Jiang Zi Su Yue said that his face became paler and paler. He poured himself a cup of cold tea: "after these two things, it was said that there were unclean things in my palace, starting with mu Zhihuan and then the daughter of Shang Shu. Every girl who married to my palace didn't get a good destination in the end. Therefore, everyone said that I was a natural lone star."

Mu Zhihuan listened to this and felt some grievances for Jiang zisu. At the same time, she was surprised that Jiang zisu had experienced so much.


Jiang zisu sighed again: "it's the rumors of the lone star that made me like this."

"En?" Mu Zhihuan was stunned by the sudden change. She heard so much from Jiang zisu and thought that the reason why he became like this was because he abandoned himself. Later, the emperor saw that he was an ah Dou who couldn't hold up the wall, so she simply didn't ask.

Unexpectedly, there are other things behind this.

Jiang zisu saw the surprise in Mu Zhihuan's eyes. He laughed at himself and pulled the corners of his mouth:

"You also know that we seem to be a person who believes in astrology. I don't know which master of ceremonies is. On the morning of one day, he suddenly said that the emperor star is a little unstable because the lone star beside him is too bright. If it goes on like this, it may lead to the disappearance of the emperor star."

What are these? Mu Zhihuan couldn't help turning his eyes in his heart. The so-called emperor star and lone star, aren't they all imagined by the ancients themselves? Someone really took him seriously.

It's like confirming what mu Zhihuan thinks.

Jiang zisu lowered his eyelids and continued, "how could our emperor tolerate this kind of thing, so he ordered to thoroughly investigate all the adult men with lone star fate, and arrest them all and execute them one by one."

"Ah?" Mu Zhihuan took a breath. In her memory, Jiang Zimu didn't seem to be such a cruel person, right? Kill so many people just because of an unnecessary star?

"Of course, all these people were killed. The master of ceremonies also said that the emperor star was unstable. At the moment, in the eyes of the emperor, the only lone star still alive is me..."

At this point, Jiang zisu didn't go on, but mu Zhihuan could basically guess what happened later.

So she said, "so since then, the emperor has ignored you and deprived you of your power, making you what you are now?"

Jiang zisu nodded: "it's not you two coming from Dayan this time. Maybe I'm not even allowed to enter the palace."

Speaking of this, Jiang Zi Su Yi smiled. The smile looked desolate like the cold wind in winter: "you said it's not funny. As a prince, I have to declare to the emperor in advance since I even enter the palace."

For a time, mu Zhihuan's psychology was mixed. She didn't know what she should say at the moment, so she simply closed her mouth.

The air pressure in the study once became very low. When mu Zhihuan decided to talk to him about this later, Gu Mingxuan suddenly said:

"Can I take the liberty to ask the Lord, who was the master of ceremonies in heaven?"

Jiang zisu didn't seem to think that Gu Mingxuan would take the initiative to ask himself questions. After thinking for a long time, he said, "the master of ceremonies seemed to have a fire in the house and couldn't run out. He disappeared with other objects in the house."

Unexpectedly, there was such a coincidence. Mu Zhihuan couldn't believe it. Just when she wanted to see Gu Mingxuan's expression, Gu Mingxuan had already taken her hand and stood up: "today is our bother. It's getting late. Please rest early, Lord. We'll go back first."

Jiang zisu didn't expect that they left directly after asking. After a long time, he opened his dry lips and said, "OK... Go back and have a good rest. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."

Gu Mingxuan was not polite at all: "then trouble the Lord."

Then he took mu Zhihuan and left the study without looking back.

"Why did you leave? I still have a lot of questions to ask?"

Mu Zhihuan followed Gu Yunxuan and looked at him suspiciously.

But it was a pair of cold eyes, so she knew for a moment that Gu Mingxuan must have found something, so she quickly shut her mouth.

The two quickly walked back to their bedroom. When they were near the door, Gu Mingxuan snapped his fingers and said to the dark guard hidden around the house: "no one is allowed to come in without my command."

Looking at Gu Mingxuan's rare serious look, mu Zhihuan's heart was nervous and had a little expectation.

"What's the matter?"

After Gu Mingxuan closed the door, he whispered, "don't you think all these things mentioned by Jiang zisu are too coincidental? Although there is no coincidence, there must be some inevitable factor for so many coincidences to get together."

Mu Zhihuan also felt that these things were too coincidental, so Gu Mingxuan immediately agreed: "but for a time, I couldn't find the loophole in his words."

In fact, what Jiang Zishu said was almost the same as what they found by Mo Yi. At this time, mu Zhihuan was very tangled.

It's like colored leaves stuffed between teeth. The tongue only needs his position, but the fingers don't know. It's so uncomfortable that they get stuck there.

Gu Mingxuan was silent for a long time and suddenly said a very hot news: "I smelled the poison on the dart on Jiang zisu."


Mu Zhihuan couldn't believe looking at Gu Mingxuan: "are you really sure you didn't smell wrong?"

Gu Mingxuan frowned and nodded: "there should be no, because the poison has a special smell, which is still different from the public."

"You mean, Jiang zisu is the one who operates everything after the task, but I always feel something wrong."

Mu Zhihuan sat on the stool, his hand against his jaw: "if only Dendrobium were here at this time, after all, he knows a lot about poison."

"And you don't think Jiang zisu told us the inside story this time. It's basically the same as what we investigated. It's wrong. It can even be said that it's not bad. It's too similar. On the contrary, there's a problem. I suspect that our dark guard has also been infiltrated."

At this moment, mu Zhihuan was surprised and stood up directly from the stool: "impossible?"

This can't blame mu Zhihuan for making a fuss, but Gu Mingxuan's dark guards were trained by him since he was a child, so they died. You know, such people can't be rebelled at all. Their only way back is to die on the battlefield or in their own hands.

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