Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 764 Caiwei’s decision (5)

"No need, I've brought it back to you!"

Nangong Yi held her shoulders and prevented her from getting off the ground. He got up and went outside.

After a while, he came in carrying a thin porcelain bowl and sat beside the couch.

In that bowl, there was a full bowl of white rice porridge, with some pickles on the side.

"Eating too greasy food at night is bad for your health. Porridge is just right..."

As Nangong Yi spoke, he took a spoon and scooped out a spoonful of porridge. He tasted the hot and cold porridge before putting it to her mouth.

Caiwei didn't feel comfortable with it at all, so she hid for a moment, then stretched out her hand to take the spoon with a slight embarrassment, "I can just do it myself."

Nangong Yi avoided her hand, still holding the spoon, and said with a smile: "Eat it, try it and see if it suits your appetite."

Since she couldn't avoid it, Caiwei had no choice but to open her mouth and let him feed her spoonful by spoonful.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Nangong Yi put down the bowl, took off his shoes, and got up on the couch.

Caiwei looked at the sky outside and said, "Don't you want to go to bed now?"

Nangong Yi raised his eyebrows: "Why not? Tomorrow the four larger armies will be dispatched to attack Qinlun City. I have already ordered the soldiers of the three armies to rest as soon as possible to avoid losing energy for the battle tomorrow."

When mentioning war, Caiwei couldn't help but think of 'killing,' she asked cautiously: "Nangong Yi, if you capture a city, how will you treat the people there?"

The man lay down next to her, held her in his arms, and casually uttered two words: "Massacre the city!"

Caiwei was startled and struggled to break away from his arms. She sat up and said in an excited voice: "Massacre the city? Are you mistaken? What are the two armies doing to the common people when they are fighting? Why do you want to massacre the city? Is it because it's you? Do you have to kill the people of the enemy country, including the elderly and children? What is the difference between you and a tyrant?"

Nangong Yi didn't expect her reaction to be so fierce, so he stood up, hugged her, and said softly: "I remember I told you once, the Mongolian people are fierce and fierce, and all the people, regardless of gender, old or young, are soldiers." , once a war breaks out, everyone has to go to the battlefield. Currently, there are about 300,000 people in Mengnu. It can be said that babies learning to talk and old people paralyzed in bed, the rest have to go to the battlefield!"

"But are they willing to go to the battlefield? Are they forced to do so or are they willing? I don't believe that those women and children will be willing to fight. If they are forced to go to the battlefield, how can they be killed after being captured? Isn't it too sad?"

Although she didn't want to interfere too much in his affairs, she still thought that many innocent people would be killed, including some lovely children, some dying old people, some mothers who couldn't bear to leave their children, and some upright young people in their prime. Between men and women, she couldn't remain calm, let alone put herself out of the situation.

"Weier, they are not only the people of Mengnu, but also warriors and soldiers of Mengnu. If we don't kill them, they will kill us in the future. I can't leave any trouble for my soldiers!"

Nangong Yi's tone was a little helpless. Although Caiwei didn't see his face, she could feel his lonely expression!

Caiwei looked up at him with a determined expression in her clear eyes, "Nangong Yi, if the big man from Mengnu could surrender, this battle wouldn't have to be fought, right?"

"Yes, but this is absolutely impossible!"

Nangong Yi laid her flat on the couch and covered her up, unwilling to continue this topic any more.

However, Caiwei did not give up her idea: "Nangong Yi, can we reach an agreement?

Nangong Yi's lips were almost touching hers, and when she said such a shameful thing, he stopped a few centimeters away from her.

"What agreement?"

"Give me three days. I will go see Tuoba Kui and I will find a way to make him surrender to our Jin Dynasty. During these three days, you can attack Qinlun City, but you are not allowed to massacre the city!"

Nangong Yi sat up and refused without even thinking: "No!"

Caiwei was angry, "Why?"

Nangong Yi said decisively: "I can't let you take risks. If Tuoba Kui has bad intentions for you, won't I regret it for the rest of my life?"

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