After saying that, he turned to leave, but just as he took a step forward, a pair of small hands tightly wrapped around his waist, causing his entire body to stiffen. He then heard the faint sounds of sobbing, causing his heart to tighten.

Su Liluo didn't know how he should reply. When she heard him speak the truth one after another, he finally understood that she had misunderstood him and that he had not been faking it. If she still had any doubts at this moment, then she really had a pig's brain!

If he hadn't personally told her about this, wouldn't she have misunderstood him for the rest of her life? Perhaps they would miss it too. Perhaps the heavens had already arranged for them to be married off to each other, so they were unable to separate no matter how hard they tried.

She was happy and angry at the same time. She was happy that the person she wanted was a good person and not a heartless and unloyal person. She was angry that her stupidity was gone.

Other than crying, she could only cry. Her tears had drenched Tuoba Yanlia's clothes, and her hands had also become tighter by a bit. She tightly pulled on his clothes, pouted her small mouth, and muttered: "Idiot! Big idiot! I'm stupid, I didn't think that you would also... So stupid! "

Originally, when Tuoba Yanlia heard Su Liluo's crying, he was at a loss of what to do, but in the end, he had let her cry. Unexpectedly, she suddenly said such a sentence, causing him to not understand. Tuoba Yanlia, I, Su Liluo, did not have any intentions of rejecting your proposal. On that day, I asked you if you were serious about asking me to marry you, but you replied me that it was because of the matter of borrowing food from Jingluo … "That's why I …"

When he said that, Tuoba Yanlia's heart trembled, he immediately turned around, seeing the tear-stained Su Liluo, his heart tightened. He touched her face, and his eyes lit up, as he asked in surprise: "So you mean that you also have feelings for me? Is that true? Liluo! "

At this time, Tuoba Yanlia no longer had the appearance of the Fifth Prince of the Northern Desert, but was instead like a kid who had been given some candy.

Hearing Tuoba Yanlia's question, Su Liluo's face turned red, as though he was embarrassed, but he nodded his head slightly. Unexpectedly, Tuoba Yanlia picked her up and started circling around the room, "Great! Liluo, that's great! I'm so happy! "

Su Liluo cried out in alarm, as he tightly wrapped himself around Tuoba Yanlia's neck.

There would always be accidents in love, and also misunderstandings. If two people loved each other, then a great misunderstanding would turn into certain things. The ones that were separated could only prove that it was not enough.

People always liked to find excuses for themselves, but the more they tried to find excuses, the more humble they seemed, the more they tried to conceal something.

Actually, emotions could not be mixed with any impurities. If there was, it would no longer be pure.

When Tuoba Yanlia led the peach-faced Su Liluo out, Yunuo and Jun Yuchen were still sitting in the great hall, as if they were waiting for them in the first place. However, this made Su Liluo a bit embarrassed, and embarrassedly tried to struggle free from Tuoba Yanlia's grasp.

This made Su Liluo's face flush red, he lowered his eyes and followed along, thinking that she had to get used to this life, after all, she was going to marry Tuoba Yanlia soon, and there would be a day when he would face such a situation.

"Prime Minister Jun, Mrs. Jun." Tuoba Yanlia opened his mouth first and treated his with respect.

Hearing the voice, Jun Yuchen and Yunuo pretended to understand and nodded slightly towards Tuoba Yanlia and Su Liluo. However, Yunuo was a little mischievous, and teased: "When we went in, we were one person, so why did we become two when we came out?"

These words made Su Liluo's face turn even redder, he raised his head and looked at Yunuo, then looked at Tuoba Yanlia, retracting his little claws, then walked in front of Yunuo and said: "Sister Yinuo, stop teasing me."

Yunuo laughed faintly, without much of a need to comment, she did not say anything further, only looking at Su Liluo whose face was flushed red, she stroked her hair with her hand, as though she was unwilling to part with him, and slowly said: "In three days, you will be married out. It makes me rather sad. "

When these words came out, it made Su Liluo's heart sour once again. He pouted his small mouth and said: "I also can't bear to part with elder sister. Elder sister treats me the best, treats me like her own sister, and in the future when I reach the Northern Desert, who knows how some people will bully me! "

After saying that, he glared at Tuoba Yanlia who was standing at the side. However, Tuoba Yanlia felt somewhat helpless about it, shrugged his shoulders, and sat down.

What he was thinking was that maybe in the future, some people would bully him, but at that time, his life wouldn't be as good as it was now! However, although there was torture, it was also a type of blissful satisfaction.

"I'm afraid that some people might have bullied you, but you don't have to bully some people anymore!" Jun Yuchen, who had not spoken a word all along, taunted them, causing them all to laugh out loud. The laughter made Su Liluo even more embarrassed as he stomped his feet and spoke unhappily, "Brother Yu Chen, how can you side with Tuoba Yanlia! When I go to Northern Desert in the future, if he really bullies me, what should I do? "

"Then, how about big brother stir up the whole of Northern Desert for you?"

Jun Yuchen had only casually said that, yet it had taken an indifferent glance at Tuoba Yanlia, which startled him. He believed that Jun Yuchen had this kind of method, and it was definitely not a joke in the slightest, which could be considered as an oral warning to him.

In the past, there were people who said that Jun Yuchen's wealth was comparable to a nation and that his ability could unify the four nations, but he stayed in the Jingluo peacefully. Some said that his power and influence were all in the four nations, but no one knew what kind of power they were hiding, so every nation was wary of him!

This was also the most vulnerable out of the four nations. No one dared to touch the Jingluo because of the existence of this godly figure here!

However, Yunuo and Su Liluo naturally thought that Jun Yuchen was only joking, and did not give in to him. After chatting for a bit, Tuoba Yanlia brought Su Liluo out of the Jun Mansion.

Looking at the scene of Su Liluo holding hands with Tuoba Yanlia, Yunuo couldn't help but be envious. The corners of her mouth slightly raised, as she walked to Jun Yuchen's side, lowering her head and leaning on his shoulder, and muttered: "It's really good."

Jun Yuchen moved closer to her body, inhaled the faint fragrance from her body, and closed his eyes slightly.

Accompanying his son to old age, he died of loyalty.

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