1 month before the trio planned to sign up for the Cadet Corps, Eren started planning his next actions. He was already many times stronger than the original Eren that was shown in the show. Canon Eren was able to take out experienced Titan shifters such as Reiner but got his a.s.s kicked when he fought Annie the first time. But that was to be expected as she trained with her powers more and knew martial arts. Not to forget her crystal ability. He'd have to go find where Rod kept that bottle Canon Eren drank to get it. There were possibly even more abilities Eren could have gotten but the church ended up crumbling down.

He was planning on telling his two friends about his powers today. Thankfully he could control his strength , otherwise Mikasa would get suspicious when he was beginning to easily surpass her, but then again nobody ever questions why Mikasa and Levi are so strong. Would they even question it if another soldier with potential that surpasses humanity's strongest shows up? Survey Corps would do anything to have him on their side. It would be a waste to have someone like that not being outside the walls. So he already planned to not hide his strength and excel so much during training that he'd get noticed. He didn't know how to contact Erwin and Levi as he wanted to tell them about his Titan powers early and that was the only way he could think of. You might think it's stupid , but with this he won't be seen as a risk to humanity. He didn't want to be locked up and sleep in a jail cell. He was certainly not going to let Levi kick him around like a bitch in court as well. He might just transform then and there.

If he is hopefully able to get in contact with Erwin , its almost certain that he'd make an ally with them. Erwin would definitely not pass up an opportunity like this after seeing him shift, but before even trying to set up a meeting, he'd make sure he was strong enough to escape alive if something doesn't go according to plan. He could also attempt to get on Levi's good side telling him of a possible family member he has. Obviously being Mikasa. But that was for another day.

Right now he was walking back to their sleeping corridors. Seeing Mikasa and Armin, he called them over.

"Armin , Mikasa. Can you come with me for a bit." Eren said , gesturing for them to follow him.

"What's wrong Eren? " Mikasa asked as she began to get up along with Armin. "Nothings wrong Mika, I just have to tell you two something and I don't want anyone else hearing about it" Eren said with a whisper.

Mikasa nodded with a slight blush , she didn't expect for him to use his nickname for her in front of Armin.

Armin looked at the two of them with a raised eyebrow. He himself noticed how close they were getting lately. They'd always sneak around at night before bed and come back about an hour later. 'Could they be' Armin thought, but he stopped thinking about it once he saw Eren walking away, urging them to follow.

Eren made sure that nobody was near them by using his new sensor abilities he found out about just a couple weeks ago. He reckoned it had something to do with his energy mixed with his Founding Titan powers , making him able to sense Eldians. That's what he thought but he wouldn't know if he was right anyway.

"I've been meaning to tell you guys something, but before you question me just stand back and watch" Eren said.

Just as Mikasa and Armin where about to question what he was doing, golden lightning started to gather around Eren. What came next shocked them to their core.

Armin looked afraid. How couldn't help but be scared. He just witnessed his friend turn into one of those man eating titans! His eyes were wide as he began to back away. Just before he could attempt to run, a hand grabbed his shoulders forcing him to stay put.

"Mm-m-Mikasa?" Armin said while shivering. He looked over at her to see her eyes wide in surprise. Other than that , she seemed pretty composed. Mikasa wasn't afraid. She knew this Titan was Eren. As much as this unexpected development shocked her, she still trusted Eren more than anyone. She could see the familiar green eyes look back into her own black ones.

"Stay put, let Eren explain first. He obviously has something very important to tell us if he's willing to reveal a secret this big. Look into his eyes. They're Eren's." Mikasa told Armin. He began to ponder on her words and looked up at the Titan. Bright green eyes looked at his. He began to calm down little by little, but was still shivering.

Mikasa and Armin started seeing steam come off of it. It wasn't much because Eren decided he'd only transform half of his body so nobody could see him. As far as he was from everyone else , he still wouldn't take the chances. The steam from his Titan would be way less noticeable this way.

They saw Eren come out of it with marks on his face.

"Mikasa , remember when my father said he wanted to show me his bas.e.m.e.nt" seeing her nod at him , Eren continued. "This must have been it, the secret he was hiding. Just after wall Maria was destroyed I remember father injecting me with something. I turned into a pure Titan and a... ate him." Eren said while looking down, tears forming in his eyes.

Mikasa and Armin looked at him with shock. Pure Titan ? He ate his own father? Granted it wasn't his fault but still.... Grisha was like a father to Mikasa and he was also the one to help Armin whenever the bullies would catch him. They wouldn't blame Eren , he didn't intentionally kill him , but it still hurt the both of them knowing that he was dead. After all , they thought he was just missing. They still held on hoping he was alive.

Of course Eren didn't feel bad. He wasn't the original. He wouldn't accept Grisha as his father as it would be too weird for him. Before he arrived in this world , he had a loving father and mother. He wouldn't accept anyone else as his parents. But he had to make it look like he really did care, like he felt guilty of it. Otherwise they'd find it weird how he didn't seem phased to know he ate his own father. Definitely suspicious.

"Wait , Eren what do you mean by pure Titan? You obviously didn't look like any other Titan we saw" Armin asked. He noticed the difference between Titan Eren and the titans he saw back in Shinganshina.

"I'm not sure but once I ate dad, I woke up in the middle of Titan remains and then passed out. I'm pretty sure someone found me in the middle of the forest and brought me back to Mikasa." Eren said. He looked over at the both of them. They seemed to be in deep thought.

"Maybe there are others like me. Like my father. I obviously gained the power to transform to a Titan after eating dad." He looked up at Armin and smiled. "With this power we have a higher chance of achieving our dreams! We could one day go back to Shiganshina and go to the bas.e.m.e.nt. I suspect that father knew the secrets of this world. " Eren said as he took out his key and showed it to them. His words began to ease Armin. 'The ocean...' he thought. Armin always wanted to see the ocean but he always knew that would never come true. He wasn't strong enough to fight those monsters. It was just wishful thinking , at least until now. Eren's words began to bring up the hope he lost when wall Maria fell. If what Eren said was true and his father really knew the secrets then they really did have a way to get rid of this cursed world. But then again 'Why would Mr.Yeager hide this from everyone. Are there others like him?' Armin thought.

"You guys can't tell anybody this at all. I plan to bring this up to the survey corps during our training in the Cadet Corps. I really hope you guys don't accidentally sprout this out to anyone. We could be executed for this." Eren told them sternly. Of course he knew Mikasa would never tell a soul. He was sure Armin would never do so as well but he had to remind them how big the consequences were if news of this got out. Seeing them nod at him , he began to head back with Mikasa and Armin following.

"Armin you can go ahead , I have to talk to Mikasa." Eren told Armin. Seeing him leave , he turned to face her. She has been quiet ever since. He didn't know what she was feeling at the moment.

"Are you mad I didn't tell you sooner?" Eren asked as he began to walk up to her. Seeing her nod her head no, he began to wrap his arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry" he told her softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Pulling her close , he continued. "I didn't know how you'd react , if you were to know that I killed him" Eren said sadly. It was true , even if he didn't care , he didn't want Mikasa to be mad at him. He didn't want to see her cry again.

"No!" Mikasa shouted while looking up at him. "I'm not mad at you , neither is it your fault. I'm happy that you told us but I'm worried about you. What would happen to you if they found out you could turn into a Titan ." Mikasa said softly with tears forming in her eyes. Hearing her say this eased Eren. 'So that's what it is' he thought.

Eren smirked at her and began to laugh a little. "Pfft.. haha" seeing him laugh at her , Mikasa began to pout. "Why are you laughing?!" She asked. Eren brought his hands to her face and wiped her tears.

"You look cute like that " he said smiling at her. Hearing him, Mikasa began to blush and hid her face in his c.h.e.s.t.

"You think they could take me down that easily? I'm pretty strong Mika and I'll only get stronger. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know I could come out alive. I'm not going to endanger you like that. I did promise that I would protect you after all" Eren said softly into her ears. Mikasa hugged him tighter and nodded. They stood there for about 20 minutes , holding each other then walked back hand in hand to where Armin was.

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