Shao Qiyang experienced this incident and it was another wave of growth. Mu Jingzhe didn't know what happened, but I heard that Shao Qiyang's express company experienced a layoff.

Although there were some rumors, Shao Qiyang grew up visible with his naked eyes, and his eyes became firmer. Mu Jingzhe referred to all this as the president's growth note.

No one is a prudent and mature president from the beginning, and he has to grow up slowly.

People are mature, and Mu Jingzhe also discovered that Shao Qiyang and Mu Xue, two people who have not been related for a long time, unexpectedly have a connection. They say that their lovers are not like each other, but they always feel that they are a little familiar, and they seem to be familiar with each other. It's very relaxing.

Mu Jingzhe was right about this point. After experiencing the previous events, the two of them really had to relax a lot when facing each other. Especially Mu Xue, sometimes directly said that he was careful, compared to when Shao Qiyang liked her before. The style has not only changed drastically, it is almost two people.

In the past, not only facing Shao Qihai but also Tang Moling, she did not dare to express some of her thoughts, but she dared to Shao Qiyang.

Everyone in the village began to tell if the two of them were going to be a pair, let alone, everyone thought it was a good match, the old bachelor and the old girl, but Mu Xue and Shao Qiyang both denied it.

When Mu Jingzhe heard the villagers say that the old bachelor matches the old girl, he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. The people's congress is like a young man. Where is old? At this point of age, Mu Jingzhe and everyone really have a generation gap.

Hearing that they both denied it, Mu Jingzhe was not busy matching them up, so he was eating melons and watching the show.

Shao Qiyang and Mu Xuecheng will not be successful, but Shao Dong and Shao Nan's children are getting more and more against the sky.

After Shao Dong launched the Good Brother Refrigerator, in just a few months later, he successively launched the Good Brother washing machine and TV set, making the "Good Brother" a household brand in one fell swoop.

Of course, Mu Jingzhe was not idle either. In addition to the brand name of toilet paper and sanitary napkins, underwear and **** finally opened up, and they opened up the market, featuring good wear and fashion.

Although it is worn inside, but I also want to look good, basically wearing Mu Jingzhe's underwear and underwear, basically I don't want to wear the previous ones.

Shao Xi published a second travel book, and he really started to contact a film and television production company, and understood that he wanted to open one in the future.

Shao Nan was the only one who didn't work hard. What he did was still studying. There were more and more books at home, and the two professors communicated more and more times. Anyway, Mu Jingzhe couldn't understand it at all.

Xiao Bei relaxed for a while. She didn't want her life to be occupied by acting. She kept being other people. She also wanted to be herself. So after filming "Anonymous", she started her student life again, except for studying and playing.

Little Five’s days have not changed much. Since knowing that he is the child of the Ji family, Master Ji will visit him when he has time, knowing that he likes instruments and music, and brings music-related things every time.

Or record or music teacher or instrument, not empty-handed every time.

Ji Bulong is also very concerned about Xiaowu, taking him to experience music from all over the world from time to time. He went abroad once during the winter vacation and twice during the holidays after school started.

I didn't spend the rest of the time. Xiao Wu was interested in everything, like a sponge absorbing it like crazy. In addition to music, Xiao Wu's talent in language was also reflected.

He learns languages ​​very fast, especially those related to music. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is connected to music, it is easy to speak. There is no language that the P5 can learn. In addition to the languages ​​of various countries, the local dialects are also the most interested in P5. , Even national languages.

As long as there is music blessing, it seems that there is nothing he can't say, everything can be controlled, learning fast and accurate, pronunciation standard, clear words, people who don't know think they are natives.

Anyway, for a long time, Mu Jingzhe could hear all kinds of pronunciation languages ​​at home. There were so many languages ​​that she couldn’t count them. Some small five didn’t remember which country they were from and didn’t understand what they meant. Anyway, they liked it. I learned how to sing.

In addition to what you don't understand by twitter, there are many local dialects. The old man appeared in the last sentence and the next sentence. It was a mixture of dialects. Shao Dong and the others followed them because they listened to Xiaowu's interesting words.

Xiaobei learns the most seriously, and this is also her charge. Whether it is movies or TV, it is impossible to be all Mandarin, and there will be many dialects. She wants to learn well, and she can speak in dialects later when she needs to speak.

The two children got serious, and if there was nothing wrong with the family, there would be dialogues in different dialects, which made many neighbors think that they have people from all over the world.

Before going out, Mu Jingzhe heard folk songs from all over the country, as well as various local dialects, which was quite interesting.

Everywhere Xiaobei visited, the most attractive thing for him to stand firm was to sing, standing still or squatting down to learn.

This also has a disadvantage. If Xiao Wu sings out of tune, then Xiao Wu will also follow it. If he encounters a particularly confident person, Xiao Wu will learn to out of tune.

Of course, many people are very self-aware, knowing that they are out of tune, and they have to find someone who does not tune out to sing for Xiao Wu before letting him learn.

Xiao Wu used to be courageous and didn't dare to talk to people. Ever since he trained his courage in a targeted manner, especially after overcoming the fear of Shao Qiyun, he was courageous and dare to communicate with others under encouragement.

When he goes to strange places, whether it is another country or a stranger in a strange place, he will talk to people, or be a concert friend.

Not to mention, Xiao Wu's intuition is quite good. Many of the people he chooses to communicate with have good personalities, so Xiao Wu has more courage.

Xiao Wu’s days seem to have not changed but it is full of rewards. Shao Dong and the others are about the same, because Xiao Wu is not alone, but often with his elder brothers and sisters.

After going abroad three times, Ji Bu-forgetted also brought one or two other children. Shao Dong, Shao Xi and Xiao Bei had both gone with him.

Mu Jingzhe felt that at this speed, these children might truly travel the world in the future.

This is very beneficial. When you are young, it is best to walk around and take a look. It can broaden the horizons of several children and shape the world view. Every day you can feel the children growing and their sight Not only at home, but also abroad.

Anyway, Mu Jingzhe is very supportive. When walking around with a few children, she feels that she has also grown up with a broader vision, which is good for her design.

This also made Mu Jingzhe a little melancholy. It would be nice if she could walk around like this when she was a child. Unfortunately, she didn't have the opportunity when she was a child. She even knew she was an orphan and didn't have much money when she was very young. Not so atmospheric.

Fortunately, Xiaowu and the others were still too late. Anyway, Shao Dong and the others walked around and they found that the whole person was different.

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