Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1161 Turning green (1)

Xiangyun was so proud. It seemed that all the grievances and anger he had suffered in the past two months had been vented. When he saw Mo Zili deflated again and again, he couldn't help but feel relieved!

"There are 18 animals in total including spiders, dragonflies, and cicadas, with a total of 118 legs and 20 pairs of wings. How many of each type of insect are there?"

After Xiang Yun asked, Mo Zili immediately frowned and fell into deep thought. He was still playing with his two slender hands, looking a bit silly and cute, which was very different from his previous indifferent look.

After a long time, he was defeated and said with a red face: "How much?"


Xiangyun chuckled, picked up the tea cup and took a leisurely sip. The old god said: "The spider has 8 legs; the dragonfly has 6 legs and two pairs of wings; the cicada has 6 legs and one pair of wings, so, The final answer is 5 spiders; 7 dragonflies; 6 cicadas.  "

As soon as she finished speaking, Mo Zili started to check with his fingers. After calculating that her answer was correct, a bit of frustration appeared on his handsome face.

Seeing the man's expression, Xiangyun was so proud that he worshiped Caiwei several times in his heart. He secretly made up his mind to send someone to the Mu Mansion later to see if there was anything similar. She must read the book carefully and suppress this man's arrogance!

"Hey, this kind of question is too difficult for you. I'd better test you with some questions that suit you!" She put down her tea cup and wiped her mouth leisurely, ignoring Mo Zili's black words. face, and continued to ask: "There is a monkey riding on a tree, and a monkey on the ground. How many monkeys are there in total?"

The question was simple, and Mo Zili answered without thinking: "Eight!"

"Wrong, there are two!"

Xiangyun stretched out his scissor hand and shook it, with the corners of his mouth raised high, as proud as a little fox!

Mo Zili said: "This is strange. There are seven on the tree and one on the ground. Doesn't seven plus one make eight?"

Xiangyun stood up and said, "Who told you there were seven monkeys on the tree? I mean a monkey riding on it?" As he said that, he squatted down and made a horse-riding motion.

Mo Zili almost vomited blood. Isn't this a joke? Is there such a question?

"Hey, it seems that this question is still too difficult for you. I'm looking for you to see if there is an easier one?"

Xiangyun ignored the man's expression and continued to flip through the book. Soon, she stretched out a delicate jade finger and asked, "What is this?"

Mo Zili thought for a while and then said carefully: "The finger, uh no, it's the index finger!"


Xiangyun slapped the table and raised the finger higher: "This is one!"

Then, she changed her other hand, stretched out her index finger, and said, "What is this?"

Aren't they all the same? Mo Zili said without thinking: "One!"


Xiangyun slammed the table again and said loudly: "Wrong, this is a finger!"

At this time, Mo Zili's face turned dark. He gritted his teeth and said, "Wu Xiangyun, do you dare to play tricks on me?"

Xiangyun said confidently: "Who tricked you? You are not afraid of deception. You didn't think carefully, so you still rely on me?" After saying that, he underestimated in a low voice: "It's really shameless!"

Mo Zili is a martial arts practitioner. Although he is ill, he is still sharp and clear. He heard her words clearly. He sneered a few times and said in a conspiratorial manner: "In that case, I will also take the test." Test you."

As he spoke, he also stretched out his index finger and said, "What is this?"

Xiangyun rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and came up with an answer that he thought was comprehensive, and said: "It's not one, it's a finger!"

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