"I heard that the city's first place in this year's primary school graduation exam is also in the city's No. 1 High School, so it should be in our class?" The person who spoke was a boy behind Dong Chang, with sword eyebrows, healthy sun, and a man. Handsome boy.

"Well, as usual, it should be in this class." This is what the boy behind Hua Shu said, and this person is also handsome and handsome, not inferior to the boy next to him, but belongs to the handsome and introverted type.

Hua Shu secretly glanced at the two of them, and couldn't help but sigh secretly, these two boys are really beautiful boys, they are so outstanding at a young age, as long as they are not disabled in the future, they will definitely be able to fascinate a large group of little girls.

Just as Hua Shu sighed, he saw the sunshine boy glance at the classmates in the class and asked curiously: "Then, which one do you think is more like that person?"

The boy Qingjun next to him also glanced, then shook his head, "Where can I see this?"

The students in this class are top students selected from the whole city. Every one of them is good at learning. What's more, learning is not good-looking. How can you tell at a glance?

"Do you want to know who is the number one in the city?" Dong Chang suddenly turned around, looked at the two boys, and asked with a smile.

The two boys were taken aback, and then reacted. Qingjun boy didn't speak, but the sunshine boy laughed and didn't mind Dong Chang's sudden interruption.

"Do you know who it is?" The Sunshine Boy asked curiously. He looked at Dong Chang's body and said, "Would you say... it's you?"

"Of course not." Dong Chang didn't mind either. Not only did he not feel ashamed, but he said with You Rongyan: "Although it is not me, that person is my best friend, hehe, do you want to know who it is?"

"Who is who? Quickly tell me!" The Sunshine Boy immediately came interested and urged with a grin.

"Hehe..." Dong Chang thiefly smiled. He wanted to whet his appetite again, but the Qingjun boy on the side suddenly spoke.

"It's you? That's the number one in the city, right?" Qingjun Juvenile's gaze fell on Hua Shu, with no extra expression on his face, just looking at her faintly, although he was doubtful, but in a positive tone.

Hua Shu raised his eyes and glanced at him, neither denying nor admitting, like an outsider, sitting quietly on the side, silent.

She didn't answer, it didn't mean that Dong Chang could also hold his breath. Seeing him, he guessed it all at once, and Dong Chang was immediately shocked.

"How do you know? Why did you guess? I didn't say anything. How did you guess?" She didn't say anything, and didn't even cast her eyes on Xiaoshu, but the boy said, let How is she not surprised?

"Isn't it very simple? You said that you are your best friend, and that person will definitely be assigned to this class, but since just now, the two of you have been chatting, and they seem to be very familiar. Combine the above. Click, isn't the answer ready?" Qingjun said indifferently. In fact, such an obvious answer can be known by just thinking about it.

After a pause, he turned his head to look at the young sunshine boy next to him, and said, "Zi Hao, don't jump like this, use your mind seriously. It's easy to guess."

Sunshine Boy scratched his hair, smiled embarrassedly, and looked at Hua Shu and said, "Hello, my name is Song Zihao, this is my good brother Cheng Bo, the first classmate, what is your name?"

"Hua Shu." Hua Shu replied faintly, then looked at Dong Chang beside him and introduced: "She is my good friend, Dong Chang."

"Hello, I'm Dong Chang." Dong Chang had a lively temper and greeted them with a smile.

Sunshine boy Song Zihao, who is also very cheerful, smiled: "I didn't expect the city's first place to sit in front of me, classmate Hua Shu, I heard that you have a full score in other subjects except for a deduction for your composition. Is it true? of?"

Hua Shu nodded, "Really."

"It's amazing, how did you do it?" Song Zihao looked at Hua Shu with a little admiration.

"How did you do it?" Hua Shu was a little bit distressed when asked, "You ask me like this, I don't know how to answer it, just study normally!"

Today’s Hua Shu doesn’t really value her performance, but since she cut her hair and cleansed her marrow, and because of her practice, her mental talent is different from before. These ordinary studies have become very simple. You can get good grades with how much energy you spend, so she is really just a normal study.

Although with her current ability, it is not so important to learn or not, but since she is a student, she should fulfill her obligations as a student and strive to improve her academic performance. Therefore, she read all the textbooks again before the exam, and only then did she get such a good result.

Hearing her answer, Song Zihao looked weird and lay on the table feebly, "Ordinary studies can get such good results. Is this the legendary genius? Let us mortals live?"

"Which one of those who can enter this class is not a top student, and you are considered an ordinary mortal?" Dong Chang raised his eyebrows, smiling but not smiling: "Unless...you are looking for a relationship and come in through the back door. ?"

She was in this class herself, so she immediately thought of this possibility.

Song Zihao's expression froze, "How do you know?"

"Hey, guess." Dong Chang smiled crookedly, so she wouldn't tell him that she was also involved!

Hua Shu watched from the side, knowing the inside story, she naturally understood why Dong Chang knew, but she didn't say anything, just watched with a smile.

Cheng Bo looked up at her, then looked at Dong Chang and Song Zihao, there seemed to be some kind of speculation in his heart, but he also chose to watch quietly, without asking or exposing them.

As a result, the four of them in the front and rear seats met in this way.

I just checked in today, and I won’t go to class. The following process is the usual teacher’s speech and textbooks. After completion, the teacher talked about some things and let them leave.

Returning to the apartment in Yuheyuan, Hua Shu took a deep breath as he looked at the beautifully decorated new home, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

Here, it will be her home in the future.

Putting his schoolbag aside, Hua Shu came to the floor-to-ceiling window and opened the window to the garden outside.

As early as the beginning of August, she came here to clean up the garden. The original plants were basically eliminated by her and there were few left. Now it is full of the seeds of the flowers and fruit trees she bought last time.

Although the time for planting was short, she set up a spiritual gathering circle that envelops the entire garden. It was nourished by aura, and was irrigated by Hua Shu with water from the green lake. Those seeds had already sprouted and grew taller. The influence of the regional climate has grown strong and luxuriant. It has been planted for less than a month, but it seems to have grown as high as two or three months.

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