Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1478 Husband and wife meet (3)


Nangong Yi was overjoyed and strode towards her.

"Hey! Be careful! It's hot!"

Caiwei's face turned pale and she took two steps back, carefully putting the charcoal basin aside. Before she could stand up, the man had already rushed over and pulled her into his arms fiercely.

Her nose hit his solid and warm chest, and before she could rub her nose, the sound of his gnashing teeth could be heard above.

"You heartless little thing, tell me, where have you been these past few months? Why did you lie to me that you went to Lingbei? Do you know how worried I am..."

The man complained bitterly, getting angrier as he spoke. However, although he was furious in his heart, he was reluctant to deal with her, so he could only use words to strongly condemn her for deceiving him and taking risks alone.

Caiwei had known that he would be like this, so after arriving here early in the morning, she did not dare to see him immediately. Instead, she hid in the space and carefully cooked a table of delicious food for him to make up for the merit.

When she heard the man nagging, like a resentful woman who had been wronged, she raised her head guiltily, smiled, and said flatteringly: "You'd better eat first. Only when you're full will you have the strength." Are you scolding me?"

But the man snorted: "Stop interrupting, even if I don't eat or drink, I can still scold you for three days and three nights!"

Caiwei's face fell: "No, I didn't mean it..."

"You still dare to say that?"

The man shouted, like a parent scolding his children: "Why do you hide such a big thing from me like killing Jiya? Do you know how powerful Jiya is? If you fall into her hands, What do you want me to do?"

He couldn't go on and couldn't imagine how painful it would be for him once something like this happened!

Seeing that he was so excited, Caiwei felt guilty. She hugged his strong waist tightly, sticking to his body like a plaster, and murmured: "Yi, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I won’t do this anymore…”

"If you think so, I won't give you a chance. You will never go out again!"

The man had not calmed down and his tone was still bad, but his arms around her became tighter and tighter. He also habitually buried his face in the crook of her neck, sniffing her scent greedily.

Caiwei was choked by him and couldn't breathe, so she hurriedly shouted: "Yi, let go first, I have something to tell you!"

The man refused to let go, but instead hugged him tighter and tighter like punishment. Caiwei became anxious and pushed him while saying: "Let go first, listen to me... um..."

The lips were sealed, and the man held her chin, turning it between her lips and teeth, venting the longing, pain, anxiety and torture that had accumulated in his heart during this period.

Caiwei couldn't get away, so she took advantage of him to breathe and said vaguely: "Well... child... son..."

Nangong Yi was kissing passionately, and when he heard the word 'child', he suddenly became excited. He raised his head and said in surprise, "What did you say?"

Caiwei, who was free, took two deep breaths of free air, then raised her head, gave the man a meaningful look, and touched her belly happily!

"I say, kid!"

Nangong Yi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood what she was talking about. He grabbed her shoulders excitedly and asked carefully: "Weier, you mean you are pregnant? We have a baby? Is that what you mean?" ?"

Caiwei smiled solemnly and nodded slightly, with a halo of happiness on her fair cheeks: "Yes!"

A simple word "um" completely freed her from the man's resentment. When she heard Caiwei admit that she was pregnant, the man suddenly forgot the anxiety and pain she had suffered these days. The pain and the cold were all forgotten.

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