Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1186 Dog bites dog (1)

Caiwei looked at Du Wanqing, feeling shocked. Huanqiu, who had been following her, also opened her mouth in shock.

"Miss, it's her!"

Caiwei: "What?"

Huan Qiu said: "It's the woman in green who colluded with people from the Guangling Palace to intercept and kill the slaves and kidnap the second lady!"

When Caiwei heard this, her expression became sharp: "Did you see clearly?"

"It's clear, miss, this woman has known the second miss for a long time. Even the servant who turned into gray can recognize her. There is no mistake!"

Caiwei's expression turned cold: "Okay, very good, I want to see who is brave enough to scheme against my sister."

When Shopkeeper Wen saw the commotion, he left Caiwei in a panic and stepped forward to dissuade her.

"Aunt Bi, Mr. Wang, we are all well-known figures in the capital. It would not look good to start a fight over a few boxes of rouge. Otherwise, you two should take a step back. We can all be considered friends..."

Wangcai raised his chin proudly and sneered: "The shopkeeper is overthinking it. We run the Duke's mansion dignifiedly, and we don't want to make friends with a merchant's aunt for a few boxes of rouge. As for making friends, I think it's better to forget it." Bar!"

When Aunt Bi heard this, she immediately became furious. She is a regular customer of Mi Fang Zhai, and she has always been regarded as a big benefactor by everyone in Mi Fang Zhai. The boxes of rouge today were ordered by her in advance a few days ago. Being robbed by a woman who suddenly appeared was enough to make her angry, but the shopkeeper of Mi Fang Zhai still helped that group of people. What was even more despicable was that the dog slave still had a high-spirited face and dared to speak humiliating words. she.

Being an aunt was a hidden pain in her heart. Now that she was being ridiculed in public, she couldn't hold it back anymore and sneered: "Although I am a housewife, I have heard that the children of Duke Li are not allowed to be married." As for the rules of concubines, I have seen several young ladies in Duke Li’s mansion. I just don’t know who this lady is? She is not the concubine of some dog slave who looks down on others. She rode in the carriage of Duke Li’s mansion. , just pretend to be powerful and come out to show off and deceive!"

Du Wanqing's face turned pale at Aunt Bi's sarcasm. She bit her lip, looked at Aunt Bi bitterly, and said: "My identity is not something that you, the aunt of a merchant, can find out. Please remember it for me." Come on, sooner or later, you will get into trouble because of your long tongue!"

Aunt Bi was so angry that she was not afraid of the threat of an unknown young woman. She immediately laughed arrogantly: "Identity? What's your identity? Concubine? A foreigner? Or is that servant of Duke Li Guo's house an actor? You're not as good as me." This concubine who has just married into the house, since you have the ability to get me into trouble, why don't you show off your ability now so that I can see what you are capable of? Haha, if you can't show it off, it proves that you are being raped. I guessed right, it must be a shameless concubine or a foreigner!"


The maids and ladies who followed Aunt Bi out laughed in unison, their laughter was extremely exaggerated.

Du Wanqing's face turned purple and she wished she could go up and tear Aunt Bi's mouth off. However, she was a wise woman who knew how to advance and retreat. She knew that her current status was not suitable for causing trouble, so she firmly shook the handkerchief in her hand. He gritted his teeth and said, "Wangcai, let's go!"

Wangcai relied on the fact that he was a favored slave of Duke Li Guo's palace, and he always walked around outside. Today, half of the masters he brought out were deflated, and his face was also shining. How could he be willing to just leave like this? , Furthermore, in order to make a good purchase in front of Du Wanqing, he stared and shouted: "Girl, we can't just leave like this, we can't just get such a cheap deal from this merchant's little wife, you have a young master to support you, what are you afraid of them?"

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