Hearing long RI Tian's words, everyone was shocked, even the tomb old man was no exception.


Asked the old man, who couldn't believe it.

"What do you say?" Long day adds light to say.

Indeed, with the strength of long RI Tian, there is no need to deceive ourselves.

For a while, the tomb old man seems to be reborn. In ten years, it is enough for him to recover his strength. Then he goes to the small world to hide. Who can find him.

As long as he leaves longritian's sight, he is equivalent to a fish into the sea. Keep his word? Don't say smile. If you can't take this blow, it's over? He didn't want to play with his own life.

And he never said that he was a good man himself.

"Well, I promise you."

The old man of the tomb seems to be glowing.


Long day adds a light look at him, then turn around.

Pangu also took a look at the old man.

Pangu didn't expect that the old man had injured his second brother and saved him.

At the thought that he had saved him, Pangu was angry. If he had not been seriously injured now, he would have killed this guy on the spot.

A regretful look, and then turn around to follow up.

They all flew to the city of light.

"Tomb old man, let's go first."

Said the old man, with the inscriptions of gods and gods, and heaven and Ji in succession.

The old man nodded, but he knew everything in his heart. They were afraid that he might offend long RI Tian, so they kept away from him.

Although they had nothing to do with each other, they had fought together, and now it's just like this because of the appearance of ronjitian.

However, the old tomb man is very disdainful. He has lived alone for so many years. In the past, it can be done in the future, so he can stay away from it.

Anyway, when he recovered, he left the heavens.

On the land more than 100000 miles away from the holy light city, dense road beasts lie on the ground to cultivate themselves.

Although tens of millions of animals were lost in the war, it was not as painful as it was.

Among these Taoist beasts, "ten" also lies on the ground, but its body has become smaller.

It has a huge scar on its head that is slowly healing, but it's not as fast as others, so it's healing very slowly.

In front of the ten, Xie Zhutian sits on the ground, his face very gloomy.

He didn't expect that he would fail and be beaten back. Although the loss is not great, it is a matter of face.

"It seems that I underestimate them. They are capable of competing with ten."

Evil Zhu Tian narrowed his eyes, and the light in his eyes flickered.

Although Pangu is not the opponent of the "ten", he has help. This is the main thing.

"Next time, put the battlefield in the city of light and annihilate you."

Evil Zhutian finish saying, the body was a red light package, disappeared in place.

Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye.

Under the ruins of starsaliva City, there is a huge cave, which has a series of terrible energy fluctuations.

In the cave, in the dark energy, a figure opened his eyes, and those energies suddenly shrank and were absorbed.

"Finally recovered."

There was a smile on the old man's face.

The injuries are basically all over the body, and it's only a little bit from the peak.

But he was not ready to practice again, but ready to run.

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