Mu Zhi Huan rubbed his head: "this is a good child. Don't think so much. Take it here. Now no one will come to trouble you again."

Dendrobium was moved to sniff: "but I still think fifty-two is too much."

Mu Zhihuan didn't expect that the child should be so axial. After all, he still talked about the silver.

She reluctantly glanced at the corners of her mouth: "I told you it's all right. If you've always been so worried about it, when will you return the silver to me?"

Listening to Mu Zhihuan's not too good tone, Dendrobium grinned. He knew that mu Zhihuan was concerned about himself.

"I see. I won't think so much anymore."

"It's almost the same. You have a rest. After all, I'm tired today. I have something to do later, so I'll go with Mingxuan first."

Dendrobium nodded: "sister Zhi Huan, brother Mingxuan, you two slow down. You meet the man again in a while."

Mu Zhihuan pulled the corners of her mouth. Gu Mingxuan couldn't beat the man who was strong and weak. The reason why Gu Mingxuan didn't do it just now was because they were both in the store. If she broke the things in the store, she had to buy it again.

There's also fat and powder. These things are very stingy. If they beat mu Zhihuan like this, they can basically think of the situation of broken powder on the ground.

"I see. You just have a rest."

Mu Zhihuan also knew that it was useless to talk too much with the little Dendrobium. After calming his mood, he took Gu Mingxuan downstairs.

When going downstairs, mu Zhihuan looked back at Gu Mingxuan and asked, "you should have sent a dark guard to follow the man?"

Gu Mingxuan picked a tip of his eyebrow and didn't deny it.

Mu Zhihuan narrowed her eyes: "in that case, let your dark guard take back the silver in his hand."

Looking at the ruthlessness on mu Zhihuan's face, Gu Mingxuan hooked his lips: "I didn't expect that since you are such a person with a set on your back."

Mu Zhihuan was not ashamed, but proud. She looked up her head proudly: "I wasn't a gentleman originally. Haven't you heard of it? Is it difficult to raise only women and villains?"

"This... It's really the first time I've heard of it, but the description is quite appropriate."

However, Gu Mingxuan looked at mu Zhihuan suspiciously: "you are afraid that after robbing the silver, he will come to trouble you again."

Mu Zhihuan shrugged: "what's to be afraid of? Do you remember the note signed by him? It's written on it. If he comes to trouble me again, he will wave his knife from the palace and listen to me from now on."

Gu Mingxuan didn't expect mu Zhihuan to move his hands and feet on the note: "you. Should you say you're smart, or should you always move some crooked thoughts."

Mu Zhihuan narrowed her eyes, thought about it, licked her face and said, "then praise me for being smart."

"You just said that others have thick skin. I didn't expect that your skin is not thin."

By Gu Mingxuan's ridicule, mu Zhihuan didn't do much. She immediately grabbed Gu Mingxuan's collar and asked, "who do you say has thick skin?"

Gu Mingxuan was afraid that she would fall on the stairs, so he hugged mu Zhihuan's waist with his backhand, and then kissed mu Zhihuan's angry lips: "when I was alone."

Mu Zhi Huan gave a grunt and released her hand dragging Gu Mingxuan's collar: "hum, this time around you!"

Gu Mingxuan didn't let go of his arms around her: "yes, our shopkeeper. Adults don't care about others. It's really a good bearing for the general to support a boat."

Being praised by him, even the cheeky mu Zhihuan felt a little embarrassed, so she slapped Gu Mingxuan on the chest: "all right, put me down."

Gu Mingxuan took a look. The people watching the excitement downstairs were almost on the floor, only some people who bought fat powder.

So he simply jumped out of the window with mu Zhihuan, went directly to the opposite teahouse and asked for a private room.

Looking at his familiar action, mu Zhihuan frowned: "I'm afraid you haven't done less of this kind of thing?"

Gu Mingxuan picked an eyebrow: "of course not, but I used to look at your trend here occasionally."


Mu Zhihuan only felt a chill on her back. She didn't believe it occasionally.

Otherwise, you can't explain yourself at all. If something happens, Gu Mingxuan can come quickly. Why.

However, mu Zhihuan was very pleased to think that the man had been so concerned about himself so long ago.

So she jumped two steps to Gu Mingxuan's side, sat on his lap and asked, "to be honest, when did you start aiming at me in Dawei?"

Gu Mingxuan hugged mu Zhihuan's waist to prevent her from falling: "it's about the first time I see you."

"First side?"

Mu Zhihuan frowned suspiciously. Didn't Gu Mingxuan save the beauty for the hero when she remembered the first face?

When she opened her mouth, mu Zhihuan didn't believe it at all: "don't lie to me. At that time, your eyes clearly had no affection."

Gu Mingxuan's eyes flashed a touch of interest: "do you remember that you were afraid that I would rob your shop, hold my shoulder and say you would invite me to dinner?"

Well... Mu Zhihuan certainly remembers that at that time, she was as poor as a rag. In order to invite Gu Mingxuan to eat this meal, Mr. spent one-fifth of the silver she prepared for the shop.

Speaking of this, Gu Mingxuan's eyes had a smile: "you may not believe it. I've never been interested in women. Even my crown prince's family has no concubine room for so many years, not even a roommate servant girl."

"I know that."

Mu Zhihuan clearly remembered the shocked expression on the faces of the servant girls in the prince's house when she lived in the prince's house, and the big mouth could be stuffed with eggs.

Seeing that she knew, Gu Mingxuan hooked his lips again: "the imperial brothers around me have gradually married their wives and concubines, and I still have no interest in women. Even they pulled me into the brothel. When I saw the legendary Huakui in the brothel, my heart was unwavering."

Mu Zhihuan listened quietly to what Gu Mingxuan said. In fact, she could probably think of what kind of scene it was. After all, Gu Mingxuan didn't even look at women except her until now.

"Later, I heard in the folk that there was a kind of people called Brokeback. They were men, but they only liked men. I once suspected that I was a brokeback, but when I went to 'Lanyuan' to see those young shepherds, I didn't know I wasn't Brokeback."

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