Gu Mingxuan nodded: "well, that's why we have to find the person who passed the edict to you now."

"But... As I said, that man is a father-in-law in the palace. The palace is so big and there are so many fathers in it. Where should I go to find them?"

Mu Zhi gave him a look of joy: "who said you were asked to find your father-in-law? The edict of such appointment is generally written by the ministers of the upper study wind cabinet. We can know who issued the edict to you by comparing the notes of the edict. At that time, we can know from his mouth who made the edict?"

"Yes... Can you do this..."

Han Wu suddenly said, "wait. The edict is in my barracks. I'll go back and get it."

Seeing that Han Wu immediately got up and was about to leave, mu Zhihuan quickly grabbed him: "it's not urgent. At this moment, I ask you, is the main training of your barracks doing Anti Japanese war exercises?"

"Well, but not all of them. I don't know what the people above think. They not only let us practice, but also let us learn the art of war. They say they want to build an army with higher quality."

Mu Zhihuan frowned and looked back at Gu Mingxuan: "isn't Mo Yi still in copper city? Let him come back. I think he has to go about it."

Gu Mingxuan said, "I've asked someone to inform him. Coincidentally, Mo Yi said he also had something on his hand."

Mu Zhihuan nodded: "OK, it's not easy for us to meet uncle Feng. Let's put those things away for the time being. Anyway, it's not urgent. At this moment, let's have something to eat first."

Han Wu was stunned by mu Zhihuan's abrupt transformation.

But seeing Gu Mingxuan and Feng Yu sitting on the table naturally and preparing to pour wine, Han Wu touched his head and sat down.

After a meal, mu Zhihuan almost set out where Han Wu trained, how many people there were and how much force he used.

Feng Yu looked straight at his face. He really didn't expect that the boy he taught was so stupid. After trusting others, he poured out everything.

Mu Zhihuan felt that Han Wu was also very interesting. She chatted with Han Wu and talked to Qinghe.

When it comes to Qinghe, the big man who didn't talk much at first began the consumption mode.

Say how Qinghe can do it and how to make himself like it.

Mu Zhihuan listened, her eyes narrowed into a gap.

After eating, mu Zhihuan took Feng Yu and told him not to leave for the time being. He went to live in the palace for a while, rested and continued his so-called "travel".

But as soon as Feng Yu heard that it was Jiang zisu's palace, he refused without thinking: "I'd rather go to this boy's barracks than that place."

Han Wu had always hoped that Feng Yu could go to his own place. As soon as he heard Feng Yu say so, he immediately responded: "after all, shopkeeper, you still live in someone else's place, or go to me, so that whatever you do can be more convenient."

Since they both said so, mu Zhihuan naturally had nothing to say.

With a reply, he took Gu Mingxuan and said goodbye to them.

On the way back to the king's residence, Mu Zhi Huan Lin looked at her eyes: "Han Wu's honest appearance is not lying. The man on the back of this matter needs more troops to defend the city than to fight. If there is a war, it is really a little less."

Gu Mingxuan nodded in agreement: "maybe that person doesn't want to fight with the surrounding countries at all, just want to -- force the palace."

"Forced palace“

Mu Zhihuan roared in surprise, then covered his mouth and looked around. He found that no one was looking at him, so he stared at Gu Mingxuan: "are you sure?"

Gu Mingxuan frowned: "I just think it's possible. Otherwise, why should they threaten the emperor to make a big Wei? Everything is the same as before."

Listening to what he said, Mu Zhi was surprised: "but since they all coerced the emperor, there is still a need to force the palace?"

"Maybe it's just in case. If it were me, it would be impossible to prepare only one hand."

Gu Mingxuan's words made mu Zhihuan's back cold. She leaned against Gu Mingxuan's arms: "forget it, let's go back first. It's very cold in winter."

Anyway, she saw it. I'm afraid it can't be solved so soon, so what mu Zhihuan wants most now is to go back to the warm quilt.

Gu Mingxuan also saw that mu Zhihuan was cold, so he hugged mu Zhihuan's hand tightly, and they quickly returned to the palace.

That night, Mu Zhi slept happily and was suddenly awakened by someone.

When she looked at Gu Mingxuan with dazed eyes, she muttered and asked, "what's the matter?"

Gu Mingxuan gently hissed at her mouth and pointed out. Mu Zhihuan noticed that there seemed to be a figure outside her window.

"This is..."

Mu Zhihuan was so clever that she almost didn't get up from bed. Fortunately, Gu Mingxuan hugged her: "don't be nervous. See what he wants to do?"

Nodded, mu Zhihuan looked at the outside without blinking. She was afraid that she would disturb the people outside if she made a movement.

Originally, I thought the other party was going to use fan, medicine or other things, but mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan waited for a long time. The man didn't come in and didn't move, as if he just wanted to see them outside the window.

It was so stalemate that when Tian was about to light up, the man finally left.

Mu Zhihuan looked at Gu Mingxuan and was afraid: "how many dark guards do you have in the yard?"

Mu Zhihuan is not a fool. Gu Mingxuan dared to let himself live with him. It must have been arranged. Under such careful arrangement, that person can appear by his window, which can't help but make mu Zhihuan's psychology unbearable for a while.

Knowing what she was worried about, Gu Mingxuan sank his eyes: "there are probably more than ten people, but I told them before that if you can't expose yourself until the necessary time, the situation last night looked dangerous, but maybe it was the enemy's temptation to us."

Although she knew that it was for the sake of insurance, mu Zhihuan still felt a little flustered: "what if this man still came tonight?"

Gu Mingxuan didn't lift his eyelids: "then catch him and feel the melon."

Hearing what he said, Mu Zhi sighed happily: "it seems that we are also suspected. Although we know that we were other people's chess pieces at the beginning, I feel very uncomfortable being treated like this."

"Bear it again."

In the face of such a situation, Gu Mingxuan regretted that mu Zhihuan came with him.

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