"It's already late, don't you stay overnight?" He Ling reacted first, pressing down the writhing thoughts in her heart, and quickly got up and said.

"No, I'm going to school tomorrow. The textbooks are still at Yuheyuan's home." Knowing that she was worried that she would be unsafe at night, Hua Shu held her hand, smiled comfortingly, and said: "I and Feng Ming are both Immortal cultivators, just take a night journey, don’t worry about anything at all. Besides, there are no people outside at this time. We will do a flying technique directly, and we will be home in two minutes."

He Ling was taken aback, then nodded with a complicated expression, and sent them out.

She had forgotten that she was a cultivator with magical methods, and was different from mortals like them.

Hua Shu didn't say anything further, and separated from He Ling and the children, and left the orphanage with Feng Ming.

The two did not choose to fly back quickly. Instead, they walked slowly on the road like a walk. Although the night was dark and there was a cold wind from time to time, it was not a good time for a walk, but the two of them were not affected in any way. Holding hands and walking together, the quiet and warm breath flows quietly between the two.

"Worried?" Feng Ming asked softly, squeezing her little hand.

Hua Shu shook his head and sighed: "Worry is not enough, just a little nervous. I don't know what they will choose. Although no matter what decision they make in the end, I will respect their choice, but I am still a layman after all. I hope that those close to me can live a long life and stay by my side."

Feng Ming stretched out his arms, took her in his arms, rubbed her head lightly, and said softly and comforted: "There is no permanent banquet in the world. Even if they become immortals or even become immortals, they cannot guarantee that they will stay with them forever. You, everyone has a different life, and you will be faced with choices again and again in the process of growing up. No one can guarantee what will happen in the end.

"Oh...I understand the truth, but emotionally, I can't be so rational." Hua Shu sighed helplessly, "Forget it, it's useless to think too much. The boat will be straight at the end of the bridge, so don't think about it. It's annoying."

Feng Ming lowered his eyes and looked at her softly, with a smile on his lips.

Even if she has the memory of rebirth, she is still just a mortal after all. She has not been used to seeing birth, old age, sickness, death and the impermanence of the world, so she will have so many troubles. When she recovers the long memory of the previous life, she will understand that these things are nothing at all. Worry is just a trivial matter, and only at that time can her state of mind be unimpeded, and no longer need to worry about the cultivation of the state of mind.

Cultivation, memory... Heh! The one who really owns the troubles is him, who keeps her young and ignorant of their past lives every day. The taste of this suffering is almost like years, and he really waited so hard.

However, fortunately, her cultivation is not far from breaking through the golden core, and his tormenting days should be over soon.

Hua Shu knew nothing about how the people in the orphanage weighed the weight and weight, and how they struggled with it, and did not take the initiative to understand it. She went to school and practiced every day, constantly learning and exercising pill, talisman, formation, weapon, etc. Skills, there are almost endless tasks every day, with Feng Ming's company by his side, the small life is full and peaceful and warm.

However, it is a pity that Feng Ming only accompanied her for a short two days, and felt that the barrier was loosened and she was about to break through a small realm again. It would take a few days to retreat to break through and consolidate the realm, so she entered the Qinglian space to retreat.

Recalling that when he first met Feng Ming, he was already at the Golden Core Stage cultivation base. Now in just half a year, he has reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage and is about to break through to the Golden Core Stage Dzogchen, only one step away from the Nascent Soul Stage. Far away, but looking at herself, she turned out to be the Great Perfection during the foundation-building period, which was a big level lower than him.

It only took half a year to go from an ordinary mortal to the foundation-building period of Dzogchen. This kind of cultivation speed is extremely amazing in the whole world of cultivation, but only she knows it, because there is a rich space in it. Reiki assistance, if you change to practice in this mundane world where aura is thin, it is absolutely impossible to have such a speed. Although Feng Ming also has room and the conditions between the two people are similar, her cultivation speed only seems to be faster than him on the surface, but in fact it is far inferior to him.

The higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to advance. Just like her initial practice, with the help of the strong spiritual energy in the space, she broke through the foundation building stage with little effort, and then after the foundation building stage, advanced The speed has been much slower, especially the more difficult it is to improve as you get later. Now it has been a short half year before reaching the foundation-building stage of great perfection, which is completely incomparable with the cultivation speed of the Qi-refining stage.

In the same way, the difficulty of cultivation in the foundation-building period and the golden alchemy period is even more difficult to compare. Although she is only a big level lower, it is very difficult to catch up with his cultivation level, especially since he still has memories of past lives and once practiced. With her experience and rich cultivation experience, there is no barrier at all. She only needs to accumulate spiritual power. Under such unique conditions, it is even more impossible for her to catch up with him.

Past life memories...At this moment, she deeply realized that restoring memories is not only related to her and Feng Ming’s shared past, but also vital to cultivation.

Hua Shu desperately wanted to restore her past life memories, but she understood that all she could do was practice hard, and nothing else could be done.

Although she was a little bit lost about the backward Fengming, she was only lost for a while, and she was very happy that he was practicing so fast. At the same time, she secretly made up her mind to work harder in future cultivation and strive to achieve the golden core cultivation level as soon as possible. , Restore past life memories, and then try to catch up with him.

She started a lot late, and even if she regained her memory, it would be almost impossible to catch up with his cultivation base. Therefore, she has lowered her requirements now. Even if she can't catch up with him, she will at least follow closely behind. He fell too far.

As a result, Hua Shu practiced more diligently, staying in the space to practice as long as he had time.

It's just that she is different from Feng Ming after all. There are too many things around her that bother her, and there is too little time for her to truly relax. Therefore, the progress of her cultivation is not optimistic, so Hua Shu is a little depressed, but helpless.

He Ling and others did not struggle for long. Three days later, He Ling called Hua Shu and asked her to go back to the orphanage on the weekend.

Although they didn't say it clearly on the phone, based on this phone call, Hua Shu understood that they had made a choice after careful consideration.

So, after half-day make-up classes on Saturday, Hua Shu went directly to the orphanage.

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