Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 928 A sudden change of circumstances (3)

The emperor is dead. He is the prince and should inherit the throne. Although the king of Qin is a direct descendant and has won the battle, he has committed the crime of regicide and patricide. He is an unforgivable crime. If anyone dares to speak for him, just follow He is the same raccoon dog, and he is also accused of regicide.

As soon as the King of Qin returned to the capital, he immediately let him die, and also plucked out all his party members, including Duke Li, Marquis Jian'an, Prime Minister Ning, and General Protecting the Country, as long as they stood in the ranks of the King of Qin , they will all die!

And that Queen Mo, who had been at odds with his mother-in-law for more than 20 years, and when he became emperor, he made her into a 'human pig' to take out her anger on her mother-in-law!


In the back garden of Prince Qin's Mansion, there is a rockery with rugged rocks. The rockery is very high and very large. There are many caves in the rockery, but it is dark inside and there are often bats, bugs and mice. The servants rarely go to the rockery.

At this moment, several people of different heights quietly entered the rockery under the cover of darkness, and crawled into the heart of the rockery from a small cave in the rockery.

"Mom, be careful!"

Caiwei and Mu Zhongqing supported Du Shi, who was more than four months pregnant, carefully.

"Leave me alone, I'm fine. Please take care of Wen'er and Wu'er and don't let anything happen to them."

"Don't worry, madam, we are holding the two young gentlemen!"

Sister-in-law Liu hugged Wu'er and followed closely behind Mu Zhongqing and his wife. Chaoyun and Chunliu held Wen'er's hands, one on the left and the other on the right, and walked at the back of the team.

It was pitch dark in the heart of the mountain, without a trace of light. Zhui Feng took out the fire stick and lit it, held it in his hand, and showed everyone the way. They walked around in circles for a while, and the deeper they walked, the darker and darker they became. At the end, there was no way, and everyone stopped in front of a huge rock deep in the cave.

Zhui Feng stretched out his hand and pressed a groove on the cave wall. Suddenly, the boulder in front of him trembled and moved more than a foot to the left.

"come in!"

Zhui Feng waved to everyone, indicating that everyone should go into the cave.

"No, I won't go in, I'm afraid..."

Wu'er lay on Sister-in-law Liu's shoulder, timidly looking at the dark empty mouth, sobbing softly. Du family and Mu Zhongqing also stood there with doubts on their faces, in a dilemma.

Caiwei said: "Benbo Ba, where does this cave lead to? Where do you want to take us?"

Zhui Feng said: "Princess, don't worry. This cave entrance leads to the Anzhao Temple outside the city. King Qin has a secret village next to the Anzhao Temple. No one else knows where it is. I will take you there to settle down."

"Okay, let's go!"

Caiwei walked in first, and just when Du was about to stop her, she saw Chao Yun and Wen'er following them in, and Chun Liu followed behind them with his head tilted up.

Du and Mu Zhongqing looked at each other, and finally said helplessly: "Let's go!"

Behind him, Wu'er saw that his parents had also gone in, so he had to stop crying, timidly buried his little face on Sister-in-law Liu's shoulder, and was carried into the secret passage with her shoulders clasped.

After entering, he realized that the black hole was not as scary as he imagined.

The secret passage was deep and wide, and the candles on the wall had been lit by Zhui Feng. The moment the candles were lit, the huge boulder rumbled back to its original position.

"Sister-in-law Liu, I can just come down and leave by myself!"

Wu'er broke away from Sister-in-law Liu's arms and came down to the ground to walk with Wen'er. The bluestone beneath his feet was a path that extended in all directions, making him suddenly feel like he was falling into a maze, which was very interesting.

Zhui Feng walked in front, lighting candles fixed on the wall as he walked. After walking for about an hour, the darkness in front of them gradually widened, and a carriage even stopped on the dark passage.

"Princess, please get in the car!"

Zhui Feng took a step forward and opened the curtain of the carriage.

This carriage was smaller and lower than usual carriages. It had no shed and could barely accommodate the few of them. After more than an hour of driving, the carriage finally stopped.

Zhui Feng led them on a familiar journey for a while, and when they came out they were in a quiet villa.

The villa has high walls and a high courtyard, the door is closed, the dark house and the weeds half as tall as a person in the courtyard indicate to everyone that no one lives here at all, and it has been deserted for an unknown period of time.


The door of the house opened, and in the darkness, a woman's voice came through: "Is the princess here?"

"Well, Huanqiu, please make arrangements!"

"Yes, Guard Wind!"

Call for autumn? Didn't she disappear? Why are you here?

Caiwei Nahan and Mu Zhongqing's family were also surprised. When everyone saw Huanqiu still using a cane, they felt something was wrong even more. What happened to Huanqiu?

Huanqiu brought everyone in in the dark, assigned rooms to everyone, and made everyone lie down. Then he went to Caiwei's side and explained to her why he had been away these days.

It turned out that on the way to pick up the flowers for the second young lady and Mrs. Huo, they encountered an ambush. She was seriously injured and almost died. Later, she was rescued by a nearby peasant woman and stayed at the peasant woman's house to recover from her injuries for several days. As soon as she recovered from her injury, she wanted to return to the Mu family, but at this time the Mu family had already moved into the Prince of Qin's Mansion, and there was no need for her to protect her. Therefore, the Prince of Qin sent her to this Zhuangzi to recuperate from her injuries. Come back when the injury is completely healed...

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