In an instant, mu Zhihuan only felt her whole body cold. She didn't expect that Jiang zisu would imprison these people.

Although it was strange to know that the two women would disappear for no reason at the beginning, she thought that she was driven away by Jiang zisu at most. She never thought that Jiang zisu would do such a sad and crazy thing.

The woman smiled awkwardly: "it seems that you all know. Do you know why we are locked up here?"

Mu Zhihuan looked at the woman and shook her head: "why?"

"I thought it was enough for me to marry Jiang zisu. I don't care who his psychology is. As long as I stay with him, I can always let him know my mind, but... Do you know what the man told me on the wedding night?"

"He said that women say they want to be with you, but they think of other men, so they are unreliable. Only by holding everything in their hands can they really let others not betray you."

Mu Zhihuan heard this from Jiang zisu.

It seems that Jiang zisu was crazy a long time ago.

After clearing her throat, mu Zhihuan's eyes flashed a touch of anger: "I never betrayed him. I had no love with him at the beginning. No matter what I did, this is not the reason why he can do this to you! I want to find him and let you go!"

With that, mu Zhihuan turned and left here. He didn't see the joking distrust in the woman's eyes.

Casually caught a man and asked Jiang zisu where he was at the moment. Mu Zhihuan went straight without thinking.

Even the door was too lazy to knock. Mu Zhihuan pushed the door directly and broke in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, I saw an old man with disheveled hair and rags, as well as Dendrobium beside him.

Mu Zhihuan's heart flashed a touch of unhappiness, but it was soon covered up by anger.

She went up to collect Jiang zisu's skirt, with a cold light in her eyes: "Jiang zisu! You really made up a good story! Didn't you say that the two women left voluntarily? Then tell me, who are the two women you locked up? Just close it and grind people like this. What did they do wrong?"

Jiang Zi Su Wei frowned indescribably and waved to the strange old man and Dendrobium to go down first.

However, mu Zhihuan slapped her eyes and hands on the table and made a shocking noise: "don't go! What's the matter? Jiang zisu, if you dare to do it, you don't dare to let people know, do you?"

With that, mu Zhihuan turned back and grabbed Dendrobium angrily: "you're just in time. I want you to see what kind of devil you're loyal to!"

"The girl who imprisons others doesn't say! She also ruined others' legs! Are you still a person, Jiang zisu?"

Mu Zhihuan had to ask questions in a row, and looked at the strange old man in a daze. Dendrobium trembled with fear, and her lips were pale and dared not say a word.

"You went to see them both?" Jiang zisu was calm and light. He straightened his collar: "I was just to prevent them from running away. If they were honest, there wouldn't be so many things."

Looking at Jiang zisu's picture of not taking those two people's lives as human lives, Mu Zhi Huan's whole body trembled: "you obviously have poison that can control people's hearts. Why do you torture them like this?"

Jiang zisu looked like he couldn't understand: "did I torture them? I gave them food and shelter, but I just needed them to stay here quietly. I didn't want to lock them up before. They didn't cherish the opportunity and had to run outside. I made this bad decision. You really wronged me."

Mu Zhihuan looked at Jiang zisu and felt that the person in front of him was becoming more and more strange: "you really make people afraid!"

With that, mu Zhihuan turned back and shouted at the stunned Dendrobium and the strange old man: "do you see? Where is this kind of person worthy of your loyalty? You are not afraid that he will pack you two and sell them together after the success!"

Dendrobium seemed to be frightened. She pushed mu Zhihuan and wanted her to let go of herself.

After being pushed and pushed for a few times, mu Zhihuan took two steps back, and then glared at Jiang zisu fiercely: "I want you to let them go now."

Jiang zisu nodded very readily: "of course."

"Then go now."

Then mu Zhihuan was about to go outside, but Jiang zisu stopped him before he took two steps: "I said I could put it, but I didn't say I would put it now. When my work is finished, I will put it naturally."

Mu Zhi's heart sank. She knew Jiang zisu wouldn't be so kind.

"How on earth do you want to let them go?"

Jiang zisu hooked his lips: "I didn't say I wouldn't let go, but now the time hasn't come, it's not the time."

Not yet? As soon as mu Zhihuan thought of the two women's festering feet, he couldn't help frowning: "when your time comes, can they still keep their feet? Jiang zisu, it's nothing more than killing!"

Seeing that Jiang zisu didn't waver at all, mu Zhihuan simply took out his sword from the guard's men and put it on his neck: "Jiang zisu, I don't think I'm a good man, but I can't see you bullying other people's two girls like this."

"Do you know what they say when I see them? It's all because of me that they become like this! Why should I help you with such a conscience debt as Jiang zisu? Now I just ask you, man, whether you let it go or not!"

Seeing that the sharp blade was already on mu Zhihuan's neck, Jiang zisu's eyes flashed a touch of movement.

Mu Zhi Huan saw that he was going to move, and immediately stepped back several steps: "you don't want to control me with your poison!"

Seeing that mu Zhihuan was determined to let himself go, Jiang zisu sighed: "I can't let people go, but I can let people give their foot chains."

Mu Zhihuan knew that this was basically Jiang zisu's last compromise. If she still pushed forward, she would only get the opposite effect.

So, with calm eyes, mu Zhihuan finally nodded: "then you go with me now, otherwise why should I believe you?"

"OK, go. Go if you say so."

Jiang zisu gave the strange old man and Dendrobium a look and motioned them to go down first. He came forward and grabbed the sword in her hand while mu Zhihuan relaxed.

"Don't threaten me with this in the future. If I don't promise, you'll die in vain?"

When he said this, his tone was very cold, and Mu Zhi's heart suddenly sank.

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