Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1439 Xiangyun is getting married (4)

Caiwei smiled and said: "Sister Namuhan, instead of treating me as a benefactor, it is better to treat me as a friend. Between friends, you only need to treat each other sincerely. There is no need to remember these burdens of gratitude and unkindness!"

After hearing this, Namuhan also laughed and said, "Okay, then I will not regard you as a benefactor, but just be my sister. I hope that you and His Majesty Nangong can come to our Qingluo Kingdom one day. By then, sister I will treat you well!"

"There will be such a day!" Caiwei said goodbye to her and went to see Xiangyun again.

Xiangyun was still wearing a bright red wedding dress, which made her face and eyes red.


She stepped forward, hugged Caiwei, and said with a heavy nasal voice: "Caiwei, although there is no need to express gratitude to friends, I still want to thank you. Thank you for standing by my side when I needed it most. , gave me so much selfless help, I will always remember it in my heart!"

Caiwei said: "If you have that thought, you should use it more in managing your own life in the future. Wanyan Jingchen is a person who values ​​friendship. As long as you manage your life carefully, you will definitely be happy!"


Xiangyun nodded, wiped away the tears caused by excitement, and suddenly said: "Caiwei, how about we get married!"

Her thoughts jumped so fast that Caiwei didn't understand what she meant for a moment, and said blankly: "What?"

Xiangyun said: "I mean, when we all have children in the future, let's get married!"

Nangong Yi and Wanyan Jingchen, who were talking on the side, heard Xiang Yun's words and turned around to look at them.

A vertical line was drawn across Caiwei's head, and she lowered her voice and said, "Look at how reckless you are. You just got married and started talking about whether to have children or not. Be careful of being laughed at. Besides, we are all still here." I don’t have any children, isn’t it too early to say this now?”

When Xiangyun said this, she regretted her rashness. She looked around with a guilty conscience, and suddenly saw Nangong Yi and Wanyan Jingchen who were looking at her. She immediately blushed with embarrassment and lowered her head, daring not to look. people.

Unexpectedly, Wanyan Jingchen, who had always been polite and courteous, also interjected: "At this time next year, let's see if our children are boys or girls!"

"Very good!"

Nangong Yi readily agreed, with a determined expression, as if the child was already pregnant in Cai Wei's belly...


After the warm and slightly sad farewell, Wanyan Jingchen set off to the west with his mother and wife. They expected to arrive at Chaigang Town, a small town on the outskirts of Beijing, fifty miles away before dark. After spending the night there, the next day Leave early in the morning.

In fact, they could have stayed in the capital for one night and waited until tomorrow morning to fight, but Queen Namunhan was thinking about her husband. They had been married for more than 20 years and they had never been separated for such a long time. Moreover, his health was very poor and there was no With her around, the servants didn't know how to take care of him.

Therefore, Queen Namuhan was eager to return home and wished she could go all at once. After her son got married, she immediately rushed back to Qingluo Kingdom in pursuit!

After walking for another two or three miles, the guard who was riding in the front stopped and shouted to a carriage blocking the front: "Who dares to block the carriage of my queen, the Queen of Qingluo Kingdom?"

Outside the car, a pale man wearing a green fox fur cloak slowly turned around and said, "I, Mo Zili, would like to meet His Highness the Crown Prince of your country and the Crown Prince... .Concubine..."

The guards didn't know Mo Zili, but seeing that he was dressed gorgeously and the carriage behind him still bore the logo of Duke Li Guo's Mansion, they didn't dare to slack off. They hurriedly reined in their horses and ran towards the group behind them.

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