Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 887 Entering the Prince of Qin’s Mansion (2)

Outside the door, there was still the scorching sun and wilted flowers and plants, and there were no traces of the killer in the yard.But Nangong Yi believed in his intuition. He could feel that a large number of well-trained killers were approaching him, and there were quite a few of them.

Caiwei also ran out. She had already ordered her family to get under the couch, and she came out to fight alongside Nangong Yi.

"Caiwei, stay here and don't move. I'll tell the people in Zhuangzi to hide. These killers have extremely high martial arts skills and are large in number. It seems that Concubine Jin sent out the most refined hidden guard. "

Caiwei said 'hmm', and before she had time to ask the man how he noticed it, the man had already disappeared.

"Parrot, come out!" As soon as the man disappeared, Caiwei shouted and called the parrot out.

The parrot came out and said dissatisfiedly: "Master, I just helped you find your sister, and you haven't had time to have lunch yet!"

"I'll cook a big dinner for you tonight. Now go out and help me see how many people are outside?"

Caiwei's words were like a stimulant, causing the parrot to fly into the air. A golden light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly scanned the hidden guards who had gathered quickly.

"Master, there are probably some babysitters here, and they look great. I want to eat boiled fish and some boiled meat slices tonight."

"How long will it take for them to arrive?"

"Uh...we've already arrived at Zhuangzi!"

"Depend on!"

Caiwei said something rude, and Fei also ran to a quiet place and shouted: "White-haired tiger, long eyebrows!"

The white-haired tiger and the long-browed tiger appeared with a roar, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Go, help me kill those intruders, no matter life or death, we must save the lives of the people in the village!"


The white-haired tiger and Changmei jumped out of the second courtyard and landed in the first courtyard. They just caught up with Nangong Yi and stood on either side of him.

There are not many people in the village today, because it has passed the spring plowing season, and all the day laborers hired by the village have been sent home. Zhang's first few brothers are not here either. Because Fei'er is missing, the men of the Zhang family are in the capital every day. Wandering around, carefully inquiring and searching, not missing anything suspicious.

Today was no exception. After the brothers got up early and finished their work, they drove the carriage to the city. After delivering the snacks, they wandered around...

The female relatives of the Zhang family are all here, busy making lunch. Because Caiwei is back, today's lunch is particularly rich. The sisters-in-law are talking and laughing, and they are busy.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound outside. Zhang Erlang's wife, Tang, heard the movement in the yard. She walked to the window and looked out through the open window. She was instantly frightened by the scene in the yard.

In the yard, a giant white tiger, bigger than a horse, was standing hunched beside Mr. Nangong. It was like a hill and its shape was very terrifying. On the other side of Mr. Nangong was a small long-browed monkey. The child is jumping nimbly, as if waiting for something.

Tang covered her mouth and screamed, which attracted several other female members of the Zhang family to come over and watch. After seeing this scene, their arms trembled with fear and their faces turned pale. Some people wanted to rush out of the door, but were stopped by others. Those who were still rational were restrained, because in the blink of an eye, the situation outside had changed.

I saw some masked men in black, like ghosts, flying in from around the high courtyard wall. Their bodies were light and they landed silently. They all held up silver swords and headed straight for Mr. Nangong. It seemed that He was not afraid of the giant white-haired tiger beside him.

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