Eren arrived at the infirmary to see Mikasa. Since he was here before, the nurse let him go to her room with no trouble. Opening the door, he saw Mikasa sitting up on the bed with her scarf on her l.a.p, stroking it lovingly.

"Mika..." Eren called out to her as he walked over to the bed, not before locking the door.

Mikasa turned her head at him and smiled happily. She's been bored all day doing absolutely nothing here, so she was glad that Eren came to visit her again.

"Eren!" Mikasa said as she got up from the bed and threw her arms around his neck.

Eren laughed lightly as he put his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss.

"You must have been bored here doing nothing. I'll try and see if you can leave tonight instead of staying for another day." Eren said after he kissed her.

Mikasa just nodded and can only hope she could get out of here soon. She was so used to being active throughout her day by training a lot. Staying in this room by herself with nothing to do was very boring for her.

"Let's go sit on the bed, we can talk some more, but we only have about 25 minutes." Eren said as he separated from her and took her hand.

He took off his shoes and sat on the bed with his back to the wall. He put Mikasa between his legs and smiled when she leaned back into his c.h.e.s.t.

"How was your training today?" Mikasa said as she closed her eyes. She felt very comfortable right now.

"It was great actually. Today seems to be a lucky day for me because I was able to discover more ways I could use my energy." Eren said feeling good because he made some progress.

Mikasa opened her eyes and looked back at Eren and asked "More ways?"

"Well, right before I came here, I was able to release my energy out my body, but unfortunately, I'm unable to really use it." Eren said.

It was a shame that he couldn't use it right now, but then again, he shouldn't be complaining. Just the benefits he could have if he mastered having his energy outside his body to strengthen him even more just got him excited.

"What do you mean you're unable to use it?" Mikasa questioned him.

"Well, not even seconds after I tried using it, I was completely drained. My body also isn't strong enough right now. My legs broke when I moved with speed faster than I was used to and my hand also broke when I punched a boulder to pieces." Eren said to her.

Usually Mikasa would be worried for his health after hearing him, but she knew how fast he healed, but she was shocked how strong his punch was.

So the two sat there in comfortable silence until Mikasa began to speak again. "Did you train with Annie yet?"

"No, not yet. I was going to go find her after I spent some time with you." Eren said as he hugged her tighter.

"Can I ask you something Mika?" Eren questioned her. Seeing her nod, he continued.

"Why did you say that you wouldn't mind sharing me with Annie? Not that I like her like that, and I doubt she likes me too, but I would've never thought you'd say something like that."

Mikasa stayed silent for amount as she seemed to be thinking about it.

"To be honest, I was a little surprised myself, but it's probably because we've gotten so close with her. I most likely wouldn't fully accept you being with another women, but if it ever happened, Annie is the only girl I would ever accept." Mikasa said.

"But Mika, where did you get the idea that Annie would ever like me?" Eren asked her.

Mikasa sighed a little. Sometimes she wonders if Eren ever hears about what most of the girls say about him. She wasn't exactly jealous of them, just annoyed. Eren was handsome, friendly and even strong, so it was kind of expected for some girls to have an interest on him, and Mikasa herself thought that one day, Annie herself would be interested too.

She knew that she shouldn't have to worry about Eren ever falling for her, but she couldn't say the same about Annie. She herself has noticed how much Annie has opened herself up to him.

"Eren, have you seen just how much she's opened herself up to you?" Mikasa questioned him.

"Yeah but that also includes you Mika." Eren pointed out.

"Me and Annie may be friends and she may actually be the only female that I'll really be close with, but you're closer to her than I am. I see how much she actually enjoys your presence whenever the three of us train together and you're the one that has gotten her to open up. Before she barely ever showed emotion, and now she smiles and laughs when she's with us. Maybe she doesn't like you now, but it's a high possibility in the future." Mikasa said to him and Eren listened to it all.

Knowing how much Mikasa actually likes Annie as her first female friend, he felt kind of bad. Would telling her about Annie ruin that friendship? Should he still tell her soon?

No, he should tell her sooner rather than later, or else it would be much worse later on.

Before he could respond back to Mikasa, he sensed somebody approaching the room. Using his abilities to see though the walls, he found out it was Annie.

Mikasa was confused when Eren suddenly moved away from her and got up from the bed. She was about to question him, but understood why he got up when she heard someone knocking on the door.

Sometimes she forgot Eren had these weird powers.

"Hey" Annie greeted for the both of them after Eren opened the door for her. "Did I interrupt something?"

Eren just smiled at her and said "Maybe"

He went back and sat on the bed, but this time only next to Mikasa.

"Are you ok to go train with me today?" Eren asked her and got the confirmation when she nodded her head.

So the three of them talked to each other just like before, until Eren and Annie had to go. Eren parted with Mikasa, not before giving her a sweet and long kiss to the lips and promising her to get her out of the infirmary soon.

Now we can see Eren walking into the forest towards a secluded place with Annie following behind him.

When Eren found a good spacious place where they could train, he stopped and turned to Annie and asked her "So what did you want to do?"

"I want to spar with you. I know I'll lose, but when me and Mikasa went against you, I was able to improve myself and that's what I want to do here." Annie said. Eren nodded his head and started to stretch.

Even if he won't gain anything from sparring with Annie, he did tell her that he'd train her if she wanted to, so he had no problem with it.

When the both of them were ready, they started sparring. It was mostly just Eren blocking Annie's attacks and barely attacking himself.

About an hour later, Eren was sitting against a tree with Annie next to him catching her breath.

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