Eren was standing completely still. 'His gear really was defective?' Was the thoughts going through most of the recruits head.

"We'll be expecting more from you from now on Yeager! You as well Ackerman!, go and take the day off" Keith said. They both showed incredible potential. 'It would be a waste if they ended up joining the MP' he thought.

Eren and Mikasa saluted. "Sir!"

"Now get moving, there's still more people to be tested." Eren and Mikasa nodded and began to leave. Eren went ahead and told Mikasa to go without him. He had 3 years till the actual plot starts happening and he wanted to use his free time to practice his powers.

Arriving in a secluded area far from the others, Eren sat down and started to meditate. He began to think about what kind of powers he has so far. Since he's been meditating every night for the past year , he's able to see his energy that circulates around his body. Whenever he focuses it around a certain area of his body , it becomes stronger and more durable. Right now , if he used his energy with his fist and punched a stone wall, it would leave his fist imprint, but if he used it for too long , his stamina would start to run out. He tested it out and the longest he's able to use it for while covering his whole body is 20 minutes. Added to the fact that transforming is also taxing and could tire a shifter out, he'd have to be very careful and find a way to make that time limit non existent. He could only think of training his body even harder now , since the stronger his body became, the easier it was for him to use his energy.

Now it might seem useless right now if it's so tiring and eats away his stamina , but keep in mind that he's only 12 and his body is still maturing. Even if he has a feeling that it will get harder to increase his physical abilities later on , he still has other powers he feels like he has not discovered yet.

Focusing the energy around his eyes makes things clearer for him. He could see farther and notice really small details but if he keeps it on too long , his eyes would start to hurt. That wasn't a problem, because if his eyes took damage then it would just heal. But that doesn't mean that he likes the pain.

Focusing it on his ears, he's able to hear further away. Same with his eyes, it will start to hurt. It felt like an earache and the longer he uses it, the pain worsens.

His sensor ability is passive for some reason unlike his others abilities but he hypothesized it had something to do with his Founding Titan powers. If he was able to sense Eldians and the energy enhanced his Titan powers , could he possibly erase someone's memories if he focused hard enough, like Frieda was able to? Of course he'd have to test it out on a criminal because if he did it on someone innocent and erased all their memories by accident it would be problematic, but where was he going find someone he could use it on? What would happen if he gained the hardening ability? Would it be stronger? Could he control a Titan as well? After all he didn't have any royal blood but he had a feeling that he'd be able too without the need for it. Only time would tell.

So he began to train his body more so he could use his energy more efficiently. Yes he'll be very formidable with an ODM gear but he didn't want to be useless without one. He wanted to be strong enough to the point where his punch could outright kill a Titan.

After training for the rest of the day, he went back to the cabins. It was almost dark out so hopefully nobody would question why he was gone for so long. After he was done cleaning up and taking a shower he arrived at the mess hall.

"Eren over here!" He heard someone shout his name. Looking towards the back, he found Mikasa and Armin sitting at a table with Mina, Connie , Marco and Sasha. Walking over he found an empty seat besides Mikasa. 'She must have saved it for me' he thought.

"Hey guys" Eren greeted as he began to sit next to Mikasa. He looked at her and noticed she wasn't even glancing his way. So he nudged her shoulder and asked. "What's wrong?" Mikasa just glanced at him and then returned to eating her food. "Nothing at all" She replied. Eren wasn't convinced at all. So he took her hand under the table. "Did I do something that bothered you?" He questioned her.

"Why didn't you let me come with you" Mikasa asked him. 'So it's because of that'

"I'm sorry Mika , I needed to train." he said in a low voice , making sure only Mikasa heard.

"You already told me about your situation, and we always train together. Do you not need me anymore?" Mikasa said, with a little bit of sadness in her voice. They hadn't had anytime to talk anymore during the night now and she felt as if she was drifting apart from him. It may seem over dramatic but since she was able to open up to him , she didn't want to lose him ever.

When Eren heard her, he squeezed her hand and told her. "Don't think that Mika, I'll always need you by my side. Don't think just because we've been spending less time together that we'll ever drift apart. We can train together again but I'll need some time for myself for you know what" Mikasa caught on to what he said and nodded with a smile. She was happy that she'd get to spend more time with him. She shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Once Eren , Mikasa and Armin finished their food. They decided to just head back to their cabins together. Tomorrow would be another day of training.


The next day arrived and the trainees were doing their morning run around the mountain. Eren and Mikasa were side by side running in front of all the other recruits. "Mika , let me take care of something. I'll catch up to you in a bit" Mikasa looked at him in confusion but nodded anyways. She didn't know why he'd have something to take care of in the middle of a run, but before she could question him, he was already behind the others.


Ever since Annie has arrived here , she's been dead set on finishing the mission. Infiltrate the island of Paradis and take back The Coordinate. In other words, the Founding Titan. At first it seemed things were falling down hill fast when her 'friend' Marcel was eaten by a pure Titan during their travel, but surprisingly Reiner was able to convince her and Bertholdt to keep going. She didn't agree at first until she remembered the what her father had told her.

'Even if every other creature alive comes to hate you, your father will always be on your side... So please. Promise me...that you'll come back!'

She was afraid that if they were to go back so early with no Founding Titan or any information, they'd definitely get some sort of punishment, like getting eaten to pass on her powers. So she agreed with Reiner and continued.

Now here she is today , sleeping under the same roof with some of these so called "devils" every night. She wouldn't get attached to any of them and she wouldn't even have to worry about ever doing so. She was an isolated person and almost never had a smile on her face. It made people not want to associate with her. So she was questioning in her head why Eren Yeager was trying to greet her. What could he possibly want with her?

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