Speaking of Tongcheng, mu Zhihuan frowned: "it seems that you don't know that Tongcheng has been incorporated by Jiang zisu. Now Tongcheng is the world of Jiang zisu. It's basically impossible to get troops from there."

"Ah?" Zhennan exclaimed, "is Tongcheng empty by jiangzisu?"

Gu Mingxuan nodded: "most of the officials in Tongcheng have been changed once."

Hearing Gu Mingxuan's words, Zhennan suddenly patted on the forehead and said, "I said why there have always been accidents in Tongcheng in recent days. If there are officials who have been reported for corruption or who have been beaten at home for no reason, they can't continue to be competent for their official positions."

Then Zhennan took a breath: "originally, I wanted to go to Tongcheng to explore after the Lantern Festival. If those officials can't, I'll buy them a big change of blood. Unexpectedly, someone dared to change those officials in front of me."

Zhennan's face was pale and drank a mouthful of cooled tea: "it seems that this incident is no small matter. We can't scare the snake for the time being. We have to come from the dark."

Gu Mingxuan and mu Zhihuan looked at each other, which was actually what they wanted to say.


It was already noon when they came out from Zhennan.

Mu Zhihuan took a look at the day when the cold wind was still blowing, and sighed in his heart: "you said when it was a head."

Gu Mingxuan hugged her and whispered in her ear, "wait until Zhennan contacts the people he can use."

"Are you really sure that Zhennan can contact useful people?" Mu Zhihuan certainly didn't distrust Zhennan, but she didn't think that with these officials in the capital, several of them could really do something substantive and helpful in this matter.

"Now it's up to him."

Gu Mingxuan collected his eyes: "after all, this is Dawei. I think no one can help this event more than him."

Mu Zhihuan breathed a long breath. As soon as she was ready to go to Chanel with Gu Mingxuan, she suddenly felt a gust of wind behind her.

Before she knew what was going on, Gu Mingxuan had carried her around and avoided the wind.

When mu Zhihuan finally stood firm and saw who the visitor was, he really wanted to go up and kick the man.

"Why are you so scary?"

Han Wu touched his nose: "I saw you two come out of the Shangshu's house of the Ministry of officials and called you in the back, but neither of you answered me, so I used this move."

Mu Zhihuan picked an eyebrow: "I'm busy. I don't have time to reason with you."

He said so, but mu Zhihuan was really waiting for Han Wu to come to him.

Han Wu knew that she was just hard on her mouth. He came forward in three or two steps. Han Wu came to Gu Mingxuan's ear and whispered, "crown prince, three of my friends in Tongcheng have returned my news."

Mu Zhihuan stood aside and didn't hear it. She looked here anxiously.

Gu Mingxuan saw that she was worried, so he simply brought her over.

Han Wu continued: "they all say that Tongcheng is normal now, but it seems that the defense has increased a lot."

"Listen to what you just said, is there a friend who hasn't replied?" Gu Mingxuan frowned at Han Wu.

Nodded, Han Wu's face was a little uncertain: "there is one who works as a deputy in the patrol team of Tongcheng."

"Well." Gu Mingxuan replied, "try to contact him again. I think he may be able to help at a critical time."

"By the way, what are you two doing in the house of the Minister of officials?"

Han Wu asked as he walked carelessly.

Mu Zhihuan turned her eyes: "what else can we do? We are friends, but later I went to Dayan, and there was little contact between cars and horses."

Han Wu looked at mu Zhihuan. He obviously didn't believe it was just talking about the past. When they came out, they didn't look like after talking about the past.

"It's just that some things have been discussed with Zhennan. It happens that he hasn't seen you yet. Take you next time."

Gu Mingxuan saw what he was thinking at a glance, so he offered.

Han Wu's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it: "that's OK ~ but tell me in advance that our training task has increased in recent days. The people above seem to be worried about something, which makes us all very uneasy."

What else can we worry about? The Lantern Festival is coming soon. It's time for these troops to use.

Mu Zhihuan took a look at the sky and sighed in her heart.

The three of them walked slowly towards Chanel. As soon as they reached the door, they saw a familiar figure standing at the door of the store, as if waiting for someone.

Mu Zhi Huan took two steps up and looked at Dendrobium suspiciously: "what are you doing? Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to devote yourself to developing an antidote?"

When Dendrobium saw mu Zhihuan coming, her eyes brightened: "I... I thought of a simple method. After all, if I develop an antidote here, I first need a large number of poisons as evidence, and then I need to analyze the components of those poisons from scratch. In this way, I may not be able to officially develop an antidote in less than ten days and a half months."

Speaking of this, Dendrobium paused: "so I think... I want to pretend to be a beggar, and then block him on my master's only way to help him develop an antidote. In order to go into the military camp in a fair way and make an antidote with my master's existing data, it will be much faster."

Listening to Dendrobium, mu Zhihuan frowned and looked at him with some worry: "although your idea is very good, you should know that the person behind your master is not a fuel-saving lamp. If he knows that you are from my side, don't say developing an antidote. If you can't say anything, you will be taken to test the poison."

Dendrobium also thought of this, but if it is not risky at all, they may not be able to take out the antidote before the Lantern Festival.

So Dendrobium nodded, "I understand, but I still want to go."

Seeing that he was so firm, mu Zhihuan didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder: "then pay attention to everything. If it doesn't work, you must come back to know?"

Dendrobium nodded: "I know. I also want to develop poisons and antidotes with my master. I'm just worried that if I'm exposed, it will affect 'Chanel'..."

"You don't have to worry about this." Mu Zhihuan picked her eyebrow: "you just need to do what you want to do, and leave the rest to us."

With that, mu Zhihuan looked back at Gu Mingxuan and asked, "right."

Gu Mingxuan nodded: "well, go if you want."

Seeing this, Dendrobium's beautiful eyes turned red again. If he didn't know that mu Zhihuan didn't like that kind of gift, he really wanted to kneel down and thank them.

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