At the beginning of the Cang Kingdom, the place abandoned by heaven is in the south, occupying only a small place in the south.

Yushenzong and Tianhe Zong are also in the south, which is only a thousand kilometers away from the abandoned land.

There is a huge city just a few hundred kilometers away from yushenzong and TIANYAO Zong.

This huge city is called Yutian city.

Yutian city is very big. There are millions of people living in it. The powerful friars don't know the geometry.

In the south of Yutian City, there is a dark palace.

"There's a mission up there."

A cold voice sounded in the palace.

"It's up to you, black power."

"Well, I see."

A faint voice sounded.

Then the palace fell silent.

In a tower named big black sky, a shadow appeared.

These people are all wearing masks, wearing strange clothes, but no one can recognize them.

In the hall, on the high seat was a man in black, wearing a ghost face.

"The place where the master of the jade God sect is going is to find the place of inheritance. Please bid."

Black Power said quietly, the voice passed into the ears of the people below.

"Five inferior channels."

"It's a middle level pulse."

"Two middle-class channels."

"Two middle and one inferior channels."


"Any more offers?" Black power light vast flickering eyes swept them, light said.


Suddenly, a figure in a dream cloak opened his mouth and his hoarse voice came out.

"What do you want to say?" Black power light said.

"Since it's the news of the inheritance of the jade God sect, we can't eat it alone. I believe all the major sects can't eat it alone. So we'd better divide it equally and inherit according to our own abilities."

The man continued.

After he said that, others nodded in succession to show their approval.

"Good, then divide equally, one force, one middle level channel."

The black power looked at these ten forces and said faintly.

He only wants money, and nothing else has to do with him.


Immediately someone made a statement.

Although this will add up to twice as much as the previous one, the forces that did not have the opportunity now have the opportunity. If they get a heritage, a medium level channel will be worth it.


Others nodded.

"Well, well, you know the rules." Black power nodded.

As soon as other hands turn, a vein like a jade dragon appears. It is flying slowly, and there is a terrible energy in it.

Then Dao Mai flew to Heiquan.

With a wave of his hand, the black power collected more than a dozen channels, and with a wave of his hand, jade slips appeared one by one and flew to them.

They caught the jade slips, opened them and projected them directly into the air.

"It's a heaven forsaken place!"

They were surprised.

"It's funny that the place of inheritance of the large gate thousands of years ago is actually the place abandoned by heaven."

"Ha ha ha, everybody, I'll leave first."

"I'm leaving, too."

Then a man left the big black sky and disappeared everywhere.

The black power disappeared.

For a time, the great forces in the South were all in a commotion, and one spirit boat flew to the abandoned land.

In the Tianhe sect.

"This inheritance, I don't know how many people are going to die. My tianjuzong is safe again."

The Lord of Tianhe sect said faintly.

"Suzerain, with our strength, as long as we make a move, this inheritance is absolutely ours. Why should we give it to them?"

Said a middle-aged man, frowning.

"Insects are patient, so they won't be eaten by birds. Birds can tolerate and eat any kind of insects. Do you understand this?"

The Lord of Tianhe sect said faintly.

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