"These five types of spirit fruits are the five attribute spirit fruits of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. They are collectively referred to as the five element spirit fruits. Because they are low-level spirit fruits, ordinary people can also eat them, and they are of great benefit to the body. "Hua Shu gave her a bit of science by the way, but when she looked up, she realized that the girl was holding a water spirit fruit, gnawing intoxicated on her face, and didn't listen to her at all.

Hua Shu sighed helplessly. Forget it, her food-eating soul has exploded, and now it's no use telling her everything, let her go!

After eating all the spirit fruits, Dong Chang touched his stomach contentedly and burped.

She has eaten five egg-sized spirit fruits in a row, and now she feels a bit supportive.

"Xiaoshu, did you just say that these are spirit fruits?" After relieving his greed, Dong Chang finally remembered what Hua Shu had just said.

"I thought you didn't listen!" Hua Shu gave her angrily.

"Hey..." Dong Chang smiled embarrassedly, "I'm not because the spirit fruit is so delicious, I can't help it!"

Hua Shu was also helpless, so he had to tell her what he had just said again, and then talked about Dong Chang's Wushu.

"If you want to learn martial arts, I can teach you, but I must make it clear to you that what I learn is the cultivation technique of immortality. Compared with ancient martial arts, that is the difference between heaven and earth. Think clearly, is it to learn ancient martial arts or to learn immortality?"

Dong Chang frowned, thought about it carefully, and asked, "Can immortality really become immortal? Isn't there any requirement, everyone can cultivate?"

She naturally wanted to cultivate immortality. After all, listening to fairy tales since childhood, compared with martial arts dreams, becoming immortal and immortal is more desirable. But she is not a three-year-old child who does not understand anything. Being able to cultivate immortals, cultivating immortals can't just be myths and legends, just like the cultivator Xiaoshu said, isn't he dead in the end?

"Cultivation of immortals naturally has strict requirements. The first is the requirements for qualifications. People with spiritual roots must be able to cultivate. And those with spiritual roots are very rare. It can be said to be one in a thousand. If you have spiritual roots, you must have one. A good exercise technique comes with sufficient resources. As long as you have these three things, you can at least become a master and have a life span of hundreds of thousands of years. Of course, this is based on no accidents and smoothness. In the case of surviving."

Hua Shu has a serious face. She knows the cruelty of the world of immortality, so before Dong Chang chooses, she must first tell her the dangers she knows. After she has enough understanding, how to choose depends on Dong Chang.

"The realm of cultivating immortals is cruel. The skills, treasures, resources, and even higher talents than others can cause killing. It is very common to kill the weak, and the strong can kill the weak without a reason." Hua Shu lightly sighed and looked at Dong Chang seriously, "The world of immortal cultivation is a world where the strong respect the strong and the weak eat the strong. You have to think carefully about which one should you learn, or should you learn?"

Dong Chang was silent. She didn't know how to choose now. Originally, she saw Xiaoshu know Kungfu and wanted to learn martial arts out of her martial arts dream. After knowing that she could cultivate immortals, she was surprised and unbelievable. Excitement and excitement. However, the cruel reality Xiaoshu described really scared her. It turns out that Xiuxian is such a dangerous thing, so it's no wonder that Xiaoshu didn't let it leak out.

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