So she coughed a little and deliberately shouted, "Dendrobium, what's the matter? Why don't you come in? What are you doing at the door?"

While sleeping, Gu Mingxuan went outside, but he didn't dare to look. Standing near the door, Gu Mingxuan.

Mu Zhihuan hands out cosmetics to the makeup artists participating in the competition, but her ears have been paying attention to the movement of Qinghe.

After hearing that she successfully went out and called Dendrobium, mu Zhihuan exhaled slightly.

Before long, Qinghe came in with Dendrobium from the outside. Mu Zhihuan saw the red eyes of Dendrobium at a glance. The expression like a rabbit showed that mu Zhihuan's love was flooding. If Gu Mingxuan hadn't been here, she really wanted to go up and hug Dendrobium and comfort him.

However, now with Gu Mingxuan behind her, mu Zhihuan dared not make a mistake. She looked back at Gu Mingxuan and cast an inquiring look.

Gu Mingxuan immediately came forward and took Dendrobium from Qinghe's hand: "I think he's in a bad mood. I'll take him up first."

Where did Qinghe dare to confront Gu Mingxuan and quickly nodded: "then... You go."

Seeing Gu Mingxuan and Dendrobium going up, Qinghe came to Mu Zhihuan suspiciously and asked, "what's going on?"

Mu Zhihuan shrugged: "I'm not very clear. Wait, I'll go up and ask for you now."

With that, mu Zhihuan threw down his work and went upstairs in three or two steps.

When she got upstairs, Gu Mingxuan had calmed the Dendrobium.

Mu Zhihuan went up to ask about Dendrobium, and still came to Gu Mingxuan: "so... How are you... Talking?"

Gu Mingxuan took an eye tail and glanced at mu Zhihuan: "that man is really his master, but I don't know why his master doesn't want to recognize him at all, so it has become like this."

"Ah?" Mu Zhihuan didn't expect that he really guessed right: "but didn't all his masters come to the door of our store? It seems that he wants to recognize Dendrobium. Why run away?"

Gu Mingxuan said he didn't know when, so mu Zhihuan turned his eyes to the depressed Dendrobium.

Dendrobium sniffed and his eyes were red: "actually... I don't know why, but I promise I'm not mistaken. That person is my master. The herbal smell on him is not available to others."

Well, people can be recognized by the smell of medicine, which is also his ability.

"I think he must have something hidden."

Seeing that Dendrobium's mood was not very good, mu Zhihuan comforted: "you see, he made a special trip to our shop to see you. I think maybe there are too many people. He can't recognize you. Maybe the people behind his poison don't allow him to come out."

"Really?" listening to Mu Zhihuan's words, Dendrobium's eyes lit up at that time: "you mean my master may be in danger now?"

Mu Zhi Huan blinked: "it's not impossible, but it's only one of the possibilities. What's the specific? We have to find your master first."

However, when it comes to this, mu Zhihuan is a little helpless. If he can find a reaction just now, let Gu Mingxuan go up and catch people. It's easy now.

As if she knew what she was thinking, Dendrobium looked at mu Zhihuan from the corner of her eyes, and then said softly in a very low voice: "well... In fact, I just smeared a little powder on him, but I may not see it until night. I can't see it on weekdays."

As soon as mu Zhihuan heard this, he raised his eyebrow: "I didn't expect you to have this skill, so we'll help you find the master tonight!"

"Really?" Dendrobium looked at mu Zhihuan's eyes. Mu Zhihuan raised his head. At this time, he didn't forget to pull Gu Mingxuan, so he patted Gu Mingxuan's chest and said, "of course it's true. There should be no problem with your brother Mingxuan."

Under Dendrobium's hopeful eyes, Gu Mingxuan glanced at mu Zhihuan: "it still depends on your medicine. Whether it doesn't work or not, can others see the powder you said except us?"


Dendrobium scratched his head: "if you pay close attention, you should also be able to see, so we have to just get dark and can't move. If my master finds out and wipes it off, it's hard to do."

Gu Mingxuan nodded: "then take advantage of now that you have a good rest, sister Zhi Huan and I will go down first to prepare."

With that, he took mu Zhihuan's head and left without looking back. Dendrobium didn't understand how the person's front and rear reactions were so different, but after knowing that he would help himself, he didn't care so much.

Mu Zhihuan was dragged all the way to the third floor. She glanced at the empty corridor and blinked innocent big eyes: "what are you doing? Didn't you say you want to go down and prepare?"

Gu Mingxuan took mu Zhihuan's hand without saying a word and kissed her directly on her lips. Between her lips and teeth, mu Zhihuan heard Gu Mingxuan gnashing his teeth: "if he wasn't still a boy, I wouldn't let him go."

Mu Zhihuan was annoyed and funny by Gu Mingxuan: "he's just a child. I see him poor. What are you thinking?"

"Don't you think you put too much thought on him?" as soon as you heard him say so, mu Zhihuan knew that Gu Mingxuan saw what he had just urged Qinghe to pull Dendrobium in.

So mu Zhihuan hurriedly explained: "you see, such an older child was abandoned by the master and used by bad people. It's not easy to come to us and get a little warmth. I can't let him ignore it. Why did I save him at that time?"

Of course Gu Mingxuan understood the truth, but when he saw mu Zhihuan being nice to other men, he was angry.

Seeing that Gu Mingxuan's look eased a little, mu Zhihuan pursued the victory and said, "besides, my aesthetics is at your level. He just looks better. It's just a little better than ordinary people. It may be far worse than you."

Gu Mingxuan looked at her suspiciously: "really?"

Mu Zhihuan raised her head: "of course it's true. What did I cheat you to do?"

Seeing that she was so committed, Gu Mingxuan loosened the hand shackled on her waist: "even so, you are not allowed to look at him with such appreciative eyes."

As long as the man doesn't eat flying vinegar, let alone look at Dendrobium with flower crazy eyes, mu Zhihuan can promise at the moment.

So mu Zhihuan immediately put up three fingers and swore: "I promise!"

Then, our prince, after a flash of cunning in his eyes, hugged mu Zhihuan. His look was no longer cold: "let's go down."

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