With urgent goals, Hua Shu has worked harder in his cultivation, just like he had hit the foundation-building period. Except for eating, going to school, and accompanying the seal, 80% of the other time is spent on cultivation, only 20%. My time is spent on learning pill, talisman, formation, and device, and even because of too little time, I can only learn these four skills in turn every day.

The day and night practice is extremely boring. She used to worry that her mood would be unstable when she advanced too quickly, and she felt that she could not stand the painstaking practice for a long time, so she always adopted a combination of work and rest in her practice. Now her mental state cultivation has already reached the middle stage of the golden core, there is no need to worry about mood problems. As for her boring cultivation, everything can be overcome for her who is desperate to improve her cultivation.

I don't know if it was Hua Shu's words that awakened Cheng Bo. When I saw Cheng Bo again after the weekend, he was no longer depressed, and his original vague sense of pride was reduced to almost invisible, and the whole person became more accessible than before.

Hua Shu has a good eye for antiques. Cheng Bo is also an obsession with antiques and a lover of Taobao. After re-energizing Cheng Bo, he naturally looks at Hua Shu differently, and also shows closeness in his words and deeds. Hua Shu felt his change the most obvious, but she also had no objection. After all, she was a classmate in the front and back seats, and she was very happy to get along well.

In a blink of an eye, September is about to end. After this period of assiduous cultivation, Hua Shu is already the foundation of the late stage of cultivation.

As the cultivation base increases, it becomes more and more difficult to improve the cultivation base. It used to be able to improve one or two small steps in two or three days, but now it takes more than ten days to upgrade to two small steps. This still has space for 60 times. In the case of acceleration, if you practice in an outside world where aura is thin, you can imagine how difficult it will be.

After successfully entering the late stage of foundation construction, Hua Shu was naturally happy, but at this time something trivial happened on the school side, which made her care a little bit.

Speaking of it, this matter is also inexplicable. She has sensed a malicious look from time to time recently. This look is obviously directed at her, but she noticed it and found that the person who was malicious towards her, It's a girl she doesn't know.

Hua Shu’s memory is amazing. As long as she has met once, she will definitely remember it, but she has no impression after thinking about it. It means that she has not seen the girl, but the girl’s eyes are clearly unwilling. She didn't understand the negative emotions such as jealousy and resentment. Where did she offend this strange girl?

Not only her, but even Dong Chang, who has always been careless, felt something was wrong.

"Xiao Shu, do you feel an uncomfortable sight?" Dong Chang frowned and looked around.

"Well, there has been a malicious line of sight recently, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, looking at me secretly, but it was all directed at me, which is different from the line of sight just now. It should be directed at you." Hua Shu said as he raised his eyes to look in a certain direction.

The classroom on the opposite side of the teaching building, facing them, is the classroom of the ordinary class in the first grade. At this time, it is a break between classes. The classroom on the opposite side is either laughing or chatting. There was no suspicious person at first glance, but Hua Shu had a perspective eye, and with her extraordinary vision, she had spotted the owner of that line of sight.

That person was not the same person who saw Hua Shu, but she was also a girl, and the girl who was malicious towards Hua Shu was nearby. It seemed that the two had a good relationship. In addition, Hua Shu also saw another girl beside them, but that girl was a little bit different, just sitting quietly on the side, and seldom communicated with the two of them.

"Come at me? Strange, I didn't offend anyone, who would hate me so?" Dong Chang was confused, because of her personality, she has a lot of classmates who are close to her, and she really didn't expect anyone to hate it. she was.

Hua Shu shook his head, "I don't know. Actually, I have never seen the person who is malicious to me."

Speaking of her, she was quite wronged. Except for a few specific people, she didn't have many people, and the relationship with her classmates was also light, not to mention other classmates who are not in the same building. There is no intersection at all, and it is naturally impossible to offend anyone.

"Do you know who it is? Quickly show it to me, who is hating us?" Dong Chang immediately got excited.

Hua Shu pointed her in a direction and said, "They are hiding behind the crowd. Take a closer look. The one in white clothes is the person who saw you just now, and the one in red clothes is malicious towards me. understanding."

Dong Chang looked closely at the past. Although the distance was a little far away, she couldn't help but see her current eyesight, and quickly saw the appearance of the two girls.

"Hey!" Dong Chang sneered. "It turned out to be that nasty ghost. I didn't expect that she was also in the middle. It's really an enemy."

"Why? Did you know him?" Hua Shu raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect to have Dong Chang's acquaintance.

"The man in white clothes is called Wang Xiao. The family is also in the jade wool business, but their business has been suppressed by our family, so they don't deal with our family, so they are competitors!" At this point, Dong Chang curled his lips, obviously looking down on the Wang Family.

Hua Shu felt a little ridiculous, "She hates you because of this?"

"Who knows what she thinks, her peers are enemies, and everyone has nothing to do with business competition. She wants to hate me for this, what can I do?" Dong Chang shrugged helplessly, looking back like a small adult. He glanced at the other side, and sneered: "If she hates her, hate it. Anyway, my relationship with her has never been better, and she only dared to stare at me secretly."

Hua Shu frowned, looked at the two people in the opposite classroom, and said earnestly: "You should be more careful on weekdays. I don't think they seem to be good people."

"Don't worry, although Wang Xiao is a little cautious, but in the face of absolute strength, all his plans are in vain. This kind of clown does not need to be concerned about it." That said, Dong Chang still treated Hua Shu. The warning was kept in her heart. Although she was confident enough in her strength, she wouldn't mind paying attention if she could avoid some minor troubles.

"Do you know the one in the red dress?" Hua Shu asked casually.

In fact, she is really strange, where does the girl's malice towards her come from? She is obviously a stranger, and suddenly hates her, and it feels weird no matter how you look at it.

"I don't know, I've never seen her." Dong Chang shook his head and looked at it carefully. In the end he could only shake his head.

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