Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1189 Dog bites dog (4)

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked!

Everyone knows that the family rules of Duke Liguo's mansion are strict, and the children in the mansion are not allowed to have concubines, married couples, or outhouses. Today, Wangcai admitted this in public, which is equivalent to pushing Master Zili to the forefront. Son, even if he saves this girl, Master Zili will definitely be punished for the information he leaked!

Wangcai had no choice but to say these words. He saw that Aunt Bi's feet were about to fall. If this delicate girl Du fell at Aunt Bi's feet, the master would definitely punish him for the crime of protecting the master. When the time comes, , his sin is even greater!

The lesser of two evils, no matter what, as long as he can keep Miss Du, the master will not make it too difficult for him.

After hearing this, Aunt Bi retracted her legs unwillingly. Although she wanted to kick the bitch in front of her to death, the authority of Duke Li's palace was so powerful that she couldn't afford to offend her, and she didn't dare to offend her. If the Huo family gets into trouble, she might not be able to eat and walk around!

"What a confidante, just a concubine, how shameless! Bah!"

Aunt Bi held her injured cheek, "poofed" at Du Wanqing who was unconscious on the ground, turned around and wanted to leave.

Suddenly a female voice, neither gentle nor serious, came from behind: "Wait a minute!"

Caiwei walked downstairs slowly and walked into Aunt Bi step by step. She raised her chin and looked directly at the bad woman who had framed her sister, with a flash of evil spirit in her eyes!

"Your servants just smashed up our Mifangzhai, do you think Aunt Bi wants to run away so irresponsibly?"

Aunt Bi looked at the face in front of her that looked exactly like Mu Caifei's, and her lips twitched a few times: "You... you are..."

Caiwei sneered and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you have to pay for your actions!"

Shopkeeper Wen on the side nodded his head sadly and agreed with Caiwei's words. Seeing his shop being smashed into this state, his heart was bleeding and he wished he could kill the culprit!

On the other side, Du Wanqing was helped up by her personal maid and was walking out when she was stopped by Caiwei.

"You can't leave either. You were also involved in the smashing of the shop. Until Yingtian Mansion investigates clearly, neither of you is allowed to leave!"

Wangcai is a servant of Duke Li Guo. He hangs around outside the second gate all year round and rarely enters the inner house, so he doesn't know Caiwei. When he saw that Caiwei dared to stop him, he immediately shouted: "How dare you, how dare you" Those who are blocking Duke Li's Mansion, don't you know that Duke Li's Mansion is the ancestral home of the current Holy Emperor?"

Caiwei sneered and said: "Everyone knows that Duke Li Guofu is the wife of the current Holy Emperor, but what does this have to do with you? You are just a dog raised by Duke Li Guo, or a dog that corrupts the family tradition and takes advantage of others. I Not only can he stop you, but he can also teach you a lesson for him!"

"Hey, you little bitch"

Before the word 'men' could be uttered, Caiwei raised her hand and a pebble flew out, accurately hitting Wangcai's cursing mouth, cracking his lip and knocking him off. Two teeth!


Wangcai screamed and covered his mouth. A smell of fishy sweetness came from his mouth. He lowered his head and spat out bloody foam, spitting out the two broken front teeth in his mouth.

"You little bitch, you really ate the ambitious leopard----"

Before he could finish scolding, Caiwei had already sneered and raised her right hand. There were four round pebbles embedded in the four fingers, which were as big as the pebbles that had just knocked out his teeth!

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