Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1034 Agree to ascend the throne (5)

Caiwei held the gun in one hand and pressed the finger on the trigger with the other. She said calmly: "Because you are also ordered by others, I will give you one last chance. If you leave now, I promise not to Hurt you. "

She didn't want to use force to fight these two Mengnu, not because the force was not as good as theirs, but because they felt dirty.

There was a fragrant and stinky smell on these two people's bodies, which was very strange. The stench probably came from themselves, their body odor; and that smell was obviously the favorite place for women in brothels. The scent of jasmine balm on your body!

Two savage men who had just visited prostitutes made her feel sick just looking at them, let alone being touched by their hands. Therefore, she thought of a way to defeat them without touching them - use a gun. !

The two big men who came to capture Caiwei looked at each other and shook their heads, obviously not taking Caiwei's warning seriously. In their opinion, this woman was simply ignorant of current affairs. Since she refused to go with them, they I have no choice but to do it hard!

"Girl, I'm offended!"

The big man with a ferocious face said, while he raised his hand casually, trying to pluck what Kaiwei was holding, and then grab her naturally; but the other big man didn't make any move at all, for such a weak and petite person. For a woman, one man is more than enough to deal with her. He can just stand aside and watch the fun.

However, the moment the man with a fierce look touched the iron pipe with his big palm, there was a sudden "bang" sound, and the iron pipe in the girl's hand suddenly made a loud noise, like a firecracker!


The ferocious-looking man roared, clutching his shoulders in pain, and slowly squatted on the ground.

The man next to him didn't know what was going on. Caiwei suddenly turned around and pointed the gun in her hand at his body with another "bang".


The man next to him groaned, staggered back a few steps, and stumbled on Zeng Baotou. On his back, bright red blood flowed out, and it instantly turned red.

After failing to do anything, she kept knocking down two of them. Caiwei raised her gun again and pointed at the two in the distance.

The other two Mengnu men finally realized the danger, turned around and ran back. Before turning around, one of them took out a dart-like thing from his waist and threw it at the spear in Caiwei's hand.

However, after all, the speed of that thing was not as fast as Caiwei's gun. Before it could fly in front of Caiwei, it was blown away by the bullets fired from Caiwei's gun. Caiwei kept up her efforts, added another shot, and threw darts. Although the man ran very fast and his movements were agile enough, he was still defeated by Caiwei's gun!

After a gunshot, the bullet hit his buttocks impartially. The man was running, but he was caught off guard. He fell to the ground with an 'ouch', clutching his injured buttocks in pain. Groaned.

Of the four people, three were knocked down in minutes, and Caiwei was quite proud.

The first man who was hit stood up unsteadily, covering the injured area, and said in a muffled voice: "You... what kind of hidden weapon is this?"

Caiwei had already aimed at the last one. After listening to his words, she curled her lips and said with a smile: "Gun!"

While she was speaking, she had already pulled the trigger in a cool move, and the last man did not run away. Unfortunately, he was hit in the thigh. He staggered two steps and fell to the ground...

All four people were shot. Caiwei was very proud that her shooting skills were accurate, but she did not kill these people, because she knew that these people were just sent by others, and their crimes would not lead to death. Therefore, every time she Not a single shot hit their vital points, it was enough to knock them down.

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