Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1152 Mo Zili’s thoughts (2)

After making this decision, on the night of the wedding, he clearly told Xiangyun that he already had the woman he liked, and he could only give her status and respect, but not the rest.

He still remembered Xiangyun's shock and grievance at that time. She cried and asked him, why did he marry her if he couldn't love her? Why is he so selfish? Why should he destroy her life's happiness to fulfill his own?

At that time, her face was still round, her complexion was rosy, and her complexion was very good. She was not as pale and thin as she is now, as if a gust of wind could blow her away. She was so pitifully thin!

Xiangyun had something on her mind and was not sleeping properly. When she felt a gaze resting on her cheek, she slowly opened her eyes.

When she met Mo Zili's gaze before she could take it back, she was stunned for a moment, then sat up straight and asked, "Why did you wake up so soon? Does it hurt somewhere?"

Xiangyun's attitude was very natural, without any formality or discomfort. Now that she had made up her mind to leave, Mo Zili could no longer affect her emotions.

Mo Zili froze for a moment, and his face suddenly looked a little unnatural.

He didn't wake up in pain. He was a man from the Mo family and his ability to endure was much stronger than others. Although the broken bone was very painful, he could endure it.

Unable to bear it, he wanted to urinate!

He had taken a lot of medicine since his injury yesterday, as well as some supplements and rice porridge. At this moment, he woke up because he wanted to urinate. It's just that it's not easy to express this idea to her!

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Can you help me call Wangcai in?"

Wangcai is Mo Zili's personal servant, and he is also his most trusted servant. He stays with him all year round. However, according to the rules, the servant cannot easily come to the back house. The servants of wealthy families They are all carried at the second door, ready for the master's orders at any time. Unless there is something very special, they will never be allowed to run into the inner house to avoid bumping into the female relatives in the back house.


Xiangyun agreed, got up and went outside to call a woman, asking her to go to Ermener to find Wangcai.

When he came back, Mo Zili said to Xiangyun, "Just stay away for a moment. I'll send someone to call you if something happens later."

Xiangyun nodded, went outside and told the girls to stay away for the time being, and sent two women to guard the outside in case the young lady from the mansion suddenly broke in and knocked down Wangcai. It would be bad. Arrangements are in place. Just go to the Bi Sha Cupboard to rest.

The wealth came very quickly. He was Mo Zili's most valued servant. He was smart and clever, and had a close relationship with his master who had grown up together. The master was injured yesterday when he was his servant, so he was naturally better than usual. Much more attentive!

After serving the master, Wangcai whispered: "Young master is in such inconvenience now, why don't you take this opportunity to inform the old lady and bring Miss Wanqing to the house to serve you. You are so seriously injured, I She must be very distressed, but as long as you talk to her nicely, she will definitely agree to it!"

Mo Zili frowned and said, "Don't try to confuse things. You don't know the rules that have been left in the house for many generations. The children are not allowed to take concubines or have connecting rooms. The old man and the old lady will never do it because of that." What I have done has broken the rules of our ancestors!"

Wangcai sighed: "Hey, the young master has suffered a lot now. I'm not only pitiful for you, but also for Miss Wanqing. It will take more than a hundred days to recover from her injuries. If she can't see you for so long, she will definitely be in trouble." I'll think you've changed your mind, maybe you'll cry like that?"

When Mo Zili heard this, a look of unbearability immediately appeared on his handsome face, and he said, "Go to Willow Lane and tell her what happened to me. Let her not worry too much until I can move." , go see her immediately!"

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