Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2066 Sisters meet (1)

Although there was no objection, Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du were still very curious about the life experience, conduct, appearance and other aspects of this daughter-in-law they had never met before. Early the next morning, they ordered Chongwu to take the girl back to their house to meet them. .

Chongwu was about to visit Dong Waner. Yesterday, he showed his bestiality and tortured the innocent girl into such a state. Last night, he was upset for half the night. Apart from being upset, he also recalled the sweetness of the two people together from time to time, and his heart became even more... It’s the right time to marry her.

Early in the morning, I just received the order from my parents, so I immediately went to see Dong Waner, without even bothering to eat breakfast.

When they arrived at the back house of the fur shop, the wet nurse was splashing the remaining water from washing her face in the yard. When she saw Chongwu, she hurriedly put down the washbasin and came forward to say hello.

Chongwu waved his hand to signal her to excuse herself and asked, "Where is your girl?"

The mother-in-law said: "My girl cried all night last night and just fell asleep at the fourth watch. I didn't expect you to come here so early. Please wait while I call her."

Hearing that Dong Waner had been crying all night, Chongwu felt a pang in his heart and said, "Stop calling her and let her have a good rest. When she wakes up later, remember to tell her that I have already told her parents about our affairs. My mother is going to see her at noon today, so she can get ready, and I will come to pick her up at noon."

When the mother-in-law heard this, she was overjoyed and said with joy, "Young Master, you are the wife of Mr. Ming, and you want to marry my girl?"

Chongwu nodded: "Exactly!"


The wet nurse clasped her hands together and recited the Buddha's name: "Sir, thank you for your bravery. Otherwise, if you don't admit it, it will be a disaster for my girl. With her strong temper, she might cause some trouble." What's going on?"

The mother-in-law did not say that Dong Waner would seek death, but the meaning was almost the same. Of course Chongwu understood. After hearing this, he felt that his decision to marry her was right. Otherwise, such a good girl like Wan'er would be ruined in his hands, and he would feel guilty for the rest of his life!

Because he still had something to do, he left first. Before leaving, he asked his mother-in-law to cook porridge for Dong Waner and warm it in the pot, leaving it for her to eat when she wakes up.

In fact, Dong Waner didn't sleep at all. She expected that Chongwu would come today, so she sent the nanny outside early, specifically saying that she was heartbroken after losing her virginity to impress Chongwu. When she heard that Chongwu had told her family about marrying her, she was overjoyed. She felt that the sin she had suffered was finally not in vain. The long line she had put down finally caught this big fish!

As long as she can marry into the Mu family, her parents will definitely be released and their status restored. She will still be a noble daughter with a distinguished status. Maybe the family will be revived because of her. As for that bitch Dong Lian'er, she will definitely She will find an opportunity to deal with it, because that kind of bastard is not worthy of being on an equal footing with her. Sooner or later, she will let her go back to where she belongs.

The wet nurse was not as optimistic as she was. She said worriedly: "Girl, when we enter Mu's house, we will definitely meet Dong Lian'er. Do you think she will speak ill of you in front of Mrs. Mu? What if she Our conspiracy against the eldest son has come out last time, and Mrs. Mu will definitely not allow you to marry him, so won’t all our previous efforts be in vain?"

Dong Waner sneered: "At this point, it's useless to be afraid. Anyway, with Mao Tai's help, we just insisted that it was Mao Tai and Aunt Qiu who did it. It's been so long, I guess they will also investigate." There’s no reason why, besides, she might not say those words after seeing the second young master’s attitude toward me!”

What a wealthy family is most afraid of is this kind of scandal. Unless she has sufficient evidence to prove that she did what happened last time, not only will she not be able to bring her down, but Mrs. Mu may even hate her for it. Plus, she was in Tongzhou in the past. At that time, for the sake of her own reputation, she did not embarrass Dong Lian'er too much. Occasionally, when Dong Qing'er bullied Dong Waner, she even came forward to help her. Therefore, now, he felt that Dong Lian'er might not tell that matter. .

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