In that case, what is the performance of Jiang zisu?

Although the heart is beating drums, mu Zhihuan has now been on the 'thief ship' of jiangzisu, and now she can only go where.

All the way into the Forbidden City, and then came to the chaotang without obstruction.

Mu Zhihuan looked at the cold palace and fell to the bottom of the valley. What did Jiang zisu do?

When she got out of the carriage, mu Zhihuan saw that almost all the ministers were imprisoned in the court hall, even Jiang Zimu and Gu Mingxuan.

The chaotang was surrounded by jiangzisu's bodyguards. Seeing that the ministers were angry but had no way, mu Zhihuan knew that jiangzisu had controlled the situation.

She gave Jiang zisu a cold look: "it sounds so good. In the end, you're not going to usurp the throne."

Jiang zisu was not angry: "I just took back what belongs to me."

Mu Zhihuan turned a blind eye in his heart and wanted to take you earlier. Take it before Jiang Zimu succeeded to the throne. Now everyone knows that Jiang Zimu is the emperor and you come to take it. Isn't that usurping the throne?

But thinking so, mu Zhihuan didn't dare to say it. She was really afraid that Jiang zisu would use the medicine that could control her if she was not satisfied.

Although mu Zhihuan quietly took the medicine before coming, who knows whether it is useful to take it in advance.

It would be really miserable if Jiang zisu controlled himself to do something irreparable in front of so many people.

So mu Zhihuan just hummed with unknown meaning, and didn't speak any more.

Take a moment, mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan looked at each other.

Seeing the meaning of appeasement from each other's eyes, mu Zhihuan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Then he looked at Jiang zisu: "is this what you let me see?"

Jiang zisu didn't speak, but took mu Zhihuan's hand and clearly felt mu Zhihuan's refusal. Jiang zisu gently pasted it in her ear and whispered, "if you cooperate with me, I'll consider not killing Gu Mingxuan. Look at their heads."

When Jiang zisu said so, mu Zhihuan noticed that there were rows of arrows on the hanging beam of the hall.

With such a high density, even if Gu Mingxuan has the ability to connect the sky, he will definitely be shot into a hedgehog.

Mu Zhihuan's heart was cold for a moment: "you! What do you want to do?"

It seems that he is very satisfied with mu Zhihuan's panic. Jiang zisu hooks his lips and deliberately turns his eyes to Gu Mingxuan.

Gu Mingxuan's face suddenly turned black like an iron, but Jiang zisu was even more proud.

Later, he simply raised the hand he held with mu Zhihuan. Seeing that Gu Mingxuan was about to start, mu Zhihuan quickly shouted to stop: "don't move!"

Although she didn't tell anyone to stay still, Jiang Zi Su and Mu Zhi Huan Gu Mingxuan were very clear.

Gu Mingxuan's writing hand was tight and tight. Finally, it was pulled down by Zhennan before it was finally stopped.

Seeing that Gu Mingxuan didn't move, mu Zhihuan slightly breathed out: "Jiang zisu, the more you are, the more I disgust you. I will only be licked by a dog."

Jiang zisu was not annoyed: "let's go, my dog. I'll take you to enjoy it in advance. You may enjoy your life later."

With that, Jiang zisu took mu Zhihuan's hand and walked onto the magnificent dragon chair on the high platform.

Jiang zisu glanced at the Dragon chair, then lifted his clothes and sat on it.

The huge dragon chair could not be completely filled only by his thin body, so Jiang zisu directly pulled mu Zhihuan and sat next to him.

His move surprised everyone. For so many years, he has never seen anyone dare to pull a woman to sit on the Dragon chair, let alone the Dragon chair that can fall due to usurpation.

Mu Zhihuan was also startled by his actions. She never thought that Jiang zisu would be so crazy: "is there something wrong with you?"

How could he share this throne with himself? What the hell is this man thinking?

Mu Zhihuan realized at this moment that he, a 21st century man, could not follow Jiang zisu's brain circuit at all.

But Jiang zisu looked very indifferent: "let you sit, you sit."

Then he got up and looked at the ministers under the stage: "I just want to share my dragon chair with Miss mu. Do any of you have anything to say?"

His tone was not so much a question as a question. None of the ministers dared to say half a word more.

Although their hearts are very angry, they all know that they are prisoners under others and understand their situation.

Seeing that no one was talking, Jiang zisu nodded with satisfaction: "in that case, let's start, father-in-law Zhang. Come on, read the edict."

As his voice fell, father-in-law Zhang came up with a yellow scroll in his face.

Then he looked at Jiang zisu very embarrassed, and then at Jiang Zimu under the bleachers.

"This... Lord..."

Before he finished his words, he was suddenly put on his neck by a bodyguard under Jiang zisu. Grandpa Zhang was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground: "I know my mistake. I'll read it out now."

Jiang Zishu just gave him a cold look: "Grandpa Zhang, you should remember your identity and my identity. Now, um, what should you call me?"

Hearing what Jiang zisu said, father-in-law Zhang suddenly realized: "Emperor... Emperor, small ones know their mistakes. Small ones will be read out."

Hearing father-in-law Zhang calling himself so, Jiang zisu nodded with satisfaction: "all right, go on."

After what had just happened, father-in-law Zhang dared not do it again. He directly stood up and opened the scroll to read.

"In heaven's honor, the emperor said: I feel unwell today. After being diagnosed by the imperial doctor, I need more rest and can't be tired. I'm afraid Dawei can't carry forward because of my physical reasons. Therefore, I hereby pass the throne to my brother, Jiang zisu."

"My brother is talented and outstanding. I think he will become a hero for life in the near future. He will be famous all over the world with us."

Mu Zhihuan listens to these shameless compliments and is speechless in her heart. Does Jiang zisu really think of herself as a prodigy?

Why does he think that if he is allowed to lead Dawei, Dawei can go to a higher level?

The ministers under the stage were obviously dissatisfied with the contents of this zhaoshu.

One of the bolder ministers stood up, looked at Jiang zisu and said, "Lord, I admit that you are talented, but if you really want to inherit the throne, are your rules chaotic?"

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