It's only been a day since Eren decided to join the Survey Corps before graduation and told Mikasa and Armin about it. Currently, he along with Mikasa and Annie were in the middle of the forest getting ready for a spar.

Today he decided to actually face the two girls at the same time. He wouldn't be using any of his energy and this was a good way to see how far he's gotten with his hard work. Even after all this time, he's never really had a spar with Mikasa and Annie at the same time so he did not know what the outcome would be, but he had confidence in himself they he could beat the two without using his energy.

"You guys ready?" Eren said, facing the two girls who were across from him.

"You sure about this Eren? After all, I don't want to hurt you" Annie said. Of course she was just bullshitting. She saw this as a chance to actually get back at him. She hasn't won a spar against him ever since he beat her. Naturally, she thought her and Mikasa would be able to beat him together, but they knew how strong Eren was. They'd have to go at him seriously.

"Quit joking Annie. I want you both to go at me with your best. No holding any punches. So come at me when you're ready." Eren said after chuckling a little bit.

"That's means you'll have to be serious too Eren." Mikasa who was next to Annie said. She was the same as Annie in the regard of wanting to defeat Eren. She actually really wanted to see how far the two of them could push him.

Mikasa was the one who trained the most with Eren and knew of his titans abilities so she knew that they'd have a low chance of beating him if he decided to use his energy strength. Knowing Eren, he'd most likely not even use it this fight, but she'd try and push him enough where he had to. She wanted to see if her training with Eren payed off.

"Are you ready Mikasa?" Annie said to her. They never fought together so it would be quite difficult at first.

Getting a nod from her, Annie immediately rushed at Eren and raised her leg to kick his head. Eren easily blocked her leg with his arm and grabbed her. He knew Mikasa was trying to sneak up on him from behind so he threw Annie towards her direction which caused her to readjust herself.

Mikasa and Annie decided to go at him at the same time which resulted in Eren dodging each of their strikes. Both girls were pretty fast compared to any normal human, especially Mikasa being an Ackerman, so whenever they came close to striking him, Eren would block it instead of dodging.

So Eren decided to strike back because he's only been dodging and evading their attacks. When Mikasa went for a punch, he quickly grabbed her arm with one hand, and the front of her shirt with the other to try and flip her over.

Mikasa didn't expect for Eren to suddenly strike like that, but luckily for her, Annie was able to attack Eren with a kick before he could flip her over. So Eren pushed Mikasa away from him and sent a high kick of his own, meeting Annie's leg with his.

"What the hell is your leg made out of?!" Annie said with a slight hiss of pain as she backed away from Eren. If she didn't have any Titan healing, she'd most likely have a big bruise on her leg. Thankfully, she wasn't wearing shorts because Mikasa and Eren would be able to see her unnatural healing speed.

Eren didn't let Annie go away as he quickly jumped towards her and swiped her legs making her fall. He dodged a punch from behind and grabbed the attacker's arm, making her fall over as well.

"I think I've won this spar" Eren said as he picked Mikasa back up.

"Are you alright Mika?" He said as he began to check if she had any wounds on her body. Even if he didn't really hit her hard, he would still check if she was ok. She was his girlfriend after all.

"Again, let's do it again Eren." Mikasa said while staring at him. She noticed that they weren't able to land a single clean hit on him, so she wanted to try it again.

Eren chuckled after hearing Mikasa. "Mika, lets just rest for now and take a little break. Then we can keep on sparing until we're tired." Seeing her nod, Eren walked up to Annie who was still laying on her back.

"What was that for Annie? Remind me not to try and help you up again." Eren said to her as he just laid there groaning.

"I had to remove that smirk from your face." She said, but Eren knew she was just annoyed so he just gave out a light laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Annie said to him.

"I know you're just annoyed that you lost again, but you still did pretty well against me with Mikasa. I can tell you've been training harder lately." Eren said.

"Oh please, me and Mikasa were still unable to beat you, and even if I've been training hard and have gotten stronger, so has you and Mikasa. I noticed she's gotten faster and your attacks have more power in it." Annie said, remembering when their kicks connected.

"Well that just means you'll have to train harder then. I've also been training Mikasa more as well. I could always help you too if you want."

"We already all train together Eren. If it means improving myself faster with your help, then I honestly don't mind." Annie said to him. And she genuinely meant it. If it was anyone else, other than Mikasa, then she'd immediately refuse.

"Eren, Annie, are we going to continue?" Eren heard Mikasa say. He noticed a shadow above him and saw Mikasa. Her black eyes starting into his greens.

Eren put his hand out as a gesture for her to pull him up. When Mikasa saw this, she took his hands just to suddenly fall down next to him.

"Eren!" Mikasa said as she glared at him for the sudden move, but she immediately calmed down after his kiss and being pulled to his c.h.e.s.t.

"Sorry Mika, but I did say that we should rest first." Eren said to her as she lay next to him with her head on his c.h.e.s.t.

"It's alright Eren, but you owe me." Mikasa said as she lift her head up. The look in her eyes were as if she was expecting something, and Eren easily knew what that was without reading her mind. So he gave her a quick peck to the lips and received a beautiful smile afterwards.

"Gross, do you guys have to do that while I'm right next to you." Annie said while rolling her eyes.

Eren chuckled a bit as he knew she was just joking, so he said "You know Annie, you'll never get a boyfriend if you find these type of acts gross."

"Eren you know Annie would never date any of the guys here. She doesn't even talk to any of them." Mikasa said to him, and Annie agreed.

"Of course, I would never go out with any of these guys here." Annie said.

"Well it's to be expected, any guy who ever tried flirting with you ended up never wanting to be near you again." Eren said while laughing. Even if Annie never really talked to anyone, she was a pretty girl and some boys have tried talking to her or flirt with her. The brave ones who even tried to touch her would end up with a broken bone or two, resulting in them actually quitting. That was during the beginning though, so nowadays , no boys would ever try and talk to her again.

"Why would I ever want to date any of those guys who are weaker than me." Annie said to the couple.

What Mikasa said honestly caught Annie by surprise. The only boy here who was stronger than her was Eren. Would she date him? 'What am I thinking? I don't like him like that. Plus he's dating Mikasa and I have a mission to complete' Annie thought in her head. She decided not to think about it, but the idea of dating Eren was unconsciously still on her mind.

"What, Mikasa you want to share Eren with me?" Annie said jokingly. Eren just stayed silent.

"If Eren really wanted that, then the only girl I would ever accept him to be with is you." Mikasa said seriously, surprising both Annie and Eren.

"What are you saying Mika?" Eren questioned her with his eyes wide.

"I'm just saying, I would never accept you being with another girl, as the thought of it bothers me, but for some reason, if it was Annie it wouldn't bother me." Honestly, Mikasa shocked herself when she said that. She didn't know why thinking of Eren with Annie as well as her didn't bother her so much. Maybe it was because of how close she has gotten with Annie over time or how lonely she noticed the girl seem to be.

"Don't get your hopes up Eren, you're not my type." Annie said after calming herself on what Mikasa said.

"What? Am I ugly or something?" Eren said while chuckling. He wasn't a narcissist, but he himself knew he was quite a handsome boy. It was probably because of his intense training and energy, but he looked better than the canon Eren. He was taller than he was at this age, around Reiner's height right now.

"Eren, are joking?" Mikasa said with a weird expression, remembering the conversations she's heard some girls have about her boyfriend. Eren just laughed at her and brought her closer.

"Oh right, I have to tell you something Annie. I already told Mikasa and Armin earlier." Eren said. Mikasa caught on to what Eren was talking about.

"Instructor Keith actually asked me if I wanted to graduate early and go train over with the Survey Corps, but I denied and decided to join in about a year and a half." Eren said.

When Annie heard the first part of what he said, she felt a little sad thinking that he was going to leave, but felt better when he said he was staying for longer, and she cursed herself for it.

No matter how much she denies it, she was getting attached and it would defiantly hurt her more once they know the truth.

So the three stayed laying down on the grass together just talking, and after a while they got up and decided to spar again. They went at it for about an hour and the more Annie and Mikasa fought against Eren, the more they improved.

After their training, they walked to the mess hall together as they were pretty hungry. What they talked about today would also be on their minds for a while.

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