"Spiritual media quality?" Dong Chang thought for a while, and finally remembered that he had seen it in the book, and he understood Hua Shu's purpose in doing this, so he nodded and said: "It's good if it's sealed, so Xiaofeng won't have to worry about touching it again in the future. Go ghost possessed."

Suddenly, she remembered something, "By the way, Xiaoshu, why is Xiaofeng controlled to make pranks at home, but it is normal at school? Is that kid still afraid that the teacher will fail?"

Hua Shu chuckled and shook his head, "You have a good imagination! How can a ghost be afraid of the teacher? He is afraid of the students in the school."

"Huh? Why?" Dong Chang didn't understand, what's so scary about the students?

"The child has a pure mind, and because of his youthful age, the school has a large number of people, and the gathering of the yang energy can suppress the evil and evil spirits, so the kid didn't dare to come near, and naturally he couldn't be attached to Xiaofeng. As Hua Shu explained, he looked at the messy room, turned and left the room, "Let's go!"

"Oh...oh." Dong Chang followed her thoughtfully, until she got out of the Lin family's yard, she asked a little entangled: "I heard that some schools are built in cemeteries or mass graves, don't they? Is it because of this? Is there really a school built in that kind of place? Wouldn't it be true?"

"Well, really, the reason is probably the same, but you don’t have to worry. The primary schools in our town and the No. 1 middle school in the city are all built on ordinary land. As far as I know, there is no such school in L city. "Hua Shu had also heard of these things in her previous life, and because of her curiosity, she deliberately learned about it, so she didn't intentionally comfort Dong Chang by what she said.

"Huh..." Dong Chang heaved a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said: "Fortunately, the school we are attending is not built in that kind of place, otherwise I don't want to go to school."

Although you are already a cultivator, you should no longer be afraid of ghosts, but what you are afraid of is that you are afraid. How can it be changed so easily? Just thinking of the place where she goes to school every day, there is a graveyard or mass grave below, and her whole person is not good. Fortunately, the town elementary school and the city No. 1 middle school are not built in that kind of place.

Hua Shu smiled slightly, she wasn't afraid, but she felt uncomfortable in her heart, so she didn't say anything about Dong Chang's reaction.

After removing the formation and the sleeping talisman, Hua Shu looked back at Dong Chang and said, "It's out anyway, let's talk about it!"

Dong Chang was startled, his expression on his face also became serious, "Okay."

Although she was worried, she knew that Xiaoshu was serious. She could not escape at the fifteenth year of the first year. Moreover, she also had something to ask Xiaoshu.

The two found a secluded place with a wide view, but just in case, Hua Shu still set up a soundproof barrier.

After finding a stone step to sit down, Hua Shu didn’t know how to speak for a while. Originally, she wanted to say that Dong Chang relied on herself too much. It would be detrimental to her practice. But Dong Chang had already made up her mind to change. Besides, this seemed a bit redundant. .

And now, she has other concerns, that is Dong Chang's performance when facing the attack. Dong Chang, who is already at the pinnacle of Qi refining, faced an oncoming physical attack, let alone counterattack or evasion. He didn't even react, and he was too scared to move. Such a low-level attack would be this kind of reaction. When encountering a more powerful enemy, wouldn't it be at the mercy of others?

"Hey..." Hua Shu frowned with a light sigh, "Don't you have anything to say?"

Dong Chang was taken aback, looked at her puzzledly, and said, "What should I...what should I say?"

"Let’s talk about your performance just now!" Hua Shu looked back at her, frowning more tightly. "It was just a low-level physical attack, but you were so scared that you couldn’t move. You didn’t care about it. Huh? I know that you have no actual combat experience, nor did you ask for how good you are. As long as you can avoid it, I can be a little relieved, but what is your performance?"

Dong Chang lowered her head as she was said to have both a guilty conscience and self-blame in her heart, especially when she recalled that she couldn't move, but Xiao Shu was so powerful, and everything was done with a wave of her hand, and she blamed herself more and more for uselessness.

She knows very well that Xiaoshu has done her best to cultivate herself. Even if she is a sister, she may not be so good to her, but she has lived up to Xiaoshu's expectations. It is so useless in an accident, don't Saying that Xiaoshu was disappointed, even she herself felt shameless.

Seeing her look like this, Hua Shu pursed her lips, hesitation flashed across her face, but finally made up her mind to speak.

"I didn't intend to say these things. In fact, at the beginning, I also hesitated to teach you how to cultivate immortality, because your temperament is pure and without scheming. There are fighting and murderous opportunities in the world of immortality. If your temperament does not have enough power, As a backing, you are just like a sheep entering a wolf pack, but you are my best friend. In my own heart, I hope you can have the opportunity to live forever and rise to the Tao, so I tell you the truth and let you choose."

Speaking of this, Hua Shu looked at Dong Chang deeply, and the emotions hidden in the deep eyes became more profound and indistinguishable under the night.

Dong Chang looked up at her, touched those deep eyes, her heart trembled unconsciously.

She felt that Xiao Shu hadn't finished what she said. The next thing to say may be the point. Thinking of this, she unconsciously let go of her breath, and lifted her heart.

Hua Shu retracted his gaze, looked up at the dark night sky, as if talking to himself, and said in a light tone: "I sometimes worry, am I too emotional? Immortal cultivation techniques, medicines, magic weapons, these resources are A huge treasure, people have selfish hearts, I tell you this, teach you to cultivate immortals, can you withstand this huge temptation? Even if you have withstood the temptation, but you have your own parents and relatives, will you bear it? Keep telling your parents, and can they withstand the temptation?"

"Little Shu, I..."

Dong Chang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Hua Shu, "I said that these are not opinions about you or your parents. This is my truest feeling. This kind of worry has been there since the beginning, and I still have it. I'm always worried, I'm afraid you will leak it out, but in spite of this, I still teach you the exercises and give you enough cultivation resources. Do you know what this means to me?"

Hua Shu looked back at her and gave the answer without waiting for her to answer.

"This means that I'm taking my life to trust you, and even at the beginning I prepared for the worst."

She said this very calmly, but Dong Chang, who heard this, couldn't help tumbling in her heart.

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