On the jade coast.

Two figures standing on the bank, looking at the vast jade sea.

"I can't imagine anyone else can cross the jade sea."

Yu saliva frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Is there anything in the jade sea?" Qingbei asked coldly.

"According to the records, there are Jade Road King beasts cultivated by our jade God sect in the jade sea. I wonder if they have not awakened."

Jade saliva deep voice said, and then walked forward, hand out a seal Jue to fly over the jade sea, emitting a strong and mysterious breath.

These seals turned into an animal seal over the jade sea, and the sea water slowly flew up and rotated around the seal.

The jade sea under the seal of the beast began to boil, and the Milky sea water seemed to be boiling, constantly beating.

Then the sea slowly rises under the seal of the beast.


The sea water burst open, a big mouth of jade color burst out, with a strong momentum to hit the animal seal.


The seal was directly printed on the mouth of the giant beast and disappeared.


The beast roared into the sky, and the sound waves swept around. The terrible momentum formed a cyclone and rolled the sea water.

Jade saliva and clear bud slowly retreat, quietly looking at the giant beast.

After a while, the beast stopped, and the huge black pupil looked at them.

This giant beast is not much with the Mo Mou lion, but it is a python lion head. The bareheaded head is 10 meters in size. The exposed body is 20 meters long, and there is a section in the jade sea.

"The king beast of jade road at the top of the three realms, my jade God clan has another card."

Jade saliva mouth corner slightly raises, says with a smile.

"But the strength of the three realms is not enough to make yushenzong return to its peak."

Qingbei shook her head and said in a cold voice.

"Kill the people who have broken into the jade God's secret place. After mastering the jade God's secret place again, sooner or later, the jade God sect will return to its peak. Let's go."

Then they both flew to the Jade Road King beast.

Jade Road King beast did not attack them, let them stand on the head, and then turn around to swim forward.

What they don't know is that a large number of clan strong men have come behind them, not just a few people in front of them.

Jade Road King beast carrying them across the sea, soon came to the jade palace.


Qingbei's sharp eyes coagulate, looking at Ai Qiu sitting on the ground.

"It should be the person who finds the jade God's secret state. Six realms are not to worry about."

Jade saliva shakes his head, body move, fly to the shore.

Qingbei tiptoe a little, the body light fell on the shore.

When she comes to AI Qiu, she lights up a jade light on her hand. She wants to shoot AI Qiu, but she is stopped by Yu saliva.

Qingbei frowned and looked at the patriarch.

"Those who can accept the inheritance have good talent, and it is also good to let him work for the jade God sect."

Jade saliva light says.

After listening to his words, Qingbei's hand slowly put down.

In the past, every leader of the jade God sect had reached the peak of the two realms. Naturally, their inheritance was to select disciples, and they would not give it to a person without talent.

So AI Qiu still has talent.

Their yushenzong now wants to return to the peak. It is impossible for them to rely on their strong fighting power alone. Only by having a steady stream of elite disciples, can their jade Shenzong last for a long time.

Then Yu saliva came to AI Qiu's back and put his hand on his back.

But because it does not disturb his acceptance of inheritance, it directly separates his perception below his neck, and a jade bead appears in his hand.

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