After a short while, after passing by a small alley, Hua Shu turned into the small alley without noticing it.

The few people who followed saw the dark alley, and couldn't help but feel happy. When the secret path opportunity came, they couldn't wait to chase in.

After all, it's getting dark now. There are no street lights in the alleys. The lights on the streets outside provide a little light to the alleys. It is difficult to see what is happening inside the alleys.

Seeing Hua Shu entered the alley without knowing it, the few people followed in, Gong Tao was anxious, and quickly found a place to park the car, and hurried after it.

He had even begun to imagine that the little girl was now trembling with despair, helplessness, and fear in the face of a few vicious criminals. However, when he rushed to the alley, what he heard was not the helpless cry of the little girl, but the wailing of a group of men one after another.

After adapting to the dim environment, Gong Tao saw the situation in front of him clearly, and saw eight or nine people lying on the ground, all of them with blue noses and swollen faces. Painfully, it was obviously badly cleaned up.

Although the faces of these people had been beaten to the point where they could hardly be seen, Gong Tao still barely recognized them. They were the people who followed Hua Shu before.

Looking around, where is the shadow of the little girl Hua Shu?

Realizing that these people had been cleaned up by Hua Shu's little girl, Gong Tao was stunned.

In such a short period of time, eight or nine adult men were beaten to the ground, and seeing the injuries on their bodies, the attack was ruthless enough, the little girl could not reveal it!

But if you want to say that you are not revealing, what he cares most is her ability to bet on stones. A dozen pieces of waste, except for a few pieces, are all green, although there are also low-grade jadeites that are not valuable, but After all, the gambling has gone up, not to mention the other pieces of high-end jade, and that piece of the best blue water jade.

He originally just came to try his luck to see if he could buy a few pieces of jadeite that could still be up to the grade. He didn’t expect to buy five pieces all at once, three of which were rare top-quality jadeites. He didn’t even think about it. To such a good material.

Especially when the piece of top-quality blue water was solved, he was really surprised and happy. What was surprised was that little girl's gambling ability, but what was happy was that he finally found the treasure of the town shop.

Before, he was still thinking about that top-quality red jade, if it could be a little bigger, he didn't expect to have such a big surprise in a while, just think about how much the top-quality blue water that is the size of a basketball can take out. His heart couldn't help but jump for joy with the pair of bracelets and how many jewelry pendants could be made.

Regardless of his calm and composed look at the time, he was actually very excited when he saw these jadeites being solved. He did not value the best yellow seedling green so much, but as soon as the best red jade and the best blue water jade appeared, he decided to take it. After all, these two top jadeites are too precious and they are the treasures of the town. Worry about the failure of my company to develop.

That little girl named Hua Shu, who has such a great ability to bet on stones at a young age, if she can be drawn over and let her become his company’s stone gambling consultant, wouldn’t he no longer have to worry about jade raw materials in the future? ?

The more Gong Tao thought about it, the more he found it feasible, and he was anxious to find Hua Shu immediately and invite her, but the wailing from the ground awakened him.

No, he doesn't know where Hua Shu lives, how can he find her? Moreover, the little girl is not easy, she can't go there rashly, and this matter needs to be considered for a long time.

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