The two held together for a long time. Gu Mingxuan seemed to slow down.

He opened the distance between them and looked at mu Zhihuan all over. He found that she was really not hurt and the frost in her eyes dissipated.

"What happened?"

Facing Gu Mingxuan's question, mu Zhihuan himself was also a monk of Zhang Er: "I just lay down by the window to see you. As soon as I lay down, I felt my back cool. I subconsciously squatted on the ground, and then I saw the dart."

"But before I got up, another dart came again, so I called you quickly."

Said, mu Zhihuan also pointed to those darts for Gu Mingxuan to recognize.

Gu Mingxuan listened to Mu Zhihuan's words, walked to the window, and then approached the window. After carefully exploring the darts, Gu Mingxuan's face became ugly.

"This dart is poisonous."


Mu Zhihuan was surprised. The man didn't want to let her go at all.

"But how did you see it? Just look at it?"

Gu Mingxuan carefully took down the dart: "in fact, in order to ensure that the poison on the dart can really poison the target, the dart will not only be refined in poisonous water, but also create some dark grooves on the dart so that it can hang more poison."

While listening to Gu Mingxuan's explanation, mu Zhihuan looked at the darts in his hand and could really see the strip-shaped dark groove that was not very obvious.

My heart suddenly sank. Who is so cruel to her?

"I remember that you are proficient in this. Can you see what poison it is?"

Gu Mingxuan was about to check carefully when a crisp voice interrupted him: "don't move!"

Mu Zhihuan lifted her eyes and saw that it was Dendrobium.

"Why did you come up?"

Dendrobium's eyes were still a little red. He carefully took the dart from Gu Mingxuan's hand, then took a knife from Han Wu, and carefully scraped off the residual poison powder on the dart on the table. Although there was only a little, Dendrobium was extremely careful about it.

Dendrobium took another bottle of something similar to liquid medicine from her arms and poured it on the white powder. A burst of white smoke rose and the white powder dissipated.

Dendrobium wiped a handful of sweat on his forehead: "this poison is very similar to what my master developed before. It will dissipate when encountering this Kingfisher saliva, but... Looking at the speed of dissipation, it is much more cruel than my master's poison."

Mu Zhihuan looked at a burning hole on the table and was afraid. If this thing really fell on her, I'm afraid she couldn't wait for Gu Mingxuan to come up to save her, she couldn't move.

"Are you sure you're right? You just told Gu Mingxuan not to move from a long distance. Is there any characteristic of this poison that you can identify it thousands of miles away?"

Mu Zhihuan's doubt made Dendrobium scratch her head: "in fact, I was basically involved in the process of master pharmacy, so I was still familiar with these things. I smelled this unique aroma as soon as I came in, so I asked brother Mingxuan not to touch it."

"If this is really the same as my master's sexual orientation, it will be absorbed as soon as it touches people's skin. Even if you take this medicine and blow it into your face, you will be caught."

Listening to the explanation of Dendrobium, mu Zhihuan only felt cold on his back. How was such a terrible poison made in this underdeveloped ancient science?

However, Dendrobium also wondered: "my master has a quirk that no one except me can touch his prescription, especially this. According to his own words, he lived alone in the deep mountain in order to develop this poison."

"But... In that case, why do others take his prescription? Is my master not dead?"

Dendrobium looked at Gu Mingxuan with a pair of surprised eyes and asked, "brother Mingxuan, I remember you once said that there is a cloud ladder outside the cave with the jade pendant, which can hurt below. Maybe the master developed the poison in that cave, so it disappeared."

Gu Mingxuan collected his eyes: "it's not that there is no possibility, but why does he clearly have left the cave but don't contact you?"

For this, Dendrobium took it for granted: "shortly after the master disappeared, I went down the mountain to sell medicine for my livelihood, but because I had no experience, I was trapped penniless, and then I fainted in the bridge hole, and then I was picked up by the man."

If it's really like what Dendrobium said, maybe his master didn't go to him, but went there, but didn't find him. Later, he met the person behind the kidnapping of the emperor, and the two practiced?

Mu Zhi Huan frowned: "Dendrobium, I ask you, is your master a person who is both right and evil? It's easy to be talked about by others. There is no concept of right and wrong, just the one who is happy?"

Dendrobium looked at mu Zhihuan in surprise: "sister Zhihuan, have you seen my master? Where is he? Can you tell me?"

Hearing Dendrobium's answer, mu Zhihuan's heart was half cold and finished.

If such a person has no bottom line, the master of Dendrobium is likely to be used by that person.

"Dendrobium... You said you've been making poison for your master, so can you make this antidote?"

Looking at the Qi wing in Mu Zhihuan's eyes, Dendrobium shook her head with regret and said, "if it was the previous one, I might have a way, but now the poison is different from the previous one. You know, the antidote is actually a kind of poison. If it is a single drug or half a point, it may be more troublesome to add poison to the poison."

Listening to Dendrobium's words, mu Zhihuan's face sank. Now it's good. He doesn't even know who the other party is, but the other party already has such a master of poison and can accurately choose to attack himself when Gu Wenxuan is away. It's really passive, not a little bit.

Seeing what mu Zhihuan was worried about, Gu Mingxuan's face was not very good: "master, can you tell me the characteristics of your master, and I can ask someone to help you find your master."

Unexpectedly, Gu Mingxuan was willing to help him find a master. Dendrobium's eyes turned red. He was about to kneel down for Gu Mingxuan and was dragged up by Gu Mingxuan: "what are you doing?"

Dendrobium looked at mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan: "don't thank you for your kindness. If you need me in the future, I will go through fire and water and repay you as an ox and a horse."

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