The dark red space is like the birthplace of demons.

At this time, longitian and their blood rose in front of the huge abyss.

Long Ritian's face was flat and stepped on the floating stone in front of him.

The stone shook, but did not let him fall.

"Be careful."

Long RI Tian told the three people behind him.

"Mm-hmm." They nodded, tensed up and stepped on a dark red boulder.

Then they went step by step to the opposite bank.

The opposite bank is 100 meters away and very wide. If people with acrophobia come, they may be scared to lie down on the ground and dare not move.

As they walked cautiously, the blood gas rising from below fell on their skin, a little bitter, but nothing happened, and they didn't care.

In the middle of the journey, all of a sudden, there was more blood floating up. A heat wave came from below and covered them like a steamer.

The ancient stone and the ancient rain are the lowest, and they feel extremely hot. They sweat and wet their clothes.

"Be careful!"

Long Ritian suddenly shouts and hits with one punch.

"Hum..." A giant fist of mana hits the abyss below.

"Roar..." There was a roar from below, and you could hear the pain of the creature below.

At the next moment, a huge dark red shadow rushed out from the lower part of their right hand. Two huge blazing eyes looked at long Ritian, and their eyes were full of evil spirits.

It is about 100 meters long. It looks like a dragon, but it has six legs. The claws on the legs are sharp blades with black light. The back has six blood wings. Its head is like a blood lion. Its teeth are like serrated teeth. It is full of terrible and ferocious spirit.

Long RI Tian's eyes narrowed, a little dignified.

The strength of this strange dragon has reached the great road. With his current strength, if he is photographed, he may be directly photographed into the abyss.

It doesn't matter. It's mainly the three people behind him who are attacked. They may die directly.

Then he took out a jade bead dug from the jade puppet guard and absorbed it crazily.


Although the dark ghost lion dragon didn't know what he was doing, he also knew that long RI Tian was the most dangerous to himself. After a roar, he bit longri Tian.

Long RI Tian's other hand and a magic force hit the three behind, forming a round defense barrier.

Then he rushed to the dark ghost lion dragon.


The dark Ghost Lion and dragon directly hit longri Tian, but did not bite him. Then he took longri Tian and rushed to the abyss below.

"Elder brother long..."

He Ji's three people screamed with panic in their eyes.

The shadow of the lion and the dragon is gone.

"We What to do? " Gu Yu bit his teeth and asked nervously.

"I'm sure the long brothers will be OK. Let's wait for him."

Said the stone.

"Mm-hmm." Gu Yu nodded.

"Let's go over and wait on the opposite bank. Master long will give us this defense barrier. This barrier must not be broken by the Warcraft, so I believe master long will be fine."

He Ji thought for a moment and said.

"Mm-hmm, that's right."

The two brothers and sisters also nodded.

Then the three men went to the opposite side. Because of the mana barrier of longitin, everything was isolated from the outside, so they had no pressure.

At the bottom of the abyss, there is a new world. Below is the dark red river, which is full of blazing light. There are also dark red withered plants and a bloody butterfly flying.

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