annie didn't seem to like that. Eren easily surpassed her, and now Mikasa did as well. So she began training herself harder, till the point where steam would come off her body.

Eren would still also spy on the three Titan shifters, but nothing important came up from their meetings except that Annie would start her spying soon. It's not like the three of them met up every night, probably a couple times a week.

Something that surprised Eren just a little bit was that Mikasa and Annie began to get along pretty well. Since Mikasa started beating Annie in spars, they formed a rivalry of some sorts and even started talking to each other.

He should've expected it honestly as Annie was literally the only girl Mikasa really hangs out with, and it was the same with Annie because she herself rarely ever talks to anyone except for the couple.


Now in the present, Eren was currently facing Keith in his office and he didn't know what for. He had a few guesses, but he wasn't so sure. That was until he read the instructors mind.

"Eren Yeager" Keith said facing the boy that was standing in front of his desk.

"Yes sir!" Eren said while saluting.

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