Star saliva city.

In the city Lord's palace, the old man from the tomb opened his eyes.

All of a sudden, his face became very ugly. His figure flashed and disappeared in the same place.

Once again, it has come to the middle of the city, overlooking the blue gas below.

When I see a person in the blue gas, his face is full of missing, and I don't know who I miss. It's like walking dead.

The old man's face sank. He didn't expect that he had been closed for so long that he was actually controlled by one third of the city's population.

And then he found the culprit.

Siwang also tried to send out the green fog of missing, his face was very happy.

The old man of the tomb looks cold. With a wave of his hand, he hits Siwang with an invisible force.

Thinking of Wang's face a meal, and then the heart moved.

I saw a dozen strong men in the heaven's way in front of him and blocked him in front of him.

"Boom, boom..."

The invisible force hit them instantly, and the body exploded instantly.

The blood and flesh splashed, which made the old man's face black and dripping water, and his body flew to Siwang.

Naturally, Siwang knew that he was not his opponent, so he gave an order and ran away.

The blue light flashed in the eyes of the people controlled by Siwang, and then they stepped up and ran to the gate of the city.

For a while, the city gate staged a big escape, a pile of people rushed to the gate.

The number of one-third of the people in a city in the universe is more than one million, so there are so many people, a sea of people rushing to the gate of the city, and suddenly several streets nearby are filled.

The old man stopped after a meal.

If Siwang takes these people away, the strength of xingsaliva city will be greatly reduced. Although he does not know what kind of power Siwang is, he can control so many people, which is obviously very powerful.

Then the light on him soared, and the aura of terror condensed the aura of heaven and earth, and Jackie Chan surrounded him. Then he formed a huge hand to cover the sky in front of him, pressing down on the sea of people who wanted to leave the city.


All of a sudden, that large area of people were instantly kneeling down, the scene is very spectacular.

But these people's eyes in the blue light crazy flash, some began to become ferocious.


Some people face ferocious, roaring struggle, blue veins burst, body slowly swollen.

"Boom, boom..."

One after another, a terrible energy burst from the sea of people.

Yes, these people blew themselves up. The people around them were torn and turned into foam.

And the huge hand that suppressed them was directly burst by huge energy.

Without the suppression of the hand covering the sky, these people quickly ran to the city gate.

"Damn it!"

The old man of the tomb roared. Now he can't suppress it. He didn't expect that they were controlled so thoroughly.

If you can't control it, you have to kill it.

I saw the old man's terror rising from the sky, and the power of laws condensed in his hands and patted down.


He didn't care about the streets of the city. They were all exploded directly. The people who were running were patted into flesh foam, and even the yuan God didn't escape.

This palm directly killed thousands of people, but it did not stop. The tomb old man clapped it out with one hand, leaving no hands.

Siwang, who has escaped into a space, looks at this scene with a smile on his face. He can see the perspective of the controlled person and naturally see the face of the ancient tomb man.

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