Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1656 Mo Zili saves people (1)

The next evening, the head of Zuojiashan asked someone to send a letter to Caiwei according to the contact information given by Caiwei, saying that he had secretly visited Shen Yujia, and that Shen Yujia had hired Zuojiashan bandits to kill him. People who pick Wei!

After receiving the letter, Caiwei sent Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue without hesitation and asked them to take a few people to capture Shen Yujia in Yizhuang and bring all the living people in Yizhuang back to see her.

As she expected, there was indeed something wrong with this Shen Yujia. His true identity was definitely not that of Yizhuang's corpse caretaker. He was just using Yizhuang as a cover to engage in ulterior things in secret.

I have to admit that Shen Yujia is a smart man. He is hiding in Yi Zhuang and is indeed difficult to find. The ancients were very superstitious. Yizhuang was a place where dead people were kept. Everyone was afraid of getting bad luck, so they would take a detour when passing by Yizhuang. Normally, no one would come here. Therefore, here, it is really Smart move.

But, who is this Shen Yujia? What is his identity? Why do you want her life?

A series of questions made Caiwei restless, hoping that Zhui Feng Zhuyue and others would bring Shen Yujia back quickly and solve these mysteries.

When it got dark, Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue rushed to Yizhuang on the outskirts of Beijing with their people.

Yizhuang is located at the foot of Qixia Mountain. Because Yizhuang is taboo, there are no residents living nearby. There is only a lonely and dilapidated courtyard built in the mountain. The courtyard wall lacks bricks and tiles, and the east wall collapsed and was covered with firewood. Duo, a white lantern hung outside the village, fluttering in the cold mountain wind, giving it a ghostly look.

Changmei was squatting on a tree in the yard, monitoring what was going on in the house. When it saw Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue, it chirped and pointed at the house to signal them to come in.

Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue looked at each other, then suddenly rose up from their horses and flew into the courtyard of Yizhuang like two kites. The rest of the hidden guards also followed suit, and in an instant they all entered. He entered the yard without making any sound.


Changmei yelled, put two small paws on his cheeks, closed his eyes, and signaled that the people in the room were sleeping.

Zhui Feng understood, he took out the fire certificate, opened the door of the house, and saw a white curtain hanging in the hall. The shadow behind the curtain was shining with the shadow of the coffin, and the smell of atractylodes and soap locust floated from the air. , but it couldn't cover up the stench of corpses in Zhuangzi.

The side rooms on both sides of the yard were tightly closed, and everything, including the main room, was dark. He held up the book of fire and entered the room first, rushed to the bed, and when he opened the curtain, he saw quilts piled up on the bed. Finally, there was no one under the quilt, only a mattress was rolled up and hidden underneath.

"No, the person is missing!"

The other people also saw this, and without waiting for Zhui Feng's order, they searched the house one by one. They searched under the bed, in the wardrobe, in the firewood pile, and even in the several coffins stored here. , but there was no trace of Shen Yujia.

"How could this happen? How could he disappear out of thin air?"

Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue took several hidden guards and knocked on the walls and floors, trying to find the mezzanine or basement, but found nothing. Then Shen Yujia just disappeared!

The long eyebrow squeaked anxiously. It clearly saw him putting down the tent to sleep, so why did he disappear? Could it be that, like his master, he has a mysterious space that he can freely enter and exit?

But no, if he had space, why would he hide in this smelly yizhuang?

Everyone searched over and over again, only to dig three feet into the ground, but in the end they still couldn't find it. Changmei had to contact Caiwei with his mind and asked her to send a parrot to look and find out what Shen Yujia was hiding. Where is it.

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