Today is Dong Chang's birthday. She will go to Dong's house for a birthday party soon, so the time she and Qiao agreed with them is 8 o'clock in the morning.

At 8 o’clock in the morning on weekdays, Yu Gu Zhai usually has not opened the door, but today I don’t know if it was because of an appointment with Hua Shu. When Hua Shu arrived at Yu Gu Zhai, the door had been opened and the shop staff had begun to clean the shelves in an orderly manner. , Ready to open the door to do business, and the three of Qiao, Cheng, and Professor Fang are sitting in the rest area drinking tea and waiting for her at the moment.

Hua Shu put the wooden box with Ye Mingzhu on the glass table, and said: "Look at it slowly, I'll have something to do for a while, so I won't accompany you a few elderly people. When you finish reading, let me know, and I will come and get it.

"Shu girl, your heart is really big enough, you are not afraid that we will swallow your baby?" Seeing her put down things and leave, Qiao couldn't help but speak.

"Heh! Father Joe, let’s not say that you guys are highly respected and wealthy masters. If you can’t do something to steal other people’s things, just say myself. Since I dare to take things out, I’m not afraid. You swallowed it privately." Hua Shu raised his eyebrows, his face was completely confident.

For a cultivator with a higher cultivation base than hers, she might have no choice, but a few ordinary people, she really didn't worry that they would swallow her own things. Moreover, although she didn't spend much time with a few old men, she still knew how they were. They weren't the kind of people who would turn their faces and deny people because of a rare treasure.

Seeing her self-confident look, Qiao understands that this girl is not simple, I am afraid it is somewhat dependent and confident.

"Okay, look at it slowly, I'm leaving first." Hua Shu waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Professor Fang, who had been talking less, suddenly stopped her.

Hua Shu looked back at him in surprise. Why did this old professor take the initiative to call her today? He rarely spoke before!

"I heard that you belong to the Xiaohe Town Orphanage. I remember a young woman named He who brought three children to Qinghetang to see me for a medical treatment. It took almost three months before it was opened. The medicine should have been taken long ago, but they never came again. Do you know what happened?"

Professor Fang was very surprised by the reason why he had learned it. He didn't expect that after so long, he still remembered Aunt He and Xiaobin.

It can be seen that he really cares about He Bin and their condition, Hua Shu's impression of him has become a little better, and his complexion has become softer.

Hua Shu smiled gratefully at him, and said: "My brothers and sisters have recovered from their illnesses. Thank you Professor Fang for your concern."

"Healed? How is it possible?" Professor Fang's eyes widened in disbelief, but soon realized that he was not very good at saying this, and quickly explained: "No, I mean, two of the three children are Heart disease, one is kidney disease, the two smaller ones are better, the larger one has worsened and is too young for surgery. How could it be healed suddenly?"

Hua Shu smiled slightly, "It is logically impossible, but we were lucky and found a special medicine to treat them. Xiaobin and the three of them recovered within two days after taking the medicine. This was a comprehensive examination in the hospital. , Can't be fake."

"What special medicine has such a magical effect?" Professor Fang looked unbelievable. He himself was an old Chinese medicine doctor for decades, but he had never heard of such a magical special medicine.

Hua Shu thought for a while pretending to be ignorant, and said as if recalling: "Well, I don't know. I heard that the couple who gave me the medicine said that it seems to be the pill from their ancestors."

"Pill!" Professor Fang almost jumped up without surprise, his voice trembling with excitement, "Pill, it turned out to be a pill, Shu girl, do you have that prescription, or the rest of the pill will do."

Hua Shu shook his head with an innocent look, "No, I also accidentally got a few from others, and I have given them to my younger siblings."

"Isn't there..." Professor Fang was greatly disappointed, fell into a chair weakly, and sighed helplessly: "I thought I could find a cure for heart disease, but I didn't expect... alas... ...Forget it, God's will is like that.

"Lao Fang, what is the pill that you are talking about? Could it be that it was on TV, the stuff that those Taoist priests made through alchemy?" Cheng Lao was confused when he heard it, and couldn't help but ask.

"What kind of medicinal pill on TV is simply a life-threatening poison. The real medicinal pill is a miraculous medicine that uses special techniques to extract the essence of medicinal materials and condense it into a pill. Although I have heard of it before, I have also seen records in ancient books, but I thought it was the ancients who exaggerated the effect of the medicine, or it was there but lost it. I didn't expect to hear the news of the pill today." Professor Fang couldn't help sighing as he said.

Thinking that he has been studying pharmacology for decades, and seeing those severely ill patients suffering from the pain, he is limited by medical skills and unable to do anything. It is not uncomfortable in his heart. Today, he finally heard the news about the legendary pill, but missed the opportunity to study. How could he not be disappointed.

"It's really that amazing, can heart disease be cured?" Cheng Lao was quite surprised. He knew about antiques, but he couldn't do it at all in terms of medical skills.

"Where do I know this, you can ask the Shu girl yourself." Professor Fang was so heartbroken at this time that he didn't want to talk to him.

Hua Shu, who was named, had the same expression, smiled and rushed to the old nodded, saying: "Yes, it's just a pill. After two days, the heart disease is completely healed, and even the blindness caused by the disease is also cured. All right."

"Hiss!" Cheng Lao took a breath and was shocked. "This kind of medicinal effect is simply an elixir. Is there such a god-defying medicine in this world?"

"I don't know if it is an elixir, but if the three children are really cured, then it proves that this kind of pill exists, and we Chinese medicine practitioners have another direction to work hard." Professor Fang is also not a classic. Those who can't afford to frustrate, only depressed for a moment, and immediately cheered up again, looking full of fighting spirit.

"If you can develop a medicinal pill that can be mass-produced, it would be a great merit to not know how many people can be saved." Old Qiao agreed.

Merit...Hua Shu was thoughtful, and Mr. Qiao rightly said that if a special medicine for treating major diseases can be produced in batches, it can indeed heal countless people and gain merit.

Originally, one way of cultivating immortality is to go against the sky, and face danger at any time, especially when crossing the catastrophe, if you are not careful, you will be forever. For the cultivator, merit is a good thing. A layer of life-saving talisman, after all, the way of heaven is ruthless but also extremely fair. People with great merit will have great luck. This is a great advantage!

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