"Wow, brother, there are two more flavors of fructose."

They came to a stall where they sold something like ice sugar gourd, but it had only one fruit. There were different kinds of fruit in it. Long Jitian had never seen it.

"This is only available today. Honey fruit and iced fruit. Would you like to buy one?"

The boss is a middle-aged man. He looks simple and honest.

"Well, how much is it?"

"Old price."

"Here, three yuan."

Gu Yu counted out three yuan coins from the small bag and handed them over.

"Well, you can choose what you want." The boss took the money and said with a smile.

Gu Yu bit the jade finger, and then chose two honey fruit and one ice fruit.

"Brother, brother long, here you are."

Gu Yu handed them two honey fruits.

Honey fruit is bigger, ice fruit is smaller, only baby's fist is big.

Ronjitian took over.

Seeing him take it, Gu Yu laughed and then hopped past the front.

Gu Shi took the honey fructose and ate it directly, but long RI Tian didn't eat it, so he took it all the time.

After a while, both of them finished eating.

Gu Yu also looked like he wanted to eat, looking at the bamboo stick that was licked clean.

"Here you are."

All of a sudden, a honey fructose came to her eyes.

Gu Yu lifted up and saw long RI Tian smiling at her. She didn't eat any honey fructose.

"Brother long, why don't you eat it?"

"I don't like sweets. Please help me."

Long RI Tian said softly.

Gu Yu looked at his deep and mysterious eyes, but his face was red.

"Thank you."

Gu Yu whispered and picked up the honey fructose.

She rose suddenly and stood on tiptoe with a red face.

"Trojan horse..."

Wet pink lipstick in long day Tim's side face, then walk in front.

Seeing this, Gu Shi couldn't help scratching his head and giggling.

Long RI Tian touched the mark on his face. It should be Gu Yu who didn't clean it when eating sugar.

He smiles and shakes his head.

He has been living for tens of thousands of years of the old monster, the feelings are no longer cold.


Suddenly, the sound of ancient rain came from the front.

They quickly looked at it and saw that the ancient rain had fallen to the ground. In front of her was a thin middle-aged man, but her eyes were full of strange light. After the middle-aged man, there were more than a dozen people, all fierce people.

The ancient stone quickly rushed up and lifted up the ancient rain.

"Are you all right, sister?"

Gu Shi looked at her nervously.

"It's OK, brother."

Gu Yu said in a low voice, and then looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, hiding behind the ancient stone slightly.

"Your sister bumped into me and soiled my clothes."

Thin middle-aged man looked at the ancient rain, eyes shine, and then pointed to the clothes cold voice said.

"I'm sorry." Gu Shi bowed his head and apologized.

"I don't want to say that, let your sister and I for two days, it's all over, how about it?"

Thin middle-aged man mouth a hook, said with a sneer.

"No way."

The ancient stone immediately raised its head in a loud voice.

"Impossible? It's not up to you. "

Thin middle-aged people smile coldly and wave their hands.

"Dada, dada!"

All the big men behind him rushed up and surrounded the ancient stones and rain. They were full of evil spirit.

Pedestrians around were scared off.

"You Do you want to die? "

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind them.

They have to look behind, see long day Tian light look at them, eyes full of endless majesty, a special momentum from his body.

In the eyes of these people, it seems that there is a God, and the power of God is covering them.

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