"Snow, what's the matter?"

Long RI Tian asked in doubt.

"Ritan, big brother Pangu, he He's gone to lust, and The twelve lust kings will soon be killed by him. "

Snow face worried said, eyes raised a water ripple.

When long RI Tian heard this, his eyes suddenly turned gray, and then he found the causal line of Pangu and looked in the past.

Only to see the twelve lust king has all blood, lying on the ground.

In front of him is Pangu, who has raised his axe.

"Brother Pangu, stop it!"

Long RI Tian's voice goes straight to Pangu's mind through the causal line.

"Second brother, don't stop me!"

Pangu answered in a deep voice. With the intention of killing, Pangu axe cut through the space and fell.

Long RI Tian flashed a light in his eyes, then his body flashed and disappeared in place.

When Pangu's axe was about to fall on the lust king, long RI Tian suddenly appeared under the axe and pressed his hand on it.


Pangu axe and his hand meet, the terrible air wave swept around, the space is silent.

Twelve lust King face can't believe, they are saved!

And they were saved by those whom they feared.

At the same time, they were relieved that they didn't have to die.

"Second brother, why?"

Pangu looked at longri and said in anger.

"You can't kill them!" Long day Tim raised his head, gray eyes light looking at Pangu said.

And his hands, drops of blood.

But the next second, a flash of light, dripping blood fly back, back to the hand, the wound also disappeared, as if never injured.

"In that case, let's have a fight. If I win, don't stop me."

Pangu said angrily.


Long RI Tian nodded, and then said to the lust king without looking back, "go away, too."

The twelve lust kings looked at each other, did not make a sound, only stood up in silence, and then went far away.

All of a sudden, a light flashed behind long RI Tian, and snow appeared behind him.

"Snow, you go to their place and wait."

Long RI Tian turned his head and whispered to Xuexue, touching her head.


Xuexue took a look at the lust king, and then looked at him. She nodded.

And then she went to them.

The lust king looked at her, and suddenly, it was because of this little girl that they were able to survive.

It's also because they feel lucky to have such a girl.

The Nu king had already considered whether he would vigorously develop women in the clan, and then use girls to infiltrate into the inner world of heaven. As long as he married and had children with local residents, he would have accepted the lust clan.

At the thought of this, the smiles on their faces rose.

Pangu and longri Tian stood opposite each other, their clothes moved without wind, and mysterious breath surrounded them.

"Second brother, take out your weapon!"

Pangu holds Pangu axe, his body has returned to normal size, looking at the long sun add heavy voice said.

"Brother Pangu, you can't take a move as soon as I'm armed."

Ronjitian said, shaking his head slightly.

"Take out your best strength and fight me!" Pangu said in a deep voice. With a blow of his axe, the mountain below collapsed instantly.

After hearing this, long Jitian sighed. He didn't want to face each other, but Pangu had to kill them. There was no way.

As soon as he touched his chest, ripples rose on his chest, and a simple halberd appeared slowly.

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