
The two golden lights are directly connected with the giant claws of the foreign beast guarding the city. The space pauses for a while, and then the powerful wave sweeps around, and the space collapses directly.

Because of this wave, the city wall was overturned directly, and the huge wall fell on the ground, shaking the ground and filling with dust.

The giant claws of the warlord beast were beaten to pieces and almost scattered.


In the wind, there are gold knives all over the place. Cracks appear in the air. From a distance, it looks like a huge black dragon biting away at longri.

Long Ritian's face was flat, and a golden light rushed out of his chest. The ancient halberd flew out and fell into his hands with the breath of antiquity.

"Try your power."

Longitian said in a low voice.

Then the ancient halberd made a fierce challenge to the golden blade storm.

The space ahead is split directly, and the golden blade storm is also split. The golden blade falls to both sides and lands on the ground.

"Boom, boom..."

The soil on the ground is directly weakened layer by layer, and huge pits appear on the ground.

For a while, the ten thousand meters of land around longitian became a huge pit with no bottom. Only the soil at the foot of longritan was still there, forming a mud column and standing in the abyss.

Then long RI Tian's body moved and appeared in front of the city guarding beast. The ancient halberd was shocked and stabbed at its head like a dragon at sea.

A huge and mysterious blood shield appeared in front of his head to meet the ancient halberd.


When the two meet, the space is torn apart again, and the waves of terror sweep around.

The blood shield engraved with mysterious runes made a "click" sound under the halberd tip, and cracks appeared one after another.


It's not two seconds. It's broken.


Because of the blood shield, it gave the defending beast a little time to avoid the key.


The ancient halberd was directly inserted into its left body, and then exploded. The terrifying energy overflowed, and the body of a strange beast guarding the city was illusory.


A look of fear flashed in the eyes of the strange beast guarding the city and roared.

At this time, a blood crystal light column rushed up in the middle of the city, and then a roar came from all directions, which changed the color of heaven and earth.

In the sky, the blood clouds were thick, and the blood colored thunder snakes flickered. The space was filled with a frightening breath, as if the end of the world was coming.

Immediately after that, the blood light of the warlord who was fighting with longritian soared, and his body became a blood crystal, and then turned into a light to rush to the middle.

On the walls of the other three sides, there are also three blood rays rushing to the blood crystal column in the middle.


With the four blood light into the blood crystal column, a breath of antiquity diffuses from the blood crystal column, which makes the long sun in the distance look at the blood crystal column with dignity.

Then the blood crystal column began to change, a blood crystal like claw appeared, then two, then the head.

The head of this creature is like a dragon head, but it is more majestic than a dragon. Its face is covered with thick crystal armor. Its teeth are longer than a person. Its eyes as big as lanterns seem to see through the world.

As the blood crystal monster slowly appeared, the blood colored thunder cloud in the air was rolling fiercely. A hundred meter thick Thunder Dragon fell down and hit the blood Crystal Beast.

However, the dragon, which was used to destroy the world, fell on the blood Crystal Beast, but there was no trace, and instead, it was absorbed by energy.

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