Ruyan was stunned. Although she had already guessed that this would be the case through Moyi's action, after all, she always thought that mu Zhihuan might find someone to play in order to annoy Gu Rongyi.

The reason why she didn't expose it and even helped Moyi inside was that she also wanted to see Gu Rongyi's expression when she knew she really wanted to be with others.

But she didn't expect that Gu Rongyi would become so rude and incomprehensible.

It is true that Gu Rongyi is not a good man, but he is definitely not a scoundrel who will attack people indiscriminately. But this time, Gu Rongyi feels like a rabbit forced to bite whoever he sees, and his words are ugly. To tell the truth, if smoke is not a disappointment.

But there was a kind of, maybe this time she could really put down Gu Rongyi's illusion, but she didn't expect that Mo Yi would come out like this.

Looking at Mo Yi's eyes, Ruyan was a little flustered. She couldn't even tell the true and false ingredients in Mo Yi's words.

Of course, she didn't like Moyi immediately because of such a few small things, but she can really feel that Moyi is a reliable friend from these things. Therefore, if Moyi is true, she will refuse, but Moyi is just to stimulate Gu Rongyi, so she also took this opportunity to completely end herself and Gu Rongyi.

So Ruyan was a little tangled for a time. He didn't know what to do. He could only subconsciously look at mu Zhihuan.

Mu Zhihuan received Ruyan's signal. She stepped forward, held Ruyan's shoulder and looked at Gu Rongyi with dark eyes: "Gu Rongyi, I think you're a little too much this time. You don't like Ruyan originally. How about letting Ruyan make a choice this time?"

Said, mu Zhihuan looked at Mo Yi: "if she really chose Mo Yi, then I hope you don't disturb Princess Ruyan's life again. As for Ningguo and the emperor, Gu Mingxuan knows how to deal with it. It's not your turn to worry."

Then, mu Zhihuan looked at Ruyan again: "but if Ruyan has other choices, I believe Moyi is a good gentleman, and he will not hinder Princess Ruyan like you."

Mu Zhihuan said so, and Ruyan understood the meaning of her words, so Ruyan took a deep breath, looked at Gu Rongyi and said softly, "eighth prince, please come back. Zhihuan and I and Moyi are looking down here. I feel that this is not the place you should stay."

Gu Rongyi was still in chaos. When he heard Ruyan say this, he was stunned. He even forgot to breathe. He just looked at Ruyan with his arrogant eyes: "what did you say... Did you choose ink clothes?"

It was the first time for Ruyan to see Gu Rongyi's injured expression. Her heart hurt, but she still clenched her teeth and said, "it's not that I chose ink clothes, and I didn't mean to choose the eighth prince. I know that the eighth Prince has always regarded me as a thorn in the eye. This time I completely left you. Maybe it's a good ending for you and me."

In Gu Rongyi's mind at the moment, there was only the sentence "I didn't choose the eighth Prince". It was like an invisible needle, which stabbed Gu Rongyi's heart. It made him feel painful, but he couldn't find out where it was.

"You... Really don't want to see me?"

Gu Rongyi's voice was a little hoarse, like smoke. He was sad to hear. He said, "don't the eighth prince always don't want to see me? We've been entangled for so long, Gu Rongyi... It's time to end it. Bye..."

With that, Ruyan covered his mouth with his hand and turned around: "it seems that the eighth Prince doesn't want to go for the time being. Zhihuan, let's go."

With that, Ruyan took the lead and walked towards the door of the tavern.

Gu Rongyi covered his chest and looked at the back of the door like smoke leaving. His heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley.

I don't know why. He has a feeling that if he really let Ruyan out of the door of the tavern this time, there may be no room for redemption.

Gu Rongyi's mind was in a mess at the moment. For a moment, it was like smoke laughing, for a moment, it was like smoke red eyes. Finally, it was fixed in the moment when Ruyan was holding his ink coat hand. How dazzling those hands were at that moment, so that Gu Rongyi was stuffy in his chest and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Gu Rongyi didn't take care of the rust smell in his mouth at all. He suddenly burst up and stepped behind Ruyan in three or two steps. Then he grabbed Ruyan's arm and put her in his arms: "don't you go!"

Ruyan was startled by his sudden move and ushered in a very domineering hug before he reacted.

Frightened by Gu Rongyi's sudden action, he waved his smoke like hand. When he didn't know what to do, he heard Gu Rongyi's stuffy voice coming from his ear: "I brought you to the capital. Even if you want to marry, you can only marry me!"

Hearing that Gu Rongyi finally said this sentence, mu Zhihuan and Mo Yi looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Ruyan was still out of the situation: "what do you... Say? I came by myself. I came to make peace with anyone. Isn't that what you said?"

Gu Rongyi was like a child playing helplessly at the moment: "then make peace with me. I am the prince, and there is no woman in the family. When you come, you will be the princess directly, which is better than marrying the merchant."

Ruyan frowned when she heard Gu Rongyi's words. She couldn't help but use her strength to push Gu Rongyi away, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push Gu Rongyi away.

Finally, Ruyan could only sigh helplessly: "I got married with Moyi because we have feelings, and we have no feelings with you, even if you are the prince, so what?"

When Gu Rongyi heard this, he suddenly opened the distance between them, and then stared at Ruyan with his red and frightening eyes: "you said you liked me."

Ruyan was still a little angry, but looking at Gu Rongyi's Crimson eyes, there was no anger for a moment. She had never seen this man so fragile.

At the thought of all this because of myself, I don't know why, there is an uncontrollable impulse to raise at the corners of my mouth.

However, she coughed a little, calmed her expression, and said in a deep voice, "have you forgotten what I just said? I don't want to like you. Gu Rongyi, I'm really tired. I'm just a woman. Although I'm a princess, I just want to find someone I like and like me. You don't like me. Why should I marry you?"

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