"Who sent you?"

Long day adds light to ask a way.

But the big man in the tree did not make a sound. He did not even breathe. His eyes did not dare to look at him directly. He could only look at him with the rest of his light.

Because some people's feelings are very accurate. If someone looks at them directly, they will be found directly.

There was a cold sweat on the big man's head, but he still did not dare to move.

Long RI Tian saw that he was still hiding, not from a wave of his hand, a strong momentum to hit.


The big man was blown out and fell down a big tree.

Hurt slightly, the big man looked at long RI Tian in panic: "how did you find me?"

"Who sent you?"

Long day Tim did not move, eyes did not look at him, light said.

A faint momentum came from him and shrouded the man in an instant.

Han's face suddenly changed, and his eyes became more frightened.

"I We hungry wolf gang will be here soon. You'd better be sensible. "

Although the big man was frightened, he did not forget to say some threatening words.


Suddenly, the big man's eyes suddenly opened, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and then with a trace of regret in his eyes, he fell behind him.

"Hungry wolf gang."

Long Ritian murmured, and he probably guessed who it was.

Then he went to the mountain village.

He has gone a long way now. Maybe now the hungry wolf gang has arrived in the mountain village.


Three kilometers away from the mountain village, a group of ferocious men with machetes in their hands walked in the direction of the mountain village.

Half an hour later.

"It's a nice place, but it's going to be hell soon."

The group of big men stopped and the middle-aged man with a ferocious smile said.

"Kill me!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand.

Then the big men rushed up.

"Well, what do you do?"

Some villagers yelled and came up to them.


Saw a knife flash, a villager was immediately cut in two, blood spatter.



Other villagers screamed and fled to the back.

Some people in the room put out their heads one after another. When they saw these ferocious men and corpses on the ground, they couldn't help but shrink their heads back in horror, then closed the door and blocked them tightly with something.

"Ha ha ha."

These big men are grinning and catching up with the villagers. They chop them up with a knife, and their blood flies everywhere, splashing on their faces, making them ferocious.

For a time, the mountain village howled all over the sky, a sound of tragic ah, with the cry of the child and stopped.

The old stone is in the innermost part of the house, so it has not been killed here.

Gu Yu at the door to listen to the familiar scream, the body can not help a little shaking.

Gu Shi is still absorbing the information of Baibing code. She is not awake, so she is the only one.

She did not dare to go out. With her strength in ten realms, she was not as strong as some old women.

Long RI Tian's Fairy formula has not been practiced, so her strength is very weak.

Ten minutes later, there was no more screaming in the village, and the sound of footsteps sounded outside her house.

"That's the last place."

Outside came a rough sound, let the ancient rain shiver.

"I smell the fragrance, the fragrance of beauty."

A big man outside sniffed fiercely, his eyes suddenly brightened, showing a lustrous light.

The sound made Gu Yu more afraid, especially a smell of blood pouring into her nose.

"Brother long, come back soon..."

Gu Yu's eyes were filled with fear and tears.

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