Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1666 One update at a time in the mountains (1)

Late at night!

The remote mountains are shrouded in darkness. Outside the Dragon King Temple, there are the tireless croaking of frogs and the chirping of some kind of insects. The autumn wind blows, the branches rustle, and the broken dead branches occasionally make a few crisp sounds. , the fire in the temple flickers brightly and darkly, the warmth is harmonious, and there is a different kind of tranquility.

Juhua was sitting by the fire, fiddling with the fire. Her mind had already flown to her parents. She accidentally fell off a cliff. I wonder if her parents were crazy? Will he be looking for her all night? I wonder if there are any wild animals in this mountain? Is it safe for them to come out?

While I was thinking wildly, my stomach growled at an inappropriate time, "Gulu...Gulu..."

She was already ravenous, she hadn't eaten all afternoon, and her physical strength was exhausted today, so she felt extra hungry now. Juhua was so hungry that she held her stomach and comforted herself in her heart, saying that her parents would find her tomorrow, and then she would have something to eat...

However, such thoughts did not calm her stomach. On the contrary, it made her stomach more noisy. Her desire to eat became stronger and stronger, reaching the point of unbearable hunger. However, where could she go to find food in the middle of the night? What about?

Juhua pressed her stomach and walked around and around the temple, trying to distract herself and forget about hunger. However, as she walked, she suddenly remembered when she found Mo Zili in the evening. There were some fish on the ground next to him. Those fish should be what he was preparing for dinner.

Fish, fresh live fish!

When she thought of the delicious grilled fish, Juhua's eyes turned green and her stomach became more restless.

The place where he fainted was not far from the temple. It shouldn't be a problem if he went out, right?

After this idea came to her mind, her stomach became even more hungry. It made "gurgling" sounds one after another. She was so hungry that she wanted to take out her stomach and eat it.

Forget it, never mind, food is the most important thing for the people, let’s have a full stomach first!

Besides, how could she be so unlucky that something would happen if she went out for a moment?

The chrysanthemum warrior, eyes red from hunger, made up his mind as if he had broken his wrist, picked up a burning thick branch as a torch, closed the temple door, and went straight to the place where Mo Zili passed out.

Outside the Dragon King Temple, the mountains in the distance are stacked up in the night. A crescent moon hangs on the top of the mountain, casting a faint light, covering the entire mountain in the vast night. Only the shadows of the sun can be seen. Seeing the outline of the surrounding scenery, it is like a freehand ink painting, very elegant.

The outside was not as scary as Juhua imagined. There were no wild beasts or the legendary ghosts and mountain monsters. She held a torch, amidst the chirping of frogs and insects, and based on her memory in the afternoon, she found the big house where Mo Zili had passed out. under the tree.

Under the tree, the few fish were still there, scattered there quietly. One fish that had not been picked up was even still alive, with its mouth opening and closing. Juhua was pleasantly surprised when she saw it, as if she had seen golden and fragrant grilled fish. generally.

"Grilled fish, here I come!"

She muttered, squatted down, and reached out to pick up the fish.

However, the moment she squatted down, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her butt, as if something had bitten her.


She was startled, screamed, and reached out to feel the pain.

When she touched a cool, soft creature, her scream became even more shrill!

"Ah, snake, snake----"

Juhua was frightened, and frantically pulled the snake off her buttocks, flung it far away, and then, like a frightened rabbit, ran towards the Dragon King Temple.

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