Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 706 Return to Beijing (1)

In the morning, at dawn, a group of men dressed as Meng slaves, riding horses, hurriedly galloped on the official road in the outskirts of Qingxian County. The horses' hooves were as fast as drums, and the road was filled with smoke and dust, as if the horses were coming from the smoke. Arriving at Xiaoyao Villa located on the outskirts of the county, several people got off their horses. One of them stepped forward and slapped the door of Xiaoyao Villa with all his strength.

"Open the door, open the door----"

The guard guarding the gate of the village yelled impatiently from across the gate: "Who is it? It's so early in the morning!"

Outside the door: "Quick, there's an urgent call coming from 800 miles away. Open the door quickly!"

As soon as the gatekeeper heard the urgent news from Dadu, he ran over and opened the gate.

At this moment, the owner of Xiaoyao Villa has gotten up and is ready to go.

After receiving news from the woman in the middle of the night last night that she had returned to Beijing, he made up his mind to capture her and discipline her strictly!

Therefore, he rested hastily for half the night and got up early in the morning. He had just eaten breakfast and was about to set off when he received an urgent report from Dadu.

His father, Prince Mengdanlelei, is critically ill and ordered him to return to the capital as soon as possible!

Sacnuth held the letter, his arrogant face was filled with gloom, so dark that he could almost drip water. The situation was urgent, and he had to go back to Dadu first. However, that dead woman had to take advantage of her. Let her be free for a while longer!

Although he was not willing to let her go back to Beijing to live happily, but for the sake of interests, there was really no other way to catch her at the moment.

Forget it, let her go for now, and when he becomes Liao Dan's real master, it won't be too late to deal with her!

Saknu made up his mind, took hundreds of guards around him, and returned to Liaodan unwillingly!

Caiwei didn't know that hundreds of miles away, someone was plotting against her.

She had a great job last night and gained a lot. She was promoted to a rich woman overnight. She happily returned to the space, took a happy bath, and slept beautifully in a bedroom filled with gold, silver and jewelry. I slept for a while and didn't get up until it was dawn outside.

After getting up, she wanted to count the belongings robbed last night. After counting for a long time, she came to the conclusion that there were too many belongings and she could not count them in a short while.

Helpless, she had no choice but to feel distressed and happy. She walked around the space, did aerobic exercise for a while, and took a look at how the crops in the space were growing.

The things she and Bai Mei planted yesterday have sprouted, and the batch of grain and vegetables planted before can be harvested in a few days. These crops are growing lush and lush, with plump grains and green vegetable plants. The plant was green and thick, which made her very satisfied.

When she returns to Lingbei next time, these things will be ready for the soldiers to eat.

The last time she invited the soldiers of the three armies to eat meat in Qingxian County, the surprise in the eyes of those soldiers deeply infected her, making her often inadvertently think of those pairs of expectant eyes, which made her want to improve the soldiers. The food made me extremely determined!

A pair of green bean-like eyes came closer with expectation: "Master, what should we eat in the morning?"

The sudden sound suddenly interrupted Caiwei's thoughts. At this moment, she was doing more and more in a green wheat field. She stretched her body, her breasts were slightly raised, and her soft curves made her look better than before. more beautiful.


Caiwei patted her slightly bulging chest and complained: "Parrot, can you not show up suddenly like this? Do you know that scaring people can scare them to death!"

The parrot cackled a few times and said in a noisy voice: "Master, of course I know that scaring people can scare them to death, but I am not a human, I am a bird!"

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