Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1064 Mo Ziqi’s appointment (4)

Mayfair said piously: "I was really just joking, uh... Then how can you believe me?"

Mo Ziqi said coolly: "If I believe you, prove it with actual actions."

"how to prove?"

The man thought for a while and said, "I will come to your house in two days to make an appointment and give you a date. If your parents discuss the wedding date with you, you can choose the Shangsi Festival next year."

Next year’s Shangsi Festival!

Next year, she will only be twelve years old and her body has not yet developed. How can she get married?

Feier grimaced and begged, "Isn't it two years too late? I'm still young, so I haven't..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Ziqi's oppressive eyes came over him again, "Didn't you just joke? Do you really not want to marry me?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Feier shook her head repeatedly. If she dared to say that she would not marry him, this cold-blooded and cold-hearted guy might do something terrible!

Mo Ziqi looked at her with a dark face: "How can I prove that you don't have one?"

The familiar sense of oppression struck again, and Feier said in a panic: "I, I, I told my parents..."

"Hmph, you know what's going on!"

Mo Ziqi was finally satisfied, but he still kept a straight face, "I will come to offer you the job the day after tomorrow. I will discuss the date with your parents then. I hope you won't disappoint me. "

After speaking, he turned around and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The goal had been achieved. It was not good to stay in the inner house after all, so he left quickly.

Feier stood there in a mess, regretting so much that she wanted to bite off her tongue. Because of a slip of the tongue, she would have to marry herself in more than half a year, but she was still a child and her body had not yet developed. How could she get married? Where are people?

Hey, people are hard to break!


Two days later, the day came for Li Guogong's appointment.

Early in the morning, Duke Li Guo got busy. The second lady Bai took several housekeepers from the mansion to count the wedding candies, wedding cakes, and reward money; the eldest lady Wu helped Mo Ziqi dress up, and the old lady Liu The family personally inspected the seventy-two betrothal gifts, and after seeing that they were all right, he gave instructions for a long time. It was not until the auspicious time came that he stopped talking and let them go...

Today, Mo Ziqi dressed up deliberately. He was wearing a dark red robe of cloud brocade. The robe was embroidered with dark purple silk threads with pines and cypresses everywhere. He wore a red gold crown on his head and a pair of dark red Shu brocade shoes on his feet. He wears patterned single boots and rides a tall horse majestically, making him look handsome, upright and high-spirited.

The seventy-two betrothal gifts behind them were all hung with red silk flowers. The ones carrying the boxes were all strong men in their twenties, all wearing navy blue shorts and wearing high-tops with blue cloth on their waists. They were all wearing a red belt, looking extremely festive.

Behind the seventy-two men carrying the betrothal gift was a carriage bearing the emblem of Duke Li Guo. In the carriage, the Wu family and the Bai family were wearing very festive clothes, talking and laughing. Recruitment was a big deal, so it was natural for elders to follow him. Wu's mother-in-law and Bai's second aunt took over the important task without hesitation and came to accompany their son during the recruitment process.

Before and after the hiring procession, there were drummers wearing auspicious clothes and holding musical instruments. They were playing and playing along the way. It was so lively and beautiful that it attracted the people in the capital to stop and watch.

It was a great joy for a man to be hired, so the head of the Mu Mansion, Mu Zhongqing, the editor of the Hanlin Academy, Master Mu, specially asked for leave from his boss, and also invited many friends and colleagues to come to his home to join in the fun.

The house had been kept spotless and dressed in a cheerful manner. There were scouts who had gone all the way to visit, constantly reporting where the betrothal gifts had gone.

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