Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1704 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land (3)

At this time, there was a silent sigh in Zhu Shun's heart. They all said that they had eaten too much delicacies from the mountains and seas, so they thought about eating porridge and side dishes. This is probably the case for the general. The general's wife is so beautiful that she can conquer the country and the city, and she is the most beautiful in the world. , her beauty is very similar to that of the Queen, but even such a beautiful woman will get tired of looking at her for a long time. No, the general is openly asking about other people's ladies.

Although Miss Shen's appearance is quite neat, her beauty is completely different from that of the general's wife, and there is no comparison with her! One has exquisite facial features without any flaws, one has a round face with round eyes and a silly look on his face; one has a graceful and graceful figure, Liu Fufeng, and the other has a tall and slightly round figure...

This... is not of the same level at all! What on earth is the general thinking?

Zhu Shun imagined so wildly that he didn't even notice that Mo Ziqi had disappeared. After returning to Shouxian Palace to regain his life, he quietly stood on duty outside the palace, while imagining the fight between the general's wife and Miss Shen. The scene of petting...

In the imperial study room

Mo Ziqi paid Nangong Yi the courtesy of a king and a minister. After getting up, he began to report to him an important piece of news he had just received.

According to reports from spies stationed in Xianbei, the king of Xianbei, Helanqi, died a few days ago. Helanqi had no heirs, and all his brothers and nephews were killed during his reign. Therefore, the throne has been hanging. , various forces in the country have begun to prepare for the throne, and the Xianbei Kingdom is about to be in chaos...

After reporting the situation, Mo Ziqi said: "Your Majesty, I have asked Princess Gui for permission to return to the Jin Dynasty and ask the Emperor to make the decision for her."

Nangong Yi pondered for a moment and said, "She is the queen of Xianbei. If she leaves, Xianbei will definitely be in more chaos. Let her stay there. I remember that Xianbei has regulations. The king dies first, and then succeeds to the throne." The king will marry all the wives and concubines of the previous king to show that he has completely inherited everything from the previous king. Since there is this rule, let Chaogui marry the next king of Xianbei. Chaogui still has some motives to stay there. It will also be beneficial to our Dajin."

Although this decision was unfair to Chao Gei, her life was ruined by one mistake. After that incident of scheming Wanyan Jingchen, there was no place for her in the Jin Kingdom. If she stayed in Xianbei, she might be able to find a way out. Come, come back to Dajin, and you will have to spend the rest of your life in the ridicule and cold eyes of others...

Mo Ziqi said, "Yes, I will pass on His Majesty's decree to her when I get back."

After finishing speaking, he hesitated for a moment and then said: "Your Majesty, the Xianbei country is about to be in chaos. Do you think we should take advantage of this opportunity to put Xianbei..."


Nangong Yi interrupted him and said: "Even if we defeat Xianbei, the people of Xianbei will not be content with being ruled by us. They are not of the same race. They will eventually have different intentions. When the opportunity comes, sooner or later they will still On the contrary, if this is the case, why should I go to such unnecessary lengths and leave such a hidden danger to my children and grandchildren? Besides, conquering a country is not a trivial matter. It requires countless soldiers to pay the price with their lives, and countless families are separated from their wives and children, and they are miserable. This is not what I like to see. Our Jin Dynasty is now peaceful and peaceful, and the people's lives are getting richer and richer. If this can continue, I will be satisfied and have no other ambitions."

When she said this, Caiwei happened to walk in. She had already heard the conversation between Nangong Yi and Mo Ziqi outside. She was very satisfied with Nangong Yi's decision. If Nangong Yi was ambitious and wanted to invade and annex Xianbei, it should not be difficult. , but he could think of the people of the world, put aside his own selfishness, and did not start this war to save the people of the two countries from the cholera of a war. Isn't this an act of benevolence?

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