Mu Zhihuan clearly saw how ugly Gu Mingxuan's face was as Jiang zisu's voice fell. He couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat for himself and Jiang zisu in his heart.

Seeing Gu Mingxuan's appearance, he must be in a hurry. I'm afraid he won't have any good fruit to eat after the matter is over.

Jiang zisu really can't leave the palace standing this time.

"Jiang zisu, why can you die with my crown princess? Look at yourself, an outsider who is nothing. Since you dare to do so, I think you are really crazy."

With that, Gu Mingxuan stepped forward and looked coldly at his mu Zhihuan: "I know what you're worried about. The two women detained in jiangzisu's house, I've let people bring them out, and the poison you've been afraid of before. I also have an antidote."

Gu Mingxuan paused: "so what are you waiting for? Don't start yet, are you waiting for me to help you?"

Listening to Gu Mingxuan's rare angry tone, mu Zhihuan took a breath in her heart.

She suddenly turned her fingers and saw a bright silver needle clamped on it. At the moment when everyone didn't respond, she directly stabbed into Jiang zisu's arm.

Almost for a moment, Jiang zisu's arm became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then he saw a layer of sweat on Jiang zisu's face because of pain.

Mu Zhihuan didn't hesitate to step on Jiang zisu's feet through this gap. Jiang zisu subconsciously let her go. Taking the opportunity, mu Zhihuan hurried forward for two steps.

When she had just left the area where Jiang zisu could reach her, she felt a tight waist and immediately fell into a familiar embrace.

Feeling the faint herb smell on Gu Mingxuan, mu Zhihuan relaxed a mouthful of turbidity.

Finally came to Gu Mingxuan.

One side of Jiang zisu covered his hand and couldn't believe looking at mu Zhihuan: "you didn't get my poison. How can this be possible?"

Mu Zhihuan blinked: "you're wrong. I didn't have poison, but I took the antidote in this matter, just resisting your medicine."


Jiang zisu frowned fiercely: "how can you have an antidote?"

Mu Zhihuan didn't speak, because the facts were in front of him. No matter what he said, it was meaningless.

So she just didn't bother to explain.

After gazing at her for a long time, Jiang zisu suddenly reacted: "you and the boy have known each other for a long time. The scene before me was just for acting, so as to hand you these drugs, right?"

Mu Zhihuan didn't expect that he could figure it out so quickly. He touched his nose and nodded: "it's true. In fact, I didn't expect that he could develop an antidote so soon, and I didn't think it would be useful to take it before."

"Ha ha..."

Jiang zisu suddenly laughed in a low voice, which brought some sadness.

"I said why Gu Mingxuan had so much strength but didn't come to save you. It turned out that he knew early in the morning that you didn't need to be rescued. Ah... Mu Zhihuan, you really played a good play."

Mu Zhihuan glanced: "first, I haven't got the antidote for the time you took me away, but thanks to you taking me to your secret base, I can find the two women you took away there."

Jiang zisu's face had already turned pale because of pain. He smiled at mu Zhihuan: "do you want to thank me for letting you see the princess who looks like you?"

Speaking of this, mu Zhihuan had to ask one more question: "I want to ask you, do you know what's going on with the princess? Does her face really have nothing to do with you?"

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang zisu sobbed in pain, but he was also tough and didn't roar out. He just let out a gentle sigh, and then continued: "it seems that you haven't believed what I said at all. I like you, but it doesn't mean I'll find someone to replace you..."

With that, Jiang zisu glanced at himself, who had been surrounded, and a flash of self mockery flashed in his eyes: "Gu Mingxuan, I have a little idea, how did you plan my army, and how did you see that I was a trap? Where is the mechanism?"

Gu Mingxuan looked coldly: "I don't need to rebel at all, but anyone who is an honest general will not help the tyrant after knowing what you have done. It's just human nature, but you don't understand."

"Oh, human nature?"

Jiang zisu heard a funny joke last time: "all feelings are based on interests. If there is no interest, where is human nature?"

Seeing that Jiang zisu was still unwilling to believe it, Gu Mingxuan frowned: "so, your feelings for Zhihuan are also related to interests?"

This is like stabbing his weakness. Jiang Zi Su Leng said, "if I insist on saying something about her, I can understand it, because if she is not with me, I will always feel a little less. I will think of her in everything I do, which will hinder my efficiency."

Mu Zhihuan couldn't help rolling her eyes in her heart when she listened to his declaration.

He said as if he wanted to be liked by him: "Jiang zisu, you are really. I have some poor Yang Qiuyu now. I actually like people like you."

Jiang zisu frowned: "well, you used to be very poor, because you used to like people like me. You didn't prescribe medicine to me and want to marry me."

Mu Zhihuan was choked by his words, and didn't respond to a word.

Or did Gu Mingxuan help her say: "so she stopped at the precipice in time and married me, Jiang zisu. Can you only use her and your previous things as excuses?"

Mu Zhihuan listened to Gu Mingxuan's words and couldn't help but praise him in her heart.

He is worthy of his own man. Look at his eloquence. He is not inferior to himself at all.

Jiang zisu was stunned and then laughed at himself: "Did I go there long ago? Zhihuan... In fact, I doubted whether you were mu Zhihuan before, because the gap between you two was too big. Later, I met the princess and knew that there would be two people who look so similar in the world. I was even more skeptical. If so, I would have no regret to lose to you."

Mu Zhihuan was shocked by his words. Jiang zisu didn't find anything, did he?

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